This is exceedingly simple, gentlemen.
So, don't!
It's like trying to cash out ¥ for £ or € or $
Why? I got the funds "with" Mr. X
If Mr. X, in this case, isn't trying to rob me (or hasn't yet)
- Why would I willingly disclose this to Mr. PS, Mr. E, and Mr. D.,
- who are ALL known to be thieves (history does NOT lie) funneling my funds to their criminal friends on Wall Street so they can get a portion of it back in direct political donations and some to their useless and unproductive family members?

Assume Mr. X does rob me (in the future)....OK... I now have only ONE target... Mr. X.
If I have a birthday party and I only invite Mr. X. and a piece of my cake is missing, I KNOW who took it/ate it. Like WTF???!!!
With several people at the party, I am f*cked. It becomes a crime scene, and they WILL gang up on me to try to take what they have NEVER worked for. It's human nature. Birds of a feather flock together!
For example, having my funds safely secured in Mr. X's land, why would I now go to Mr. PS, Mr. E, and Mr. D and give them millions of reasons to target me?

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If anyone is insinuating CRS, AEOI, and all the other BS.... Well, this "info" is going (if they are sending it, and THAT is a BIG "if") to a tiny apartment in a tiny country with NO personal income tax! Zero!
Those who refuse to pay a few hundred a month in rental fees...well, they deserve the SAME fate as the husbands who have "bysides"

but speak to her on the SAME phone as they speak to their wives and family. Get yourself a burner, and do NOT bring it home or anywhere your wife can get to or has knowledge of. #Amateurs!
The following Sparrow Story should inspire you all to keep quiet!
PS. I have other STUP1D stories of things people do with their
Stablecoins and "USDT debit cards"...but we'll leave that for another time.