Clear is a topic too difficult for one like you, I would bet you are also vaccinated with the magic and savior serum.
It is not about a smarter shadow government, it is about the only one "Master of Puppets" (subtitle for you - not metallic heavy metal band), unlimited funds at their disposal running all important global institutions in the world with the purpose of aiming to implement a globalist agenda of total control. Another film scenario detached from reality is that the first two world wars were created in order for this shadow gov to be able to create a reality in which it is necessary to set up those global institutions, for people to accept the need of them, to be blinded by the necessity of their existence, everything has only one purpose: unlimited money and masses control.
Did you heard of wef

, read about what they discuss at their meetings and their plans, what about the Bildenberg group? Stories and movie script for sure, don't forget about Popcorn and Coca Cola!
It is not a theory of conspiracy, it is a conspiracy in the true sense of the word!
I bet you also don't know or accept that 9/11 was a domestic job in order to have the reason to use the terorism pretext to be able to implement global control, including the topics discussed on this forum related to
KYC/AML these protocols exist today because of what happened in 2001, a false flag action.
If you want an interesting movie watch Aaron Russo interview, I saw him in 2004, I bet you didn't saw it.
So if an influential man says he knows him in an interview you take the information as valid, interesting what I can say more

Don't forget about Booster, the government said that it is safe and efficient !!!
So if an influential man says he knows him in an interview you take the information as valid, interesting what I can say more

Don't forget about Booster, the government said that it is safe and efficient !!!
The same governments that make sure that the population eats healthily, guaranteeing the existence of food on the store shelf with dozens of chemicals, I bet that when you buy food, you don't even read what you eat.
Likewise, I bet that all
crypto you buy is purchased with a credit/
debit card or that you use platforms after complying with kyc protocols.
Forgetting at the same time that the existential philosophy of crypto is to break yourself from the governmental yoke.
Am I wrong?