In Romania,
if you are in their system even if you do not work, the tax agent will estimate how much you earned and try to bill you ... yeah ... sometimes you work, but you don't want to force yourself (taxi driver, etc.) and they will compare your income to others who work full time, and tax your accordingly .
It often happens that someone worked as a taxi driver, then he quit his job, immediately the following year the state calculated how much tax he had to pay. even if he is not working ... . If you go to close a Sole Propeship or LLC, the state will ask you why, how much money will you live on... and if you plan to steal the state and that's why you want to work without a company...
they are also well know to like to come back 5 years later in accounting, and tell you that you don't have to renovate your store because it's rented and it was the job of someone else, or to say that you also use the company car personally and that you should to deduct only 50%. change a window? why didn't you make 50/50 with the one you rented the building from.
then we have our girls caught for earning a certain amount of money from adult video chat. If a girl did it only once in her life... like 3 years ago The state will "estimate" them how much they earned 4 years ago, and 5 years ago, and 1.2 years ago ... even if they did video chat only 3 years ago.
Do you have a
bank account elsewhere, like in the UK where you work to change windows?, you will be harassed in Romania, they will call you like crazy to lie to you to alert the bank there that you have made income that you have not paid. They will ask you for bank account statements. The most stupid thing you can do as a Romanian is to open a bank account with the Romanian certificate when you go to Italy, UK, etc., you have to get a resident card and open it there.
all this time others steal from the state without problems. the vast majority of
millionaires in Romania did business with the state. they bought a $1000 a piece of land on which a highway was to be built, and the state compensated them with 20 million euros for that land. forests, parks were stolen, with false documents of retrocession. it was said that in the 1800s the land belonged to a nobleman X, and Y's successor sold you the debt rights. obviously, the followers had no idea about it.
sometimes they get compensations for lands that are not even theirs.
Did you earn 50,000 euros last year for selling
bitcoin or some forex positions ? wait ...and see how next year they will estimate that you won all 50,000, or 55,000

)) if you said NO, they will ask you how you afforded to put food on table...
Do you buy goods from
China on aliiexpress to sell them with a profit of 30-50% on They will come and say that they don't recognize your invoices from China and they will estimate the profit at the value of the items sold. As if you could manufacture a laptop at home for free, to be taxed at 16% of the price.....also a nice VAT of 19%