Where should one keep their wealth to avoid future potential sanctions?

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If only there was a way to buy rubles when it was 140+...
But if your country is hit with sanctions then this will not help. Your sanctioned country will cause problems with banks continuing the relationship.
Look at the countries who sanctioned russia/Russian citizens. Avoid like hell.
It is basically the whole developed world, aka Nato/ EU + Japan, Korea, Singapore.

Arab banks ain't too safe, except maybe UAE who has refused sanctions, Saudis, the same. Qatar, Bahrain, same.

A strong choice is also Jamaica, it has decent rule of law, has not sanctioned Russia so far.

South Africa and Namibia are also strong choices. Namibia has strong rule of law, independent judiciary and has not sanctioned Russia, and I don't think they voted against Russia.
Isle of Man deregisters 18 Russian private jets and helicopters

high level of money comes with high level of risk.

Top US lawyers growing skittish about working for Russian oligarchs​

May be Only safe heaven is crypto . Not crypto holding with crypto exchange.
with private paper wallet
high level of money comes with high level of risk.
Actually, a high level of money comes with a very low level of risk, because you have so much money that you can diversify amongst every conceivable asset class in every investable nation on the planet. In fact, the wealthy have so much money that they can plant entire forests of thousands of acres of trees that will outlive them and then provide lumber income for many future generations.

Any discussion of Russian oligarchs has nothing to do with the typical UHNWI. If you are a criminal or a sanctioned oligarch from a pariah state, then there are indeed fewer and fewer places to hide.

By analogy, Grenada and Antigua just continued their CBI programs for Russian citizens, but that prohibition does not extend to anyone else.
if you are a "politically exposed person" on a level that the US gov is aware of your existense and keeping a check on you, then you're fucked, or atleast, part of your assets are.

For the rest of us, you need to do a risk assesment as @Sols said, and analyze your situation carefully and go from there, but diversify, diversify, diversify, and don't manage all your assets under your own name.

For myself, my most successful investment by far, is the investement that I've done and led me to network with powerful figures specially in MENA and SEA. This kind of networking opens whole different paths for you, paths that you never now existed or would work in real life scenarios, and I'm grateful for these relationships that helped me be who I'm today.

But regarding sanctions and whatnot, having a second passport and residency in "non-allied/neutural" countries helps a lot, Countries that don't take sides and only care about their own benefits, these countries can be a "Foundation" for future investments in most parts of the world.
Of course, this will requires some research and actual work on the ground, but later, you will find that everything will be a smooth sail from there.

So to summarize, second passport, residency in a neutural country (not switzerland, they are far from being "neutral" ) and diversified assets under different names/structures.

For crypto, what can I say! the past couple of weeks showed me that, if these Clown f*****s really want to f**k the crypto market and turn it upside down, they can, they really can, they have all the power to do so, and they can ban and criminalize dealing with crypto and any entity that deals with crypto.

So, forget about exchanges with swift, IBANs, visa/mc...etc. we will have nothing, and you will find the whole market crashing like a row of dominos in a matter of minutes.
Here is the thing, people are f lazy and they want convenience more than anything else, I'm talking about "venmo" or "cash up" experience, pull these things away from them and you will have ghosted platforms.

but but what about"P2P" Exchanges? they can't ban these right? Nope, they absolutely can ban them, they just need to freeze their owner's assets, and these platforms will be closed the next day.

It's fucking annoying how the US controls the rest of the world with a piece of paper and an ink pen, they didn't even need to move an inch and they fucked the economy of a nuclear powerhouse.

But Crypto? yeah yeah, crypto my a*s, Most people in this forum know that I'm one of the biggest crypto fans out there, but I don't like living in a fantasy world, and we saw how in a couple of days the US and co sent russia back to the stone age, and we are talking about russia whom is a major player in the global stage, but crypto? lol, crypto needs liquidity, and where are we gonna get this massive liquidity from? from fiat, right? so how are we gonna get this liquidity from fiat if it's prohibited by international law to do so? I think we have a chance to get this liquidity from the aladin's genie than from any reputable institutional investor.

and let's be honest, if global governments ban crypto, the only people who are gonna use crypto are drug dealers, drug users, tax evaders, war lords, Blackmarket operators and human trafficers. and no investor - be it small, big or whatever - will touch crypto or any technology that has "crypto" in it's name. And I don't know if you want your name to be assosiated with these kind of people :/

Having said that, I still hold and invest in various crypto projects but I'm not delusinal, and people who think crypto is the be all or the end all, need a quick reailty check becaue otherwise, I don't know what to fucking tell them if they've not learnt a damn thing from the recent events that happened and still going on to this day.

But crypto this crypto that, give me a fucking break.
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That is way too doomish for my liking regarding crypto as a whole but for some centralized "crypto projects" this is accurate.

The price of bitcoin in russian rubles or the UAH went up massively and are at ath in its currencies and it is the only easy way to send money in or out of Russia / Ukraine unless you have special arrangement at the moment.

That "upside down" was a liquidity event. The price just went down because the market got s**t scared of QT and rumors in January went wild of the fed going to maybe even up to 1% in march lol and proposing numerous hikes thru the year of 2022.

But China started to ease again and the fed will soon follow as well. They still try to talk tough and try to convince everyone to fight inflation exactly this time right now (they could have done so for years already), whereas we all know they need and want inflation to manage their skyhigh debt and avoid widespread revolt and tax default.

People in USA who can actually save (and do not live on 10 credit cards) save in the stock market and need ultra low rates. Stock market in the USA is of even more importance than in China (where it is RE).
Ok crypto is not for me. Lets keep to topic plz.

Out of interest after seeing what happened to Russia I have no intention of ever investing in anything Chinese from outside China. We already saw stocks de-listed in US for China Telecom etc. The US regime will at some point go nuts on China to stop it becoming officially the worlds biggest economy so I see lies, war, propaganda followed by sanctions coming to China from the US and its allies. I would only invest in China via Chinese domestic financial institutions in HK or mainland China. So this remains an option.

I am currently watching how China handles the pressure from US to try and divide it from its neighbor Russia. If China withstands the US pressure and continues to trade with Russia and maintain strong ties then I have a new option (HK domestic banks) where to park some liquid funds if accounting opening for me is permitted.
Yes indeed. That is a worrying trend and I see that coming like that as well.
How do you think you tackle the passport issue under which you will bank there?

I used to bank in HK, but I could not sleep so well bc of my "unfriendly" passport.
I assume it would be best to have even non-carribean one and of course a western one.
How do you think you tackle the passport issue under which you will bank there?

Thats a good question. I don't have an answer yet for that.

I assume it would be best to have even non-carribean one and of course a western one.

I think a western one would be more problematic as China will reciprocate sanctions against those western countries that have sanctions on. You wouldn't want to have a US or UK passport and hope to continue banking in China after those countries sanction China.
If China withstands the US pressure and continues to trade with Russia and maintain strong ties then I have a new option (HK domestic banks) where to park some liquid funds if accounting opening for me is permitted.
Even Hang Seng, the only remaining noteworthy HK domestic bank, does not open accounts for Westerners who do not have any local ties.
The others are either small savings banks, mainland China banks or some foreign owned private banks (SG, AU or other Western aligned banks). With the exception of the latter none will be willing to serve you.
So, forget that option - times have changed. And rest assured that China will not give in to Western demands.

I think a western one would be more problematic
Indeed, and that is valid for all Western passports and the other nations who directly align with the West.
Even a Singaporean will not get a HK bank account if he does not have family ties to HK or mainland China (most have, of course).
But that is already ongoing for about two years. All started with the second big protest wave in 2019 which was too much of a sign of Western influence for the central Chinese government.
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Yes agreed. Maybe EU passports are equally bad over time there as I see them going along with USA sanctions.

Once could try to get residency in HK, once (or if?) they relax their restrictions there.
Chinese banks in russia are currently the solution to receive foreign wires in russia
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I am exploring the options properly. I know a thing or two that you may not be aware of. Will let you know in due course.