"At present, you must be resident in Switzerland, Liechtenstein,
Austria or
Germany to be able to invest responsibly with wiLLBe."
Just a resident? Nothing easier than that, rent a place for a month in one of these countries and register with the city.
No need to wait till you own millions to open an account
And that's really easy done, even on a tourist visa you can register with the city.
@cryptofriendly , are you sure that in CH and LI it is really so easy? Honestly, I've never needed it so I've never tried but if it is, I'll be really surprised.
(Yet I believe that in AT or DE it is easy and especially for EU nationals it is really no trouble, so problem solved

(I guess they are not talking about
tax residency. Can you comment,
@jafo, according to your experience?)
True. They are probably following Switzerland in this regard. Some
Swiss banks also easily open accounts for residents of neighbouring countries.
As per my experience, it concerns all DE-AT-CH-LI region; they are all somehow mutually friendly re: banking opportunities.
LI is not suitable for mid 6 figures.
Why do you say this?
I guess that because of they are simply not well accustomed there to park and maintain such amounts on
investment accounts... (I do not speak about accounts of locals.)
I'm trying to understand if you mean we need to open the account with more or less. It's not clear to me.

More – or go with wiLLBe
Maybe spread things out across different countries outside of the EU. For example, the Barclays International account in the UK can be opened with a deposit of £100,000:
International Bank Account | Barclays International Bank.
Barclays International is fine but do not overlook that you will get there the same (OK, almost the same

) level of absence of
privacy as in the EU...
You can also open another account in the US,
Yes, if you believe that
FATCA will remain unilateral; or choose a state where it is really difficult to sue you from abroad...
Any recommendations? State and banks?
Honestly, I possess no experience with this; but my guess would be some state that is really conservative, self-governing, quite closed and with the absence of a common knowledge that there is also something outside the US border

And some local bank, nothing like JPM Chase, BoA, Citi, Wells Fargo.
But generally, I do not believe in Uncle Sam, I must admit.
and maybe a couple others in SEA countries.
The same objection as for Barclays International...
And leave a little bit to take your ex-wife shopping. It will make your life far less stressful.