BVI is pointless for serious international business in 2018 as it has no double taxation agreements (DTA's) in the place firstly. Secondly BVI's derive no tax benefits to holders who legally declare them in most cases. It makes no sense to register a company there unless for holding purposes, as part of wealth management or as the ultimate parent entity. Thirdly there are simply better solutions that will allow you to take advantage of DTA's and offer better tax advantages in 2018
Going offshore is 100% about structuring. The moment you decide to bank or open a company outside your home country you need to be 100% sure you know what you are doing as a cross border setup. The truth is many people read this board and they always ask about setting up a Belize company or a HK company and sometimes a
Seychelles company without fully understanding the consequences. It is not just location of directors that matters for determining control purposes it is place of operation firstly (which is never BVI in most cases). Secondly if it cannot be determined the place of operation outside of BVI then it reverts to location of directors aka shell company activity. The taxman in your home country determines this btw and not you or your CSP/Accountant. The taxman looks at where correspondence is sent too, where board meetings take place, where staff are located, where goods and service are provided and sent from etc etc. They go through your phone records, travel records and card and accountant records. They directly request the information from Visa and MasterCard or Amex. The last tool they have is to simply label it a tax avoidance vehicle and its game
Cyprus and UK I would not put in list with Comoros and Belize as both are cooperative EU states with information sharing in place
If you plan on using a BVI and not declaring it to your home tax authority then you better hope that luck is on your side. It is far better to think ahead now and declare such a structure to your home country. BVI registries and in fact all UK Crown dependencies and Overseas territories will have open registries to the world and it will be like a CRS part 2 with many people caught napping.