The future of Bitcoin and crytocurrencies

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You clearly have never participated activly in a DeFi .Noone is going to risk his neck against SEC for a few dollars.
P2P ?You mean exchange of crypto to CBDC ?Rofl seriously you seems like many other living in a dream cloud
You clearly never leave your computer and crypto bubble.

No point in assuming where I have been a part of, and what not. You have mentioned to be part of a failed project, so what makes you credible?

My point is that for the problems you have mentioned, there are and will be solutions. @cherry rightfully pointed out that the majority of people do not know or use these solutions. However it does not mean there is not an alternative ecosystem.
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@cherry rightfully pointed out that the majority of people do not know or use these solutions. However it does not mean there is not an alternative ecosystem.
My concern is the off-ramps are being closed off, making it harder and harder even for those of us who look currently outside of KYC. It's already harder for us today than it was 5 years ago, and 5 years ago was already harder than 10 years ago. The direction of travel is clear.

The sheep allowed this to happen by being so compliant. Cryptos could have remained as people transacting in decentralized currencies without government involvement. The governments would have had a hard time muscling in.

What did the sheep do? They opened the door wide open for them. The governments from a weakened 3rd-party position, began making noises that people's cryptos should be recorded through them. The sheep complied like the weak-minded, compliant thralls they are.

@JohnnyDoe said he spends crypto via companies like Wirex debit cards. But the governments again, have ordered Wirex do KYC. So even spending your cryptos in this way is tracked by the government. This was not Satoshi's intention for cryptos.

What I do is buy my groceries online with shop's gift cards bought with Monero via CakePay or CoinCards, which currently don't do KYC. The direction of travel means I think the noose wll tighten there too.

Ideally, I'd just go to a shop and buy my food with Monero directly. But shops aren't doing that. The sheep think cryptos are a speculation instead of a currency.
Or ask “friends”
It's already harder for us today than it was 5 years ago, and 5 years ago was already harder than 10 years ago.
It isn't, you just haven't adapted. It's easier to get anything you want today with crypto than it was 5 or 10 years ago.
The sheep allowed this to happen by being so compliant. Cryptos could have remained as people transacting in decentralized currencies without government involvement.
Agree 100%!
@JohnnyDoe said he spends crypto via companies like Wirex debit cards. But the governments again, have ordered Wirex do KYC. So even spending your cryptos in this way is tracked by the government. This was not Satoshi's intention for cryptos.
There are many MANY options around this.
It isn't, you just haven't adapted. It's easier to get anything you want today with crypto than it was 5 or 10 years ago.

Agree 100%!

There are many MANY options around this.
Easier to buy things with crypto directly, agreed. Actually buying/selling/earning crypto without government intrusion was my point about the wolves getting closer and more organised. I've adapted better than most, none of my crypto has touched KYC ever.

I think people must not underestimate how determined the governments are to get control of all this.
You know because its not the people who are going to decide which money is going to be used.
Its the corporations from which you will need energy,food,housing,fuel,insurance,water etc who will decide which currency they will accept only.
There is a reason why everything on earth gets privatized and centralized.
Anyways this forum is clearly a waste of time.
People unable to think even a little further but only repeat the nonsense yada of crypto idiots
You used internet when using crypto which was on your name...? You have been KYC'ed but you just don't know it yet
I don't think the current drop in price suggests anything significant yet.

But here's another issue I have with the state of crypto. The US President signed Executive Order 6102 to confiscate Americans' gold for the 'greater good'. This was easily done because people's gold was stored in the banks. Because the mass of sheep store their crypto in centralized exchanges (like banks), a president could sign an Executive Order to confiscate people's crypto. For the greater good, of course. What would that do to crypto then? It would be the sheep's fault because they can't fathom a life that isn't obedient to the state.