It's called parallel construction. You can read more about it here.he only thing that I can reveal about this list is that they claim that this was the start point and this is 100000% a lie. Or this bank was hacked, or they had a employee working there of it was a complete honeypot.
If you are victim of this scam spam at least your government with freedom of information requests about this case. Because it isn’t a individual case in most counties you can get more information. Its just a simple email . This is how it works in the Netherlands Wet open overheid (Woo): zo regelt u een verzoek bij de Belastingdienst
I guess hacked. Same situation Panama papers pandora papers ect. Using 0days. Exploits. Software like Pegasus and afterwards information Laundry by sending it to journalist.
Yes, but if I am not mistaken, they only targeted Dutch residents, correct? For example, they didn't target an American or a Chinese tourist dropping down a Centurion card in Bijenkorf making a purchase of €100K, correct?Yes this is much better but as you can read even people that spend a lot in “bijenkorf” where targeted in this project.
If affirmative (only Dutch residents targeted), then this is my WHOLE point! People who reside in the Netherlands (or any country in the EU) can NEVER make purchases outside their standard of living where they are tax residents. Never ever! The discipline to obey this rule must be ironclad.
Yes, but what will the tax authorities get from Visa, Mastercard, or American Express? "Jorge Zorreguieta"You can sent a information request letter to all card holders in a single click.
The "righteous & Holy ones" banned the poor schmuck from attending his own daughter's "wedding of the century." The least they can do is let him have a nice dinner
Ideally, Jan van de Groot (random Dutch name, by the way
If "Jan van de Groot" wants to live it up, he should take a trip to Barcelona, Spain, and load his Google Pay or Apple Pay on another phone with his foreign credit card (both phone & cc that have NEVER touched or been in the Netherlands), and have a wonderful dinner at Cocina Hermanos Torres on Taquígraf Serra 20. It's the disciplined price one MUST pay...if one wants to remain living in a society like the Netherlands. Personally, I wouldn't do it or advise anyone to do it, but I have "heard of others
I know you have such things.
I agree! It seems really good.In my opinion is the best advise what I read regarding this tax issue comes from @wellington about the loan agreements and tax free
Here also freedom of information request approved: they had a list of all phone numbers that had called with a bank in Swiss. They have thousands of tactics to track people down. Their only problem is capacity what you can use in your favor but this will be solved soon with AI.
The Dutch residents actually used their own Dutch phone number to call the bank in CH??? Like WTF???!!!
One can get an international SIM card # (of a tax-free country) for less than $20 per month.
There is also TAILS, TOR, or even static IPs from tax-free countries for less than $30/month. They could use it to communicate with email or just do a , so they don't even need to pay for VPNs.
Even if the CH bank wants to load client software on the PC to make sure, the bank can do so. The account holder can own or rent in a cheap jurisdiction and set up a Chromebook like this one.
I bet the Dutch residents spent hundreds of thousands of € in fines, legal fees, etc etc.
Being penny-wise and pound-foolish is NEVER a good strategy.
The good thing about all these "cases" is that they give the uninitiated a way to reverse-engineer their strategies BEFORE they get "electrocuted."