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Thailand 0% tax

What is your opinion @yngmind for technology (software, cloud etc)? Where someone in Thailand can incorporate? I read several DTAs and worry me … for example, despite that they say that if you don’t get the money into Thailand you’re not getting taxed, the DTAs say different things.. which is valid ?

DTAs can never introduce new taxes. They can only put restrictions on taxes.
In the DTA, there could be a rule "Nonresidents have to pay up to 10% tax on sex with ladyboys" - then that doesn't mean you have to pay tax, unless there is a national law that states there is a tax on sex with ladyboys. Then, even if the national law says the tax is 20%, a nonresident would only have to pay 10% under the DTA.
But then also, the next question is, even if there is such a law, is it really enforced?
Like set up a cheap UK LLP with EMI/Wise bank account. Cash in the money on the LLP bank account from one of your personal oversea bank account, and using it to pay your daily expenses in TH ?
No no no De jacht op “zwarte” debet- en creditcards


Start in already In 2011 in the Netherlands You can use your card but you have to pay tax over it. It’s now 2024. and Thailand can even request this data in 2028 for example for the last x years.

So many wrong advice on internet . Don’t listen to people that tell you to use a foreign card without paying tax!!!!!
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No no no De jacht op “zwarte” debet- en creditcards


Start in already In 2011 in the Netherlands You can use your card but you have to pay tax over it. It’s now 2024. and Thailand can even request this data in 2028 for example for the last x years.

So many wrong advice on internet . Don’t listen to people that tell you to use a foreign card without paying tax!!!!!
My friends in Spain use cards from relatives/friends who aren't EU residents. I'm sure it's illegal, but it works.
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My friends in Spain use cards from relatives/friends who aren't EU residents. I'm sure it's illegal, but it works.

I know people do but this is Thailand and face recognition is more advanced day by day. I should not advice it. Why do you think we had to make a face recognition on our iPhones with face mask . $$$$$$$$$$

They did a freedom of information request for this project. Partly approved. For the people that like to read it Documenten bij besluit Woo-verzoek Project debet- en creditcards
465mb of files where shared
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No no no De jacht op “zwarte” debet- en creditcards


Start in already In 2011 in the Netherlands You can use your card but you have to pay tax over it. It’s now 2024. and Thailand can even request this data in 2028 for example for the last x years.

So many wrong advice on internet . Don’t listen to people that tell you to use a foreign card without paying tax!!!!!

I am talking to pay directly with the corporate bank card (from the UK LLP in my example), not from your oversea personnal bank accounts.

Is there any change from when you posted late september 2023 regarding to use oversea corporate bank card for daily expense instead of individual ones ?
No no no De jacht op “zwarte” debet- en creditcards


Start in already In 2011 in the Netherlands You can use your card but you have to pay tax over it. It’s now 2024. and Thailand can even request this data in 2028 for example for the last x years.

So many wrong advice on internet . Don’t listen to people that tell you to use a foreign card without paying tax!!!!!
A little bit of forethought and planning fixes this... ;)

Obviously, if "Jan van de Groot" is Dutch and a resident living in the Netherlands, it would be wise for him NOT to use his foreign credit (e.g., USA) cards in the Netherlands. This would be absolutely stupid of Jan. He should NOT even have them in the Netherlands.

Now, if Jan goes to Thailand for vacation (or business), Jan can and should use his "foreign" credit cards (USA) in Thailand. What Jan should NEVER ever do is travel with those foreign-issued credit cards to the Netherlands. This is a major no-no for Jan.

If Jan earns €100K/year in the Netherlands, Jan MUST live within his means (<€100K/year). Jan is NOT in Latin America, where everyone is looking for the next Carnival, Wet T-shirt party, barbecue, or football game (soccer for our American friends smi(&% ). Jan lives in one of the most developed countries that chase taxes like there is NO tomorrow. The Dutch truly believe that Jan MUST gift them +50% of his earnings and wealth!

Jan van de Groot must think ahead and plan accordingly! He should assume that while he is in the Netherlands' jurisdiction, within its borders, he is being watched 100% of the time. Once he accepts this, he has the undefeated upper hand! Jan can NO longer be defeated. Jan's following words to anyone are: "Go f*ck yourself!"

Also, in case I wasn't "duidelijk" (clear, direct, clarity)...the previous millions of times I imparted the following wisdom:
There are NO mutes in prison! Never EVER! No exceptions! smi(&%

My friends in Spain use cards from relatives/friends who aren't EU residents. I'm sure it's illegal, but it works.
F*cking BRILLIANT! ;)

View attachment 6595
I know people do but this is Thailand and face recognition is more advanced day by day. I should not advice it. Why do you think we had to make a face recognition on our iPhones with face mask . $$$$$$$$$$

They did a freedom of information request for this project. Partly approved. For the people that like to read it Documenten bij besluit Woo-verzoek Project debet- en creditcards
465mb of files where shared
I agree with this 100%! Going to an ATM with face recognition is an ABSOLUTE F*cking NO-NO!

On the other hand, paying for dinner at Asador Donostiarrra (with the credit card of José Maria of Argentina) should NOT come back to haunt anyone. ;)
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A little bit of forethought and planning fixes this... ;)

Obviously, if "Jan van de Groot" is Dutch and a resident living in the Netherlands, it would be wise for him NOT to use his foreign credit (e.g., USA) cards in the Netherlands. This would be absolutely stupid of Jan. He should NOT even have them in the Netherlands.

Now, if Jan goes to Thailand for vacation (or business), Jan can and should use his "foreign" credit cards (USA) in Thailand. What Jan should NEVER ever do is travel with those foreign-issued credit cards to the Netherlands. This is a major no-no for Jan.

If Jan earns €100K/year in the Netherlands, Jan MUST live within his means (<€100K/year). Jan is NOT in Latin America, where everyone is looking for the next Carnival, Wet T-shirt party, barbecue, or football game (soccer for our American friends smi(&% ). Jan lives in one of the most developed countries that chase taxes like there is NO tomorrow. The Dutch truly believe that Jan MUST gift them +50% of his earnings and wealth!

Jan van de Groot must think ahead and plan accordingly! He should assume that while he is in the Netherlands' jurisdiction, within its borders, he is being watched 100% of the time. Once he accepts this, he has the undefeated upper hand! Jan can NO longer be defeated. Jan's following words to anyone are: "Go f*ck yourself!"

Also, in case I wasn't "duidelijk" (clear, direct, clarity)...the previous millions of times I imparted the following wisdom:
There are NO mutes in prison! Never EVER! No exceptions! smi(&%

F*cking BRILLIANT! ;)

I agree with this 100%! Going to an ATM with face recognition is an ABSOLUTE F*cking NO-NO!

On the other hand, paying for dinner at Asador Donostiarrra should NOT come back to haunt anyone. ;)
Man, your posts always have an intriguing air of mystery that captures the imagination. I often picture you with a glass of something fine, patiently writing these words in the quiet of the evening. It's truly a treat to read your posts.
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I am talking to pay directly with the corporate bank card (from the UK LLP in my example), not from your oversea personnal bank accounts.

Is there any change from when you posted late september 2023 regarding to use oversea corporate bank card for daily expense instead of individual ones ?
Had this discussion Friday night one of my friends was talking about doing that - but like I pointed out his data as owner / director would be shared under OECD CRS as the UBO or beneficial owner So the only way that could conceivably work is if there’s a nominee…

Done via a corp based in a country that isn’t transparent… via a bank that isn’t transparent.

I’d hazard a guess my Friday night ‘friends’ range between 60,000-1.2m annual spending (CHF) in Thailand..

So a broad spectrum of ideas / and living costs.

Most of them are not thinking it through properly and IMO being very risky…

There’s numerous ways to legally reduce exposure to tax and in many cases they may not even have to pay as retired and grandfathered in.

It’s those that are still earning that will have issues IMO.
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Had this discussion Friday night one of my friends was talking about doing that - but like I pointed out his data as owner / director would be shared under OECD CRS as the UBO or beneficial owner So the only way that could conceivably work is if there’s a nominee…

Done via a corp based in a country that isn’t transparent… via a bank that isn’t transparent.

I’d hazard a guess my Friday night ‘friends’ range between 60,000-1.2m annual spending (CHF) in Thailand..

So a broad spectrum of ideas / and living costs.

Most of them are not thinking it through properly and IMO being very risky…

There’s numerous ways to legally reduce exposure to tax and in many cases they may not even have to pay as retired and grandfathered in.

It’s those that are still earning that will have issues IMO.
Exactly. I have a part of the card holder list/excel sheet of mr peter schiff. Here you have company names and personal names and even address where the card is delivered and where the card holder lives (basically the address that is used to create the card). Properly when my case is finally closed I will upload it here. As long it is isn’t against my settlement agreement for my case. I don’t had a active account at the moment of the raid. I am talking about project Atlantis .

They contact such companies that give out such cards and force them to give all the info they have. Even delivery address.

The only thing that I can reveal about this list is that they claim that this was the start point and this is 100000% a lie. Or this bank was hacked, or they had a employee working there of it was a complete honeypot.

If you are victim of this scam spam at least your government with freedom of information requests about this case. Because it isn’t a individual case in most counties you can get more information. Its just a simple email . This is how it works in the Netherlands Wet open overheid (Woo): zo regelt u een verzoek bij de Belastingdienst

I guess hacked. Same situation Panama papers pandora papers ect. Using 0days. Exploits. Software like Pegasus and afterwards information Laundry by sending it to journalist.

But using company card won’t save you.

And beside that. They can just contact Mastercard/visa ect where this card is issued. I don’t have the link here but there is even a case in Panama where they forced DHL to release all data regarding sending/receiving all shipments to one address of a law firm.

I can confirm Dutch tax authorities do this as well in individual cases. They contact all the courier companies for your shipment history.
I agree with this 100%! Going to an ATM with face recognition is an ABSOLUTE F*cking NO-NO!

On the other hand, paying for dinner at Asador Donostiarrra (with the credit card of José Maria of Argentina) should NOT come back to haunt anyone. ;)
Yes this is much better but as you can read even people that spend a lot in “bijenkorf” where targeted in this project.

I Agree as you can read here they targeted just the high spenders . But now with the stand of the technology. You can sent a information request letter to all card holders in a single click.

Dutch DPA fines municipality for Wi-Fi tracking | European Data Protection Board I always doubt if there is already WiFi and Bluetooth tracking in atm machines. I am wondering why I still see so much people with a hoodie at the atm in crime programs like “opsporing verzocht” where they are looking for. This idiotis do this job for 50 euro and are 90% idiots with their phone in their fake Gucci bag during their ATM visit . They even don’t cover their face well.

I think they don’t have it but don’t be surprise if we have to deal with such systems in the future.

I know you have such things.

In my opinion is the best advise what I read regarding this tax issue comes from @wellington about the loan agreements and tax free donations. But I am pretty sure that this loopholes will be closes very soon.

Here also freedom of information request approved: https://hertoghsadvocaten.nl/wp-con...-Wob-Woo-verzoek-over-project-Monte-Negro.pdf they had a list of all phone numbers that had called with a bank in Swiss. They have thousands of tactics to track people down. Their only problem is capacity what you can use in your favor but this will be solved soon with AI.

Use ai pdf to translate scanned docs or use Google lens with a second phone or tablet to make it easy to read.
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