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Service for crypto to fiat.

What about to crypto -> USD on Euro bank account? Is it good idea to send Crypto to Binance and after from Binance to bank in some euro country? If we a talking about amount with 6 digits. Or most of the banks in europe can just ban this payment?
PM me.

Certainly not 20%. I'm literally taking cash from peoples hands and handing them stables. You pay 20% for the opposite of that.

I cannot.

Read my replies again, stop wasting my time, I'm talking cash not bank transfers.

It does, unless you have a bag full of cash somewhere in a European capital and are willing to meet face to face.

Need cash, you guys trying to increase the number of posts or what?
I can help if you need.
Interesting thing, costs roughly 7%-10% to cash out of crypto currently, via traditional well established players.

Doesn't make sense, that's money laundering rates (madness).