do you know is 3S reliable?For Serbia and this use-case, Verifo is to check perhaps as the first option. You can try e.g. Interpolitan Money as well.
do you know is 3S reliable?For Serbia and this use-case, Verifo is to check perhaps as the first option. You can try e.g. Interpolitan Money as well.
You mean 3sMoney, I presume?do you know is 3S reliable?
If you share the results here, it will be appreciated. Not much knowledge re: Serbian companies is accumulated here, I guess.i reached them all, so let's see
Yes. If you treat this in the way you described, it works / makes full sense. It is true that SEPA incoming is free in many cases in general, without a huge monthly fee; but 1USD per transaction is well acceptable (presuming that transactions are not just a few dollars).3s money is not expensive, enterprise package is $300 and there is no fee for incoming transaction. taking into fact i have 300 transactions avg per month that is $1 per transaction, i am more then happy
I presume you have noted that Currenxie will not offer you a card, nor a personal account. Just a (well working, IMO) business account. (You can obtain a Global /multicurrency/ account immediately; a SEPA capable EUR account you can activate afterwards.)I reached 3S, Verifo and Currenxie.
Thanks!As soon as I get feedback from all 3 I will post here to keep as reference for others
Well, not a big surprise for meso far updates are:
1) Registration with 3S was very fast but I had to pay $80 for verification in the end
Again, not a big surprise. Their staff is known to be supportive.2) Verifo was even faster and I am already this morning reached by they support to proceed with KYC requesting additional documents.
Well, you can give it a try, of course; yet I am afraid that you will be wasting your time. In their beginnings they were more open re: jurisdictions but today they are strict wrt Permitted Jursidictions List – at least I think so.4) - to be tried
I see zen have only the business account, and they have a waiting list for the personal one. Were you able to get the personal? works
List of permitted jurisdictions
1) Receive rejection by 3S (generic email, we are sorry but we cannot accept your application)
Very dissapointed, for $80 I paid I was expecting they will at least request KYC from me, this way except few basic info I provided at step 1 they did not even give the opportunity to meet me better.
2) Verifo - submited kyc and waiting, i spent 3 hours preparing all the documents they asked and it is really all legit and per law. Hopefully I will pass
There is NO way all these "selective & picky" EMIs aren't doing illegal things! They are turning away legitimate businesses. Something is ROTTEN in Denmark.No, zen also rejected me tonight woth message "we do not accept new businesses, we will put you on a waiting list"
To pay that silly small amount may be nothing if you get a good EMI you can far updates are:
1) Registration with 3S was very fast but I had to pay $80 for verification in the end which I did. Now waiting
2) Verifo was even faster and I am already this morning reached by they support to proceed with KYC requesting additional documents.
3) Currenxie - still have some issue with phone verification
4) - to be tried
For the Serbian company? If so, then it is really interesting, as Serbia is not a (Zen) permitted country – officially. Strange. Is someone aware about Zen accepting some new business in the last days? (I am aware about one company but it is like ~2 months ago what means close to nothing.)No, zen also rejected me tonight woth message "we do not accept new businesses, we will put you on a waiting list"
Yes, this is quite standard – to ask for the contracts.I am stuck on 1 step with Verifo right now and would be grateful for advice:
As a part of KYC, they request me to provide 2 written signed contracts with partners who are issuing licences for my business like Microsoft, WHMCS, etc.
The issue is that I dont have written contract with these. Yes they issue me licences, but everything is purchased digital way, I provided invoice, screenshot from Azure portal, etc, but they are specific that they want "contract signed".
this is really becoming hard these days
Emphasis on this particular & elusive subordinating conjunction!
"contract signed".
I have NO signed contracts, not even with the banks asking for signed contracts! Like WTF??!!!![]()
Exactly, even with them i will not have signed contract, really wtf