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Safe Havens for Bitcoin During a Banking Crisis?

I'm holding ETHER from when I paid only 100$ each - that's a good business for me.

But I would have preferred to have BTC in the amounts I have rather than ETH - though you should never be dissatisfied when something works out. There’s always something better out there.
I'm holding ETHER from when I paid only 100$ each - that's a good business for me.

But I would have preferred to have BTC in the amounts I have rather than ETH - though you should never be dissatisfied when something works out. There’s always something better out there.
Only reason to hold eth these days except transacting in is staking it - yield (consider it your bond side of your portfolio - bond yield and bond price rises)

Half a dozen shitcoins
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could it possibly happen? it came as something unnatural and it can vanish as fast again, or it can be made worthless like Diamonds are now.
One btc always = one btc
Perhaps you mean btc exchange rate against USD going to zero?
Can this happen?
Possibly, yes. Probably, no.
Whereas it’s a mathematical fact that the value of any fiat currency tends to, and eventually reaches, zero.
are you serious now ?
Never been more serious.
History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes.
And this looks like a 4th chorus to me.

It's not if, but how long more, 2 months (accelerated, and 2-months-after-rate-cut-high-before-all-markets-drop, or 12 months as expected.

Oh, disclaimer, that's no financial advice, I am not an analyst, I am just doing mind acrobatics.
You are responsible for you own decisions and actions, not anyone else.


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Man this thread sent me on a trip down memory lane! Linden dollars, Virwox and even NXT?! I remember overwriting a text file with a passphrase to a wallet with tens of thousands worth of NXT and then running a file recovery program called Photorec for 3 days and it actually retrieved it and saved my a*s :D

Remember the time before Bitcoin when it was just Perfect Money and Liberty Reserve and instead of shitcoins you invested in HYIPs which were just straight up pyramid schemes? Some of those were gigantic, I remember one called Profitable Sunrise that even had a former Miss America shilling it.

I see speculating on altcoins as an evolution of playing those early HYIPs, back then you had nothing to go on but pure hype and marketing and that still is the same for most shitcoins but now you can find a real working product which was like the holy grail back then, to find an investment that actually had a real source of income. Now that can be easily found with Defi and staking, liquidity pools, etc.
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