Safe Havens for Bitcoin During a Banking Crisis?


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Aug 15, 2021
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Can somebody recommend some safe banks which will survive a heavy bank crisis like in 1929 where 95% of all banks bankrupted or got eaten by the big ones.
I know JPM is an option but am looking outside of western communist control.
some safe banks
There isn't any.

They all have to have Gov based debt on their books, in the case of the US thats levered up-to 45 x (meaning there's 45 claims per Treasury, and the Treasuries underwrite the collateral and the funds -> as the funds are lent into existence) and your bank balance makes up a mere % of the collateral converted into Gov debt that sits on the balance sheet) -> the last bank that had full reserve banking was EuroPacific Bank and the G5 closed that down quickly under dubious reasons (saying AML) but finding no violations, and its offering was 'full reserve banking'.

People believe we live in a fractional reserve banking system, or your funds are lent out to others, this is not how it works.

Technically the only safe bank is the following due to the time it takes to seep through to the system, and the time in which you can react immediately without a counter-party.

- multiple stablecoin(s) (USDC, USDT, DAI etc) which will give you time to move to something else whilst taking a 5-15% haircut. (if you instead opt to keep the funds in the bank you'll be hit nominally via debasement as the banking system is bailed out and the markets sniff it as it unfolds).

Non 'banks' and different 'asset as a store of value' is Bitcoin, Gold of-course, both rise in monetary inflation periods (banking collapse = post collapse re-liquidifying the system) but have volatility during the banking collapse itself.

But when it comes to banks, you are reliant on so many parties and counter parties and of-course clearing houses etc.

FYI there shouldn't be a banking collapse per-se... the Gov (US) used a prior facility to bail out the banks in 2023, and are using Treasury Fed swap lines for overseas systemic banks currently (UK, Japan, Switzerland tapping into it) Government-Sponsored Enterprises; FHLB Advances; Asset, Level
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Reactions: dirtyharry
look at the case of Custodia bank and their endeavour to get the license for full reserve bank - FED was afraid that full reserve bank would suck out the liquidity from the shitty institution participating in the fractional reserve banking scam - they are literally fighting against such an institution existence, wtf...

there was a fun to listen podcast with Caitlin Long on WBD maybe two years ago... recommended

OP, don't try to figure it out, it's doomed and decided long ago, start stacking...
Can somebody recommend some safe banks which will survive a heavy bank crisis like in 1929 where 95% of all banks bankrupted or got eaten by the big ones.
I know JPM is an option but am looking outside of western communist control.
None is safe.

no it makes it unsafe.If you own 5% of a currency you basicly control its value
nah, why should that be? the 1m holder is dead.
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Reactions: cryptofriendly
FYI you are worrying out the wrong thing

The reason the banks were failing is because they were holding gov debt that was underwater - yields forcing them to liquidate as firms and people pushed into other vehicles

Meaning they were selling at a loss.

As yields come down liquidity rises and the demand to liquidate is covered by the spread they get.

Meaning the banking collapse is predominantly over for them - and where it did collapse the Govs came in with vehicles to cover

What you now need to worry about is sov debt crisis (refinancing failure) = debasement

Either they can refinance using liquidity or ramp up YCC
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Just keep any stablecoin for the few hours needed to complete a transaction.
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Now in the financial Fintwit scene you've had everyone from George Gammon to f**k knows claiming that the world is going to end.

Actually the markets bottomed, economy has been on a rise for a while, and their flawed understanding of 10s-2's had led plebs to believe that there is a Inverted Yield Curve which always leads to a recession, if not depression.

Fact is the bail outs already surpassed 08 a long time ago done via stealth mechanisms, and the Central Banks have been loosing money hands over fist, but they just push it onto the balance sheet via various mechanisms, which basically socialises the losses, whilst pushing up assets for the have(s), whilst wiping out the spending power on assets for the Have-Not(s).

True Yield factoring in Debasement via YCC and debasement via convexity over the curve on a 30yr mortgage (Gov Guarantied) factored % into a synthetic 10s-2s.

Yield Curve Control (ongoing) to advert Financial Collapse.

Yield Curve Control (Yield Suppression -YCC) being carried out to protect the banking system, financial system in general, equities, etc and everything else from blowing up.
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None is safe.

nah, why should that be? the 1m holder is dead.
and you belive in santa claus heh ?

seriously you think institutions like blackrock would open hedge funds with billions in it for bitcoin not knowing who owns the 5% or the possibility that this "person" could tank the price anytime he wants to

Seriously i'm asking myself how naive people can be in beliving Blackrock would allow such a situation
YCC via prior wipe out (2007-2010) to advert again (kicking the can down the road, socialising via a 8% debasement tax annually).

Blackrock opened the fund for the commissions, they don't give a f**k about the price, they earn either way.

ONLY if they put it on their balance sheet as a treasury item would they give a f**k about the price.

I'm too attentive to detail...
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