Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine

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Yup....what is really happening on ground, nobody know....All are running propaganda...Hard to find any neutral News sources on Internet

Totally agree.
Reactions: troubled soul
Totally agree.
You just need to watch a map and use common sense to understand what is going on on the ground and decipher what is going on on the media.
The leader of the free world explained everything with a single world: Asufutimaehaehfutbw
Reactions: marioIT

Ukraine preparing attack on Crimea​

Ukraine is readying an offensive to try and seize Russia’s Crimean peninsula, President Vladimir Zelensky said on Friday at a press conference. Kiev is forming new units specifically for the task, with servicemen undergoing training abroad, he revealed.

“We’re taking military steps, we are preparing for them. We are mentally prepared already. We prepare technically, with weapons, forces, we form new brigades, we form offensive units of various kinds and types, we are sending people for training not only in Ukraine, you know, but also in other countries,” Zelensky stated.

The president, as well as other top officials, has repeatedly pledged to re-capture all of the former Ukrainian territories from Russia, including Crimea.
One thing history teaches is that you can’t win against Russia.
Another thing it teaches is that sniffing drugs doesn’t mentally prepare you.

There are many sources on the ground, which is where my info comes from, and it's a meat grinder.
In more sophisticated terms, it is an attrition warfare, as already well explained by Clausewitz. The final result is obvious, in the meantime big profits are being made at the expense of Ukraine and Europe.
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One thing history teaches is that you can’t win against Russia.
Another thing it teaches is that sniffing drugs doesn’t mentally prepare you.
Zelensky has no idea what he is talking.....He has no qualification for that ...Western media painting him as a some sort of hero/savior/messiah ......but actually He is an actor who knew how to pose for International magazine with full of swag....
Zelensky has not idea what he is talking.....He has no qualification for that ...Western media painting him as a some sort of hero/savior/messiah ......but actually He is actor who knew how to pose for International magazine with full of swag....
Yup, the hilarious thing about Zelensky is that when he was elected (after running on a platform of good relations with Russia), he couldn't speak a single word of Ukrainian. He was a Russian speaker, a language he now outlaws.

His western masters worked hard to get him up to speed. Still, it is obvious how forced it is when he talks.
Are these guys Russians in Ukrainian uniforms?
It's obvious to anyone with a few functioning brain cells that Ukraine has a neo n**i problem, the ideology is widespread.
No wonder why black people were treated like trash by Ukrainians at the beginning of the war. They wouldn't let POC flee the country and instead leave them like sh*t.

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Reactions: Martin Everson
No wonder why black people were treated like trash by Ukrainians at the beginning of the war. They wouldn't let POC flee the country and instead leave them like sh*t.

What these guys don't tell it's a that clear priority was given to the womans, childrens and old people. Exactly for the persons who was hard to wait in border for a few days.
Male black students definitely could wait in queue for that and they waited.

Also these people don't said that they actually didn't 'have' any valid documents which should prove they just could get home country. But instead of it they are going to be Ukrainian refugee to go to EU legally.
One interesting fact about this war is that there is no space for the small guy to profit from it. Even medium sized guys have been wiped out from the game. Greed is at such high levels that no crumbs are left.

This is pretty much true.

Small guy will at least get to buy a Ukraine Reconstruction ETF .
The final result is obvious, in the meantime big profits are being made at the expense of Ukraine and Europe.

Ukraine is one big cash cow for U.S military contractors. Just needs the European countries to finish putting in their long term purchase orders for U.S made Nato hardware for the war to be brought to an end .
Reactions: JohnnyDoe
Year passed and same actors/pro russian puppets sing same song on the stage. Proxy war, usa sell weapon, bla bla bla.
We already read it in march 2022.

Everyone was so smart, but each and every prediction was failed.
What a coincidence
Reactions: GeneralGogol
What these guys don't tell it's a that clear priority was given to the womans, childrens and old people. Exactly for the persons who was hard to wait in border for a few days.
It maybe true, but again, Ukrainians treated non-white people like pure sh*t.
This black women for example went out of Ukraine the very hard way.

Male black students definitely could wait in queue for that and they waited.
By racist people that said only 1 foreigner aka POC for every 10 Ukrainians aka white folks. Pure discrimination at its finest

Also these people don't said that they actually didn't 'have' any valid documents which should prove they just could get home country. But instead of it they are going to be Ukrainian refugee to go to EU legally.
Bro, they are legal residents in Ukraine. Literally students in Ukraine... They got there legally. Poland and Hungary allowed everyone that came from Ukraine, even with no valid passport or documents. The polish and hungarian border was not a problem at all, it's those racist n**i Ukrainians.
It maybe true, but again, Ukrainians treated non-white people like pure sh*t.
If it was truth about harassing, why everything was fine until war started, but in first days of war they started to tell about treating? Racism simply not worked that way.

This black women for example went out of Ukraine the very hard way.
Single problem that women described that she can't evacuated on some random bus even after she lied.
Evacuation of people during first days of war was complex. And for foreigners *each* own their country provided different procedures for evacuation.
Why she was not applied to the bus - she didn't described and it could be a lot of reasons.
But she must going to ask for her embassy/community about evacuation rules. It's a exacly how was evacuated foreigners who I know from Ukraine, without any false claims.

Also as she said that 8 hours walk from their position to Poland border, mean that she was in west Ukraine, which is mostly safe place and *not* all buses was *free* for purpose of evacuation.

By racist people that said only 1 foreigner aka POC for every 10 Ukrainians aka white folks. Pure discrimination at its finest
I don't agree with you. If you were on borders on ANY country in the world, then you must noted that it have different lines for citizens and foreigners. It's a because different procedures that border guards checks for each type of people.
It's a nothing to non-white people. It's a different procedures for *foreigners*
Just an example of Bulgarian/Greece border: could see different lines for EU and non- EU citizens. It's a not a treat people like a s**t at all. for Ukraine same and works with similar practics as in whole world. Air/walking/car borders are same.

They are students. Mean they have student visa.
This mean that when war started they need to return to *home* country.
But at border they says mostly that their documents(passport) destroyed and they are Ukrainian refugee. It allowed them to take Temporary Protection or Refugee status in EU. And they use this *workaround*, while in fact they still have their passport and *must* return to home country.
And it's a pure reason why Ukrainians separate them from the border line and sits to the busses or asking for waiting for investigation of their documents\statutes.
It's a nothing with racism or descrimitation.

What those 'students' do it's a fraud and they must *receive deportation* from EU, but not protection.

If you want to treat Ukrainians as racist to black people - it can't work.
Unlike USA people, east Europe people (starting from Poland and to the east), white people don't tortured black people years ago and they not feel any guilt for black people. And BLM with similar things are very very far thing for them.
non-white people can't blame for rasicm for any time when they don't like something, it simply won't work in Eastern Europe. And it's a true equality, when no matter of what skin colour you have - you have same rights and obligations.

And for slander, black people can answer before the law.

PS I'm for sure not bro for you, if you call my nation n**i racist without any good claim.

Also about women - she complaining for problems with Hungary too, if you just watch your video to the end.
So, Hungary are racists country too?
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If it was truth about harassing, why everything was fine until war started, but in first days of war they started to tell about treating? Racism simply not worked that way.
Don't even think that Ukraine is a nice place for black people lol.
Lots of casual racism, Getting uncomfortable stares on a daily basis, Lots of rental contract refusal just because of their foreign names/background,... Don't act like Ukraine is a good place for them. None of them would like to live here. Never. Just study then they're gone.
Bullsh*t. No one is saying in the comment section that she lied about her random bus. All I see is users saying Ukraine is racist and hate black people staying in their country.
You can tell what you want - I will not believe you either way. I'm not going to fall under Ukrainian propaganda.
EU Schengen area doesn't have it so that's already wrong what you first said.
Two lanes, EU and non-EU, and you're saying that for one single "foreigner", the process takes as long as 10 Ukrainians entering in... I smell bullsh*t here.
Let them go out of a country at war before going into their own home countries. Border guards seem to be incompetent to check them simultaneously so they prefer to check them at the very last moment like useless humans.
I had a hard time understanding your reply but anyways,

I just recently talked to 4 Black African friends from London and all said that they would rather live in the US than Ukraine and all of Eastern Europe (or Basically any European country with no colonial past).
Why? Cuz they don't like to get uncomfortable stares from locals all the time, the casual racism they will receive by locals, one even said that he will feel lonely because it's basically 99.9% white people and even if he gets citizenship while speaking the language fluently he will never be considered a "citizen" but as a enthusiastic foreigner lol .
The US might not be perfect, but Eastern Europe is a big no no for them.
So in other words, black people should avoid living permanently in Eastern Europe.

You meant "I'm not a brother for you"? Well, it happens when I speak to people during a conversation. Doesn't mean that you are my "brother". You took it too seriously. I had no clue that you were Ukrainian.
Also about women - she complaining for problems with Hungary too, if you just watch your video to the end.
So, Hungary are racists country too?
She clearly said "we" and you saw a picture of both white and black people at a checkout. Everyone had to pay. But anyways she is going to go back to Nigeria.

And last, I support neither Russia or Ukraine. I don't care about this war.
Those two nations are both nazis and may the best win.

EU Schengen area doesn't have it so that's already wrong what you first said.
Two lanes, EU and non-EU, and you're saying that for one single "foreigner", the process takes as long as 10 Ukrainians entering in... I smell bullsh*t here.
In fact I forgot Ukrainians are not EU citizens. But still, John Spectre your argument makes no sense at all.
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Don't even think that Ukraine is a nice place for black people lol.
Again: if it would be true - no one live there. But they are. No one force them to go to Ukraine.
'uncomfortable stares' even not near to racism.
Contract refusal for the foreigners without work and income? Go to *any* EU country and try to rent apartment with such background. You would see the same. It's a risk managament by landlords, but not racism at all. No one want to have apartment that is not paid in time.
What you said here, it's a looks like you are ukrainophobe and it's a big question who is real n**i actually. Because it's a too much discrimination puts here without any evidence from your side.

She said itself that she lied in the video. Watch video more careful next time.

Oh, you make conclusion on number of comments under the video without any claims to clickbait source? 99% of that people who comment that - not even be in Ukraine. It's a empty words as well your one.

you could do the same with video where discussed that Earth is flat and basing on tons of comments under it. not mean that this causing truth based on youtube comments

EU Schengen area doesn't have it so that's already wrong what you first said.
Two lanes, EU and non-EU, and you're saying that for one single "foreigner", the process takes as long as 10 Ukrainians entering in... I smell bullsh*t here.
Bulgaria in EU but not in Schengen. That's why border present between Bulgaria and Greece (which in Schengen). I puts image to confirm. That fact you even don't see it and don't have any knowledge - not your favor at all in dialogue.

About 10 local to 1 foreigner you could be curious, but:
- there are not evidence for exactly 10 to 1, it's a only words from one side.
- big border crossing points have big number of lines, like a 5-7-9.
It's a logically that during war and evacuation of mostly Ukrainian people border guards can change local/foreigners lines like a 1:4 or 2:7 (foreigners:Ukraininians ratio for example). If you think it's a racism - it's a only your problem. Nobody care.

Let them go out of a country at war before going into their own home countries. Border guards seem to be incompetent to check them simultaneously so they prefer to check them at the very last moment like useless humans.
It's a how border check works in all civilized world. Make a claim to every country in the world.

So in other words, black people should avoid living permanently in Eastern Europe.
And again, what you said it's a not a racism.
It's called xenophobia, but not racism.And it not only under location of Eastern Europe. A lot of countries in the world with mono-ethnic composition in 'household' level are prejudiced to foreigners. Started from south Korea and Japan and moving to the east, literally any country will have some form of xenophobia to foreigners. Few countries in the world like USA, Canada, UK, France(and their satellites) are true multinational countries, because they have this composition for a number of years.
So as non-white people getting 'uncomfortable stares' in EE, the white people feel 'uncomfortable stares' in Africa region, Asia region, etc. Will you call racist every country in the world based on your logic?

feel lonely because it's basically 99.9% white people
OMG, so need to send few milions non white people for your friend not to feel lonely?
Or fact that east Europe have small amount of non-white people automatically make racists from that region? Your words have no sense, but a lot of insults.

You meant "I'm not a brother for you"? Well, it happens when I speak to people during a conversation. Doesn't mean that you are my "brother". You took it too seriously. I had no clue that you were Ukrainian.
Sure you not my brother. I just pointed to you, that claiming other people to be n**i and racist and right after start harassment\discrimination whole nation - you looks like racist yourself.

But anyways she is going to go back to Nigeria.
You evaded the answer about Hungary.

And last, I support neither Russia or Ukraine. I don't care about this war.
Those two nations are both nazis and may the best win.
What you forget in this topic? (a rhetorical question)
came here to throw insults and add ukrainophobia to the topic?
you are not needed here, russian bots are better at this job. With your knowledge about situation, it's best to stay where you are, otherwise you will suddenly feel 'uncomfortable stares' at you.

I will do a favor for you and will not continue dialogue with you by putting to the ignore list.

Also a couple of pictures from the first video, where clearly noted by POLISH police that these persons was removed from the queue, not because their skin colour, but because they DO NOT HAVE documents and they can't say where is they going.

You call it racism, I call it following laws.

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Year passed and same actors/pro russian puppets sing same song on the stage. Proxy war, usa sell weapon, bla bla bla.
We already read it in march 2022.

Everyone was so smart, but each and every prediction was failed.
What a coincidence
This thread is a great litmus test for seeing who is able of fact-based reasoning, and who is so deep inside the conspiracy rabbit hole that they just ignore reality altogether. (Or the simpler explanation: they're simply Russian people peddling their own govt propaganda)

Russian language knowledge confirmed.

The mystery of why Товарищ полониет is so pro-Russian is slowly unraveling...
Reactions: John Spectre
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