It's not an ad hominem, simply pointing out that you don't believe your own theories or else you would actually put your money where your mouth is.
If you truly believed that the west is evil/degenerate/murders people by the millions, compared to Russia that is good and pure - you wouldn't keep your wealth in the west and wouldn't live in the west. Your actions don't match the theories that you are propagating.
Similar to 99% of the West-bashers\Russia-Turkey-China-lovers here, almost all of these guys live in the west and some even in countries protected by the US (like our tinfoil-hat friend 369 that lives in Germany, a country that only exists because the US army is there to protect it).
There is no real difference between the libtard NPCs and the right-wing NPCs. Both are cults of people that have distorted beliefs. Both are equally disconnected from physical reality.