Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine

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Power, ammunition and transport infrastructure is a legitimate military target. Russia's strikes are extremely mild compared to the USA's carpet bombing of Iraq before boots on the ground. The lights were out from day one. Do you have some examples where they have hit civilians solely?

What do you feel about Ukraine's shelling of Donbas since 2014? Cities with no military interest. Thousands of civilians were killed. There is plenty of footage of it. Is this terrorism?

Where have you read about Russia's expansionist goals and do you have a link to where they have hinted they plan to capture all of Europe? I do not see that. I see their actions as defensive. The proposed European security framework was offered in December 2021 and seemed reasonable...
Reactions: Dreamy
Totally correct!

Not only this, look at what Putin himself is doing and who benefits from ALL his actions!

1. Putin started a huge war, causing big damage to Russia's army, so badly that they need to recruit civilians and reservists.
Who benefits from this huge war? People who sell arms and weapons, primarily the United States.
2. The war also led to a big increase in oil price, who benefits from it? That's right, the United States once again which is a huge Oil producer.
3. Putin's war also led to an invigoration of NATO and a big increase in spending towards Nato by the EU and Europeans - Who benefits? You guessed it right, the United States once more.

So it's clear, Putin is a puppet of the United States, can't argue with facts
Reactions: John Spectre
Are you Ukrainian? Do you live in Ukraine? Have you been there at least once? Apparently not, because you are telling an outright lie...

1. On February 24, fucking russland country of orcs and absolutely crazy president attacked independent Ukraine, starting just like that to shell its territory. Some my friends there almost died evacuating from Kyiv when stinking russian rockets flew into it. What are you talking about? Yes, I have examples when russia threw rockets exclusively at civilians (to the trade center, to the energetics companies and so on). This is how several of my friends died in the shopping center of one city, where rockets from stupid russia flew in.

2. Donbas - is UKRAINE. It's part of Ukraine. It's just ukrainian region. Like for example Bordo is part of France. Munich (Bavaria) is part of Germany. Since 2014, russia has sponsored terrorists there (in Donbas). Ukraine, unfortunately, did not have the power to oust them. What other questions? Imagine if, say, russian-sponsored torrirists appeared in Alaska and started calling for joining russia. Do you think the US would just let Alaska go? Or not? I think no. So why did Ukraine have to give away part of its territory just like that? Don't fall for russian propaganda. ALL russian is originally a lie. Look how many people have died in Donetsk over the years since 2014. 5-7? Or 10? More or less like this. And they were terrorists. There weren't and aren't any thousands of deaths! It's all lies! Moreover, where do you think they got their weapons from, these terrorists? Naturally, they were given it by a moronic country called russia.

3. That is, russia attacked a neighboring independent state, killed hundreds of thousands of people, tried to seize the CAPITAL of neighboring country, captured Kherson (fortunately, the Ukrainian army had already liberated it) or a couple of cities. And you call it defensive action? Are you out of your mind at all? Attacking foreign territory, capturing the cities of a foreign country - are these defensive actions?

Just look this - Rashism - Wikipedia - maybe will help you to understand what's going on.

The only thing that russia has achieved is that it is now hated by ALL Ukrainians, as well as by most people in the civilized world. This moronic country must be destroyed. And I hope this happens soon. Since the ideology of "rashism" is the most terrible and terrible thing that exists on earth at this point in time.

You don't need to waste time for arguing with people here.

Most of them are simply russians. It's a even funny, that they move their asses to the west countries but continues spread lies about how russia cool country and how bad collective west.
Double funny that they actively reject this fact, despite they have messages in russian language in forum and they disscuss things about moving assets from russia.
truely 'great' nation.

Single advice for such people - to follow their own words and come back their asses to their native tagil, kolyma, siberia etc.

Another few are just pure haters of the western world and no matter what is going - they will just blame west for every problems in the world. Death of civilians in Ukraine and terroristic behavior of russia - it's absolutelly not their interest. They don't care.
You are emotional about it. Which is fine, but it does mean you can't view the conflict with any rationality.

I'm not Ukrainian, I've been. I have staff there who have very different views, from extreme nationalists in the west, to those indifferent in Kiev, to those in the East who are very pro Russian. I know all about it.

Simpletons and virtue signallers break it down to "Putin bad", "Ukraine good" which is asinine.

And their timelines also only begin in February 2022. Mine starts about 15 years earlier.

I would say 99% of pro-Putin crowd especially in this forum are just "independent thinkers", people that got so deep into conspiracy theories they think Putin is the defender of the free world and is fighting the New World Order, the Illuminati and the (((banking cartel))) that owns us all. Complete mental institution type people that sees conspiracies in everything and live in a fantasy world.

I don't think they are bad people, they just got too deep in the rabbit hole. Almost all of them are Western / European (for some reason Germans really LOVE these theories), never been to Russia and never spoken to anybody that escaped the hellhole that is the Soviet Union.

No point arguing with these people, they believe they have some secret knowledge and anybody that thinks otherwise is "sheep" that has been brainwashed by the media. A very particular kind of cult that is almost impossible to de-program from... They could see Putin eating a child and they would say "ah this child was evil Illuminati child". Anything that doesn't fit their distorted world view is simply blocked from their consciousness as "fake news"
Putin is the leader of Russia fighting the international-based rules order, which the United States dictates. Where's the conspiracy theory?
Reactions: backpacker
Putin is killing Ukrainian people. That's what is actually happening on the ground. It's a shame that Putin-lovers can't say a single sentence without bringing the United States into it.
Not directly. Civilian deaths are relatively low. Unfortunately, some get caught up in it, but this is the nature of the conflict. Russia views Ukrainian people as brothers; this is obvious; otherwise, they would have razed their major cities to the ground. I don't see Russian troops using Ukrainian civilians as human shields, like the Azov in Mariupol, as per their nato training. Btw, have you seen Mariupol lately? It is no longer in the news for some reason...

Remember, this was avoidable if the US has listened to Russia for the last 15 years. There have been hundreds of attempts at diplomacy, the last being in December with the new European Security Framework.

There was also a peace deal brokered during this conflict, but Boris Johnson was instructed to go to Kiev and scupper it.

And the USA are directly responsible for this proxy war, so you are correct it is impossible not to mention them. They are knee-deep in Ukraine.
Russia views Ukrainian people as brothers
Wow, really I have no more response to that. Do you also bomb your brother's electricity network, kill your brothers? If that's how you treat your brother I really pray for your actual siblings.

I find it hilarious that you are so anti-West when based on your own admission you spend most of your time in Skandinavia and the UK, have a UK company and are a UK tax payer. I hate to break it to you but it sounds like all your assets are in the West. You enjoy the West protection and rule of law, while whining about it endlessly. You're no different than a communist libtard posting "f**k capitalism" from his iPhone.

Why don't you put your money where your mouth is, convert your assets into Rubles and put it in some nice friendly Russian or Belarussian bank? If you believe your own theories that the West is evil, corrupt, greedy and degenerate, the only logical step is to move your assets to the side of the nice friendly people. Tell us how it went
Of course, you have no response to it, which is why you go ad hominem. If you spent time researching what is actually going on rather than trawling my post history, you'd be better placed.
Low? Tens of thousands is low?)
Civilian deaths are relatively low.
Low? Tens of thousands are dead. Not considering the dead, a big nation has psychological traumas now.

Travel for a week to the great russia, for example to some regional center like Togliatti/Samara, where the legendary cars are produced. You will see all the greatness, the friendlies, etc of that country.
Reactions: RealDude
How many civilians do you think died in Bagdhad before American boots hit the ground? Or, as most western NPCs think, don't these places count?

I feel for the Ukrainian civilians; they're being led to their doom by people that care ZERO about them. The United States and Europe are happy for them to 'fight to the last Ukrainian in order to weaken Russia.
Low? Tens of thousands are dead. Not considering the dead, a big nation has psychological traumas now.
Have you heard about trauma and deaths of the native russians in Donbass, who live there, in 2014-2022? And how they were treated by the n**i "Ukro-Reich"?

Will the US and Western news mention this? There you go then.

And who is to blame for your lack of knowledge: russian propaganda or western censorship?

Or how about existential threat to Russia, if NATO was to expand to Ukraine?
What would the US do if there had been such a threat to it as country, next to its border?

"But the people suffering...." Yes, they are.
Otherwise russian people, later on, would've been suffering anyway, with the fire on their territory instead. Do you as a non russian care about this?

Thanks Putin from Russia for his swift and brave decision **today**
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Reactions: polonieth

Iran looks to enter Russian car market​

Iranian automakers plan to supply revamped European models to Moscow after the exodus of foreign brands.

The Iranian carmaker assembles revamped models of Chinese Haima and Dongfeng brands. Last year, the country launched the Tara sedan based on the Peugeot 301, while other new models using the Peugeot and Citroen as prototypes are coming.

Based on some news from russian news outlet Poland plans to hold refferendum in west ukraine to split ukraine and to make west ukraine join under Poland.
If you know history you know that west ukraine by law belongs to Poland but was given under russian administration after ww2 same as east germany was given under polish administration and that poland has a claim for west ukraine till today.

If its going to be true it would be a good opportunity to buy CHEAP estates in west ukraine
Reactions: polonieth
Dude you really crack me up - you really come up with the most insane stuff
How is this insane? It makes complete sense, given that Western Ukraine was historically Polish.

Based on their actions so far, they fancy reclaiming that land. There are thousands of Polish boots on the ground in Ukraine already.

I thought there might be some 'peacekeeping' force being deployed there once Russia has achieved its objectives.
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