Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine

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Japanese carmaker leaving Russia​

New World Order.
Is there still a relevant car manufacturer in Russia?
Will Pooting soon invent the horse-drawn carriage?

why do you continue to post articles from this dangerous state-owned propaganda source?

for illustration purposes only, these are the types of articles posted there:
these "soldiers" are obviously paid actors, trained by the FSB.

i strongly recommend only posting articles from trusted sources, like this one for example:
their journalists are credentialed experts and they employ Huffington Post trained fact-checkers on staff to root out disinformation.
Are you stupid ?
They left Kherson because they could not deliver supply anymore as bridges got destroyed.So they could choose to hold Kherson and lose thousand of soldier or step back and get into a better position.
Secondly it was Biden who asked/demanded from Ukraine to talk with Russia not the other way round.

Seriously your never ending propaganda of ukraine winning the war gets boring

Also about Mazda

They are not leaving Russia but just changing structures to not be forced by western governments to close their doors there
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Reactions: RealDude
Hahah the Kyiv Independent a trusted source. This has to be a troll account or the he/she, they/them, zhe is seriously lacking in grey matter.

The Kherson withdrawal makes sense. It's only another social media victory where the Ukrainians can video themselves hoisting the flag and the western cheerleaders will go wild.

The reality on the battlefield is far different and is not decided by pyrrich victories like this. Look at the loss differentials. It will get real serious when these mobilised forces turn up in the next few weeks.
What do you mean by isolate from civilisation?
Well, for example, the recognition of this territory as a terrorist country, which will be considered by the European Union this week. Ban their citizens in all financial institutions of developed countries (since they are already so stupid, and do not want to change policy and love their dictator). Many things...
Can you elaborate on how Russia would be recognised as a terrorist state? What is the act of terrorism it has committed?

Banning all citizens from a specific country, sounds very strange. I thought one of the pillars of the lovely western democracy that everyone is so envious of is that collective punishment for all based on the actions of a few is wrong. When did that change?
and soon they will retake crimea! bravo!

ukrainians should be proud to have this man as their leader
(needless to say, in illiberal russia it would be impossible for a jewish comedian to become president):

Leader lol. What is he leading? He's a hand-picked puppet by the USA, funded by an oligarch who isn't afraid to employ neo n**i muscle to get the job done.

Just in case you aren't aware, he isn't leading anything. He's a nobody, even Russia didn't bother blowing him up in Kherson when he visited, seems like they're happy to have the coke head of Kiev causing those at the top table the odd headache.
What do you have in mind? For example, they daily launch Iranian drones on the infrastructure of Ukraine, killing ordinary civilians. This is terrorism. And this territory, with its under-dictator and stupid people who love him, should be recognized as terrorist at least. This country is a cancerous tumor on the globe. And Ukraine is now essentially a barrier between them and Europe. Their moronic king once said that russia ends in Lisbon. I think his hint should be clear.
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