Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine

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Finland has kind of had this consensus that: why join if we don't need it? Plus we've been basically "members" of NATO with all the unofficial cooperation and all sorts of US-Finland military exercises. Now Russia has given Finland quite the reason to join NATO!

Plus, a referendum about joining NATO was created and it got the required 50,000 votes within 2 days
We will know the answer, I suppose, when we see which comes first: new monetary system or Putin's corpse.
ha ha putins military power has no real opposition in europe.
they could be in a week in berlin if they would like.
So the show of war and ukraines president (actor) speach with standing ovation in the EU should have opened everyone the eyes what is happening.
Reactions: Gediminas
facts say the opposite. None of the big cities are taken, people are fighting for their freedom with opposers. Whole different picture from Crimea. He must have thought that or he got convinced that Ukrainian people will greet him as a liberator but the reality is different. His troops do not see any motivation for the war with the most relative nation and the fact of killing people in 2022 in Europe is absolutely crazy
The years of n**i propaganda against Ukraine by the Kremlin in Russia do not seem to have worked. Accordingly, the motivation of the Russian army to give their lives for something like this is low. Perhaps most Russians secretly long for an opening to the West, who knows?
I managed to probe the sentiment among a number of ukrainians i got second-hand access to.
It seems that the feelings are 50-50
like half believe it's aggression bladablada, the other half believe it's their stupid comedian that is doing the US/UK interest (that has been stated clearly as taking Putin down), who refused to stick to the minsk agreements first, rejected the neutrality request after, and got their land bombed. (and, personal opinion, he's playing the patriot whining he could die any day, but i'm pretty sure he's gonna be extracted just in time should he face any real risk).
From my friend that doesn't seem to be the sentiment at all... Where are you hearing this "50-50" from? I mean the situation is extremely fucked up you can't be saying oh well but but he he he when Russia is committing major war crimes like bombing schools and orphanages or civilian vehicles and houses
i love people who have totaly no clue what they are talking about .I guess russia has no power and thats the reason why US/Germany are building for over a decade a front line from cologne to frankfurt to stuttgart.
Why did they forced undergrounds railways even people were massivly against it that even politicans lost their heads but still kept working on it ?
Oh yeah i know since no offical media are talking about it it can't be because you would read something like that in the major news websites.

You guys have even any clue about military assets in the EU ?

War is desired by the US/NATO and not russia.At least understand the geopolitic reality

Yeah and you belive that ukraine kicked out themself a voted president and replaced him with a SWOBODO actor/comedian.
Sorry who again voted for this moron ?Noone ?

Lol you clearly have an issue with being naive.
The pictures we receive are in majority done by SWOBODA members.
There is this high ranked female member of swoboda which pictures are now everywhere how her house has been bombed and her children suffered.You could clearly see fake blood.
But hey these propaganda clearly works watching what you write.

You can trust me russian army is WAY WAY WAY more human than US army
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Zelensky is a big clown in my opinion
When I saw his emotional speech and EU parlament standing and clapping I couldnt stop laughing at this comedy. Are they leaders or kids in kindergarden?
This shows so much weakness and only gives more confidence to Russia and especially China

havent laughed like this since a long time bunch of clowns
This is called the freedom square!

Look they have ukrainian flags sticked to their back is this for real or a comedy
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Reactions: JohnnyDoe
sorry but there is a smell of conspiracy in each statement you make man I think you have no idea in what condition the russian army is right now and surely you can fake some photos with the bombing, but the overall picture is scary. Take a look at Kharkiv's main square for example.

but yeah, the whole idea of war on european continent between 2 most related to each other people/countries is not acceptable and terrifying.
how can you possibly tolerate war in 2022? Better for Russia to take care of the corruption and to make the country nice place to be. It is a rich and resourceful country with more than 30% of the population living below the poverty line (before the war situation!)
Reactions: Silvio and RealDude
The comedy started before the war, when mainstream media were talking about “war in Europe”. Ukraine is NOT Europe!
Puppet Ursula is so excited now that she thinks someone is taking her into consideration.
All those “freedom fighters” should better target every major EU politician/bureaucrat and destroy the buildings from where those criminals have directed the end of European citizens’ freedom and wellbeing.
Reactions: 369
I still fail to read also the real truth about US move.

Check this out, from what appears to me the pinnacle of the american passive-aggressive man
minute 67 and then minute 62-65

He proudly claims that they debunked Russian lie strategy by simply calling their moves out in advance and by telling the truth! That is, exposing Putin's intention to invade, which they knew since october 2021 apparently.
Except he then say himself that they actually believed Russia would not have attacked and he believed in november 2021 that the russians would not have invaded and that the placement of the forces was totally inadequate for an attack! Etcetera.

Its absurd how playing the role of the honest party who keeps things simple and act according to logic and freedom, but apparently can't even avoid to contradict themselves still manages to fool most of the world.
We will know the answer, I suppose, when we see which comes first: new monetary system or Putin's corpse.
If after Putin his place will take Shmutin, Drutin, Gorgutin, Chuchutin and so on.... would that make any difference for you?

If you google "double standards ukraine" and "hypocrisy ukraine" and switch to the "news" tab, you'll find out that not everything is so simple.
One thing is however pretty much certain: EU is now screwed financially. Inflation is likely to go up double digits. the value of cash will be vaporized.
Tons of EU money (hopefully german only) will be spent for the influx of ukrainians and supposedly for "defense".
And Russia will probably become China's puppet feeding them with cheap resources and possibly even some military tech.
As soon as China takes Taiwan, US harakiri will be complete.

Was it so hard to bloody disarm that country? No, US needed another proxy war.
how can i accept it ?Did you stopped any war created by US ?This is a US war and nothing else.
Friedman spoke of that war already in 2015 and that there will be a conflct.
Must be a clairvoyant that he even predicted in 2015 the 3 seas initiative.Or maybe its the execution of their plan heh ?
What currency do you think could be safe?
The operational reality on the ground and what we see in the western media are completely different.
You are correct. Russia has not even established air superiority, something that the world expected to occur on day one of the invasion. That is not debatable.

So, things are actually worse for Russia than portrayed in the Western media. Russia shall prevail, but at a far higher political, economic, and military cost than it expected.
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