Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine

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Sorry bro but after this your words "Mariupol=Azanov and kharkov is intact......full energy,heat,internet,phone networks." I don't want to discuss anything with you Just google and you will see what russian army did with these cities. Most of 90% buildings in Mariupol destroyed totally! Russia - a country outcast from the whole civilized world! Its citizens are not allowed to visit other countries (and they are banning now from a lot of euro countries, for example, from CZ), all international services such as FB banned there, and totalitarianism with dictatorships, there is no opposition at all, all brands of goods (cars, clothes, food and so on) have left there, even Microsoft will not update its software there from next year, visa and mastercards do not work there . Man, this list can be much more bigger... Do not mislead other members of this forum. This is North Korea number 2. And its resources - read what oil reserves other countries have, Russia is not even in the TOP10. In addition, if Europe arranges the delivery of gas and oil from other countries (which is quite realistic, do not believe the Russian propaganda bro), Russia will become approximately equal to Eritrea. In fact, she's already there. All my friends who working in IT in Russian, already relocated to normal countries.
I would say be careful what you read and believe from some western media about the conflict and its status. Their job is to maintain Ukraine moral by highlighting every Russian death but never mentioning any Ukrainian soldiers death. I let you work that one out .

Negotiated peace is only way. However like I said before if Zelensky agrees Ukraine will not join NATO and instead be neutral then 1000's of Ukrainian soldiers would have thrown their lives away for nothing. Their blood would be on his hands sadly. Waiting for 1000's of your citizens to die in armed conflict before taking a decision you could have easily made before the conflict is hugely irresponsible for a president.

So I wait for the outcome of the talks and hope for peace.
Okay, so we heard again stories about best-country-in-the-world-russia.

In the meantime russian forces are retreats from the Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy regions because they mostly destroyed and their single way to survive are come back to russia and belorussia for regrouping.
Just wait for a couple of days for news to be announced and war-maps are updated

@Dreamy, depend on the place where are you located now and how hard will be to come to Poland/Romania and move to Ukraine. You could come back, but mostly won't be able to leave country because of martial law. On the central\west part of Ukraine are more or less safe (in terms of war in all country of course). PM me if you want know more details as i I'm in Ukraine now and have both friends who are stuck same as you.
And don't argue with prorussian people here (they are mostly from russia btw), it's don't have any sense and just waste of time.
If you can't handle truth don't ask for it.
Simple as that
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Let me try...

So you are saying that Russia should just watch and see Nazis kill their soldiers? lol

Did you see how Azov was hiding in civilian buildings? Let me guess, you only watch CNN so you haven't. In a war there will always be casualties, it's not intended though. Russia only targets military infrastructure which is put inside civilian buildings.

Also, the west keeps mentioning the maternity hospital, but you know what? The girl who was pictured as a "victim" had an Instagram account! So Azov (nazis) are planting fake victims and bombing civilian buildings by themselves, and Russia is trying to rescue them.

Did I do well? Can I get my 50 cents from Kremlin now?
What Nazis??? I lived there all my life, and of course know the truth! There are no any nazis in Ukraine at all! Nazis - are russian army with their furer putin = Hitler. They have invaded my country and are killing my people. F*cking russian soldier killing Ukrainians. That's all. neither I, nor my relatives, nor friends who live both in the south of Ukraine and in the east, have never seen any Nazis. Moreover, we have a Jewish president! What kind of Nazis are you talking about? The entire civilized world knows and understands this. How can anyone justify attacking another country in our time?

Here are published videos and photos of what is really happening. Or do you think it's all montage? Ah, well, then you are probably watching the First Channel of Russia, where Solovyov threatens that they want to attack Poland next. NOW [German]
Ukraine NOW [French]
Ukraine NOW [Italian]
Ukraine NOW [Spanish]
Ukraine NOW [Poland]
I was pretending to be a Russian lol

I guess I did it too well
What Nazis??? I lived there all my life, and of course know the truth! There are no any nazis in Ukraine at all!

Ok. This is a complete lie you told and knowingly so. This is disingenuous of you to go there. To deny this or even say there are no n**i's in Ukraine is wrong. I will leave no room for n**i sympathizers or propaganda on this forum period. You will automatically be banned without exception if another such clear falsehood is made or doubling down on such falsehood is done.

Have a nice day
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It's a good that you know what is doing in Ukraine better than ukrainian people, being 10,000 km away from the country. For sure actually not.
But as he already said, he is from south part of Ukraine. that is probably Odessa or Kherson.
Those two regions are most russia-tolerance regions in the country at this time. They are russian speaking, hating n**i\bandera\etc ideas. And it's a reality that he might not see them in his region where he lives. All right sectors/bandera/etc meetings are take places in west part of Ukraine or in Kyiv or in near-battle areas around DNR\LNR initiated by Azov.

Your double standards are clear here. Why you don't ban here people who are said bulls**t like a 'kharkov is intact'? The same complete lie from their side. The same sympathizers and propaganda for killing civilians, infrastructure in Ukraine.
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Read again carefully what I wrote and what I quoted from him instead of going of on a totally wrong tangent.

I recognize a potential n**i sympathizer and nipping this in the bud as I know where such talk goes and is bad for all interests.

There are no any nazis in Ukraine at all!
I recognize a potential n**i sympathizer and nipping this in the bud as I know where such talk goes and is bad for all interests.
There are also some people here who are saying that Russia has done nothing wrong or that cities are intact not blown up at all etc, isn't that the same if not worse? I'm just wondering where you draw the line?
Read again carefully what I wrote and what I quoted from him instead of going of on a totally wrong tangent.

I recognize a potential n**i sympathizer and nipping this in the bud as I know where such talk goes and is bad for all interests.
People on this forum already made a dialogue on this topic with you mentioned nazy are present in every country in the world, as even in your Bahamas and question only in number.
He is said zero, literally mean that amount are *not significant*, but not really 0.
If you so strict to such *0* number that must mean exactly zero n**i in the all country, than I still insist of my previous message, where you should be consistent and ban as well pro-russian heads here.

As well ban people who called nationatists or patriots to be n**i, which is definitely not truth and same level of manipulation.
There are also some people here who are saying that Russia has done nothing wrong or that cities are intact not blown up at all etc, isn't that the same if not worse? I'm just wondering where you draw the line?

What Russia has done is wrong. Let us not get it twisted. Invasion and violence against a sovereign country is wrong period.

The red line in n**i propaganda, holocaust denial etc etc. The usual knuckle head radical stuff. I cannot even say there are no n**i's in Bahamas. So to say there are none in Ukraine when poster knows this is technically impossible to claim highlights an attempt at n**i propaganda.

Thats why I remind people to keep their emotions in check as that leads to people speaking from emotion rather than logic or reason.

Your stretching He did not say "not significant". He said the below:

There are no any nazis in Ukraine at all!

What part is not clear to you? Does this sound ambiguous to you? He can correct himself if he wants in which case I am happy to stand down but lets not try and make a square into a circle when it was very clear what he said.
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So to say their are none in Ukraine when poster knows this is technically impossible to claim highlights an attempt at n**i propaganda.

Okay, I follow your logic.

When some pro-russian user will post here some BS about 'kharkov is intact' i will post actual photo from the Kharkiv knows this is technically impossible to claim highlights an attempt at russian propaganda. Do you promise to ban these persons for violence propaganda reasons?

Or you will ban only n**i topic, because you don't like it, but everything that you could tell about war 'Russia has done is wrong' and 'every user have own opinion'?
what you are do here is a morally disgusting.

What part is not clear to you? Does this sound ambiguous to you? He can correct himself if he wants in which case I am happy to stand down but lets not try and make a square into a circle when it was very clear what he said.
We could play this game together.
User 369 posted
"Russia is moving slowly as they don't bomb on purpose cities like the US do .They keep civilian infrastructur up and most important try to win the war by siege and cutting of resources."

What part is not clear to you in message above?
I didn't saw any warning of ban him from your side before. Please, do it.
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if you could read i clearly said karkhov is intact
mariupol were filled with azonov military so there was a big fight.

No Nazis ROFL
Sorry but who attacked who ?
Didn't Russia CLEARLY STATED that NATO in Ukraine is an extentional threat for the existing of russia ?
So who exectly caused that military action ?
Also the 60k ukrainian amry prepared for an offensive to sovereign regions was what exectly ?You talk about democracy but people living there are pro russians and you try to take them BY FORCE.
So where is your diffrence ?

I give a f**k about ukraine.Peoples own fault for letting their government cause the war.The Selenski government already published an interview in 2018-19 that joining the Nato will cause by 99% a war with russia.So you were fully aware of the war.Your choice your problem.
It's only sad about normal civilians who doesn't care about politics and are basicly the major victims by the piss off ukrainian government or puppets
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Do you promise to ban these persons for violence propaganda reasons?

For wilful violent propaganda and calls to violence, extremist content then yes. If we don't police ourselves in a reasonable way then an authority somewhere will do it for us sadly, whether its a government agency or a hosting provider etc.

Or you will ban only n**i topic, because you don't like it, but everything that you could tell about war 'Russia has done is wrong' and 'every user have own opinion'?
what you are do here is a morally disgusting.

I know its upsetting and you may want to see n**i propaganda to be present on the site but its not conducive to a healthy environment for all people.

if you could read i clearly said karkhov is intact

Please explain what you mean by intact? How do you know energy, heat and internet is working? Have you got a source for this claim?
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