Sorry bro but after this your words "Mariupol=Azanov and kharkov is intact......full energy,heat,internet,phone networks." I don't want to discuss anything with you
Just google and you will see what russian army did with these cities. Most of 90% buildings in Mariupol destroyed totally! Russia - a country outcast from the whole civilized world! Its citizens are not allowed to visit other countries (and they are banning now from a lot of euro countries, for example, from CZ), all international services such as FB banned there, and totalitarianism with dictatorships, there is no opposition at all, all brands of goods (cars, clothes, food and so on) have left there, even Microsoft will not update its software there from next year, visa and mastercards do not work there . Man, this list can be much more bigger... Do not mislead other members of this forum. This is North Korea number 2. And its resources - read what oil reserves other countries have, Russia is not even in the TOP10. In addition, if Europe arranges the delivery of gas and oil from other countries (which is quite realistic, do not believe the Russian propaganda bro), Russia will become approximately equal to Eritrea. In fact, she's already there. All my friends who working in IT in Russian, already relocated to normal countries.
Sorry bro but after this your words "Mariupol=Azanov and kharkov is intact......full energy,heat,internet,phone networks." I don't want to discuss anything with you