By Banning amazon , what do USA achieve?
It does more harm than good.
Modern Global financial system is way differently works than in WW2.
USA using WW2 strategy to win the war.
If amazon stop business in Russia, It only helps Russia , It create more friendly environment for Russia base cloud company. As there is no International competition with huge wallet USA Tech giant.
Remember when google, twitter, facebook stop business in
china (May be china show them a door ).
Who benefit the most ? China or Russia?
Rise of baidu,weibo and another local social media and most of the companies succeed.
I find most funny cases are Starbucks and McDonald's, as they stop business in russia.
How they Just the move the store to USA????

Local partner of "Starbucks and McDonald's" just rename the store and stop paying the royalties to USA

They run burger and coffee business as usual.
Who is winning and who is losing here ???
Koch Industries staying in Russia, says leaving would ‘do more harm than good’
Nobody know what is it the ground reality of the war?
Everybody telling their own stories.
And most important question is "What is in the Putin's mind??"
My analysis

is there is something big in Putin's mind. Some kind of grand plan.
Whatever the media shown to us, there is no way that Ukraine withstand 22 days against the Mighty Russian force. Make no mistake They will crush them in hours. Russia is second most weapon/arm exporter in the world.
There is something going to happen that will change the world forever.
Hope for the best.
Feel Sorry for people of Ukraine