Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine

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this is a good wrap-up of the situation to my mind.
Again, there is no excuse for war in any case. Imperialism is dead, we are living in a globalized world and globalization is the only way for prosperity nowadays, I believe nobody will argue with that.
Reactions: troubled soul
lmao this is all you need to know about the Kyiv Independent:
If you actually read that "Human Events" article, you will see that the author suddenly cites a source (ProPublica) without explaining anything about that organization. So, you cite an article about democracy, which cites a liberal source funded by George Soros -- an evil man who has been destroying democracy in the U.S. for many decades. In fact, he is responsible for donating huge amounts of campaign contributions to radical district attorneys in large American cities, which has disproportionally contributed to a violent crime wave in the U.S. over the past few years. Soros has contributed billions of dollars to promote the rot, corruption, and decay of civil societies everywhere. Now, it is Ukraine's turn.
Any bad happen since WW2, directly or indirectly USA is responsible.

"power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely"
Reactions: spacely
Once again, the issue of Russia's lack of access to Western technology has arisen. Russia does not have cutting-edge technology and it will experience great hardship, even in its basic resource extraction industries, if the West denies Russia access to cutting-edge technology.

For example, Ukraine is shooting Russian jets out of the sky with Western short-range missile technology because Russia lacks the technology of precision guided bombs, so its jets must use low-tech gravity bombs below cloud cover.
Reactions: troubled soul
It's obvious next step in case Ukraine will be fully invided by russia and west reaction will be too soft.

As more west wait and give freedom to russia to occupy different places - as more chance that in result everything roll down to ww3
By the same token, I can say "Malaysia COULD attack Brazil; preparing to occupy Keniy and Egypt".

Ah, yes - from "".
Good catch, = western propaganda.
This guy is trying to say that Russian state TV said that Putin could invade NATO states LOL, what a liar.. No way that would happen! Must be western propaganda...

BTW, reminder to all the US & UK bootlickers here, it's not an "invasion" it's a "special military operation". Putin also said he wouldn't invade Ukraine. U guys are all being lied to
Reactions: John Spectre
Sadly western media is not doing any objective reporting or even pretending to. People are not being given a very balanced view of events. No one is showing the precision strikes by Russian drones on Ukrainian forces or the captured/abandoned Ukrainian weapons supplied by west now in Russian hands etc etc .

But I get it that during war time its important to keep the moral of the side you support high and silence any news from other side that is against your war interest.

This whole conflict is an eye opener. The censorship around Russia is fascinating and and an insight into how the west can irrational destroy its own values. The west can never lecture China or any other country about media censorship, press freedom etc ever
Reactions: kkein and pipona
State Duma calls on Russia to lift sanctions against North Korea
Sure, to be North Korea #2, need to have North Korea as a best friend.
russia is on the right track

No one is showing the precision strikes by Russian drones on Ukrainian forces or the captured/abandoned Ukrainian weapons supplied by west now in Russian hands etc etc .

To be honest, even russian media do not have a big evidences of such strikes for last 2 weeks of war.
surprisingly, bur russia have near zero progress in the war in recent times. All what they could show it's a videos from the late February with catching UA forces in the beginning of the war or videos with killing civil infrastructure, that for sure is not their wish to show.

P.S. russia do not use UCAVs actively (Only couple of from Israel). Most of drones used by russia are simple UAV for surveillance.
UA is a single side who actively use Bayraktars UCAVs in this war.
That's why if you saw this videos and don't sure which forces was destroyed there - be sure it was fires to russia forces
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You seem to be saying that to the people supporting Ukraine here, but have you seen what the Russian supporters are posting? The very thing you are talking about; "keep the moral of the side you support high and silence any news from the other side that is against your war interest".

I post an article about 10 people dying while lining up for bread. I tried but I was not able to find any proper excuse for that. Yet, I was immediately called for sharing an article from a "CIA funded" news site (Kiyv independent).

I agree people should look objectively. But I find it really hard to be in support of anything that Russia is doing right now. Due to their frustration of not being able to finish this as quickly as they wanted, now they resort to civilians which I find disgusting.
Sure, to be North Korea #2, need to have North Korea as a best friend.
russia is on the right track

Russia and NK share a border and NK could do with some oil and technology I guess. I mean what is west gonna do to Russia if this is true....sanction them?...oh wait.

I post an article about 10 people dying while lining up for bread. I tried but I was not able to find any proper excuse for that. Yet, I was immediately called for sharing an article from a "CIA funded" news site (Kiyv independent).

News today is never impartial as you know. You are entitled to feel a certain way about something you read.

It's not about support for one side or the other. Its about controlling your emotions in difficult times and not falling for every triggering article highlighted to do exactly that. War is never clean and attrocities happen on both sides of the divide on and off camera. Don't let western media radicalize you with selective reporting. Atrocities have been happening for years in that country from shelling.
Reactions: pipona
Atrocities have been happening for years in that country from shelling.
For 30+ years of it's lifetime, Ukraine did not attack another country. Never. No one.
Russia do it every few years (as well as US which you are hate).
And even at 2014 Russia come to Ukraine with weapon.

And now you are said about moral and both sides are bad?
Ukraine is bad that protect itself? I don't think so. It's a still big difference and incomparable things in what the occupiers and defenders of the country do.

And when you will find at least first video that prove UA forces doing something wrong - you just post it here, instead of some myths about Azov or pure suggestions.

It's a same logic to say that both police and killer are both bad, because they both have weapon.
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For 30+ years of it's lifetime, Ukraine did not attack another country. Never. No one.

I'm talking about just internal conflict and shelling of Donetsk region that is now an independent state sadly.

And now you are said about moral and both sides are bad?

Yup no good guys here despite what media paints.

Ukraine is bad that protect itself?

Internal conflict has been raging for years.

I don't think so. It's a still big difference and incomparable things in what the occupiers and defenders of the country do.

Again there is no winners in this situation and no moral high ground for any party. Ukraine should have fixed its Neo-n**i Azov battalion issue. If you think a Neo-n**i military unit in Ukraine is a good thing it speaks of your morals. Also Russia should have never entered conflict in this day and age its madness. As unpalatable as it might be for you both sides need to seek peace and find middle ground.

Don't allow yourself to be radicalized by the press coverage. I don't see the same moral outrage in western media of Israel occupying Palestinian land or sizing Golan Heights or even Saudi's invading Yemen, or endless US occupations taken place by US forces in middle east.
By the same token, I can say "Malaysia COULD attack Brazil; preparing to occupy Kenya and Egypt".
You do realize that the Baltic invasion scenario was played on "Russian state TV," right? Or are you now claiming that Russia is posting Western propaganda on Russian state TV?

What are Russian patriots, who are not in fear for their lives, saying? Here is the former Foreign Minister of Russia:
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Yes, the Cherobyl disaster that almost ended all animal life on the planet, caused by the Soviet Union's gross stupidity and criminal negligence. Somehow, it is America's fault, no doubt.
LOL you clearly have no clue what caused that disaster.Ever saw the HAARP station there which has been attacked by the US?
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