Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine

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Was it Saakashvili who stroke first or not?

"Saakashvili attacked south ossetia" --> this will yield results that aren't pro-Russian and most of which prove the point, although not all, yet.

The fact that Russia is still in those areas is another matter.
The fact that Russia is still in the area is not "another" matter. It is a current matter.

We should have a thought for the large numbers of internally displaced people, tens of thousands, waiting to go back to their villages, their homes, their churches and their farms.

We cannot understand the current invasion of Ukraine without understanding the current invasion of Georgia that has been happening for 14 years.

The US and the EU are full of platitudes. They wave Ukrainian flags. They change their Twitter profiles. They wear a yellow and blue tie while announcing sanctions that have no effect. They pronounce words such as "unacceptable" but they do nothing of substance. They are inept. Meanwhile Russia builds relationships with China, India, Pakistan, Turkey and others that will last for decades.

The Western powers have lost their authority and they have lost their direction. In two years from now, nobody will care if they are banned from USD or from SWIFT. It won't matter at all.
germany has no resources no raw material.
German econemy is based on export which is now DEAD
Fresh gem

If anything at all, this should be the death of SWIFT.
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Those two videos are examples of why I watch only Fox news (while also reading plenty of conservative and libertarian content). The Democrats and the neoconservative Republicans are warmongers. Tucker Carlson in particular (first video) has done a great job providing a neutral evaluation of the war in Ukraine and asking very tough questions. I watch him almost every night. And for simply asking questions, the mainstream press in the U.S. has thoroughly savaged him -- including such liberal powerhouses such as The Washington Post.

True conservatives, such as myself, believe that military intervention is warranted only when a vital national interest is at stake. Ukraine does not present such an interest. Again, nothing excuses the Russian invasion. But that is a separate issue from whether the U.S. should involve itself, aside from providing purely defensive weapons and trying to stop the war in a fair way through diplomacy.
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I'm amazed at how much all of these Russia lovers are desperately trying to justify the war. Hilarious.

Just blame the US and West for anything and its all good!
Exactly! I’m amazed too that everything is West US or EUSSR fault.. the west this, the eu that, etc but how many of you made your wealth thanks to being living in those places and them spit on them? I agree that no one like to pay higher and higher taxes but come on, 99% of you wouldn’t have reach the wealth you have now if you were born and lived in a third world country.
Those two videos are examples of why I watch only Fox news

All makes sense now. That explains why your understanding is as it is. Broaden your horizons and enlighten yourself.

All makes sense now. That explains why your understanding is as it is. Broaden your horizons and enlighten yourself.
This from a man who routinely posts "news" articles from communist and socialist sources.

If you had bothered to watch those two videos, you would have seen that they were highly critical of U.S. involvement in Ukraine. I thought that was also your position? Or do you just make knee-jerk reactions based on the messenger?

I am also highly critical of U.S. involvement in Ukraine, but that does not excuse a Russian invasion.
This from a man who routinely posts "news" articles from communist and socialist sources.

Yup I am well read .

If you had bothered to watch those two videos, you would have seen that they were highly critical of U.S. involvement in Ukraine. I thought that was also your position? Or do you just make knee-jerk reactions based on the messenger?

Shame you have to wait for Fox News to report an event before you believe it . Other media been reported this stuff Always listen to media from both sides .

I am also highly critical of U.S. involvement in Ukraine, but that does not excuse a Russian invasion.

Now you critically thinking after Fox News confirmed US is up to no good in Ukraine. I been saying this from day one of this conflict. And yes there is no excuse for invasion.

Please always read as much and as broad as you can to stop your mind being pigeon holed or radicalized by skewed reporting of events .
Shame you have to wait for Fox News to report an event before you believe it . Other media been reported this stuff
As usual, you have it wrong. I have not changed my mind about anything. I have never favored the U.S. or NATO directly intervening in Ukraine. Go back and read all my previous posts since the beginning of the war. The U.S. has no vital national interest there. That is the standard. And I believe that based on my study of history. It has nothing to do with any news sources. You always draw the wrong conclusions.
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