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Russia to allow crypto payments in international trade to counter sanctions

Russia and China using crypto it’s the most obvious choice given the current state of the world! I don't understand why it surprises anyone that crypto is the safest bet right now against sanctions from other countries.
You are 100% correct!
Before Bitcoin, there were some other digital payments, including but not limited to DigiCash (David Chaum), e-gold (partnership between a doctor and a lawyer), Liberty Reserve (Arthur - in prison for 20 years in the US), etc., etc.
I have a "few friends" who have used them all. ;)
It wasn't only countries under sanctions but anyone who couldn't move +$1M without donating half of it to some political party. People who have a salary have NO idea how this world really works. Western Multinationals & Megacorps are the only ones who are allowed to reign supreme.

Let's pretend to put on our MegaCorp's hats..... Is Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street, etc, going to allow JP Morgan Chase, as a correspondent bank, to wire OUR MONEY, "little us," to a DIRECT competitor instead of LLY??? For example, in this case, the direct competitor is https://geropharm.com/search?q=insulin

These below own JP Morgan Chase.


These below own LLY


Do we ALL see now why there is NO WAY, Jane Doe (of course, I don't know her...I don't mess around with people Big Daddy Zelenskyy, Daddy Biden, or Mother Ursula ban) smi(&% rof/% can continue to sell INSULIN that costs less than 1/20th the price of the equivalent at LLY or NOVO-B to places in Latin America, Africa, and Asia without cryptocurrency?

https://geropharm.com/search?q=insulin is Russian. The targeted group of buyers can NOT and will NOT ever be able to purchase LLY or NOVO-B products. This is a reality!

China has awakened Russia. Russia was so asleep at the wheel because its citizens "look" a bit like us, so the Russians thought, like most families erroneously think, "Surely, my family will want the best for me." smi(&% rof/% Some people underestimate the amount of hate their family has for them!

No wonder Blackrock et al. are getting into crypto (IBIT). We can buy it, they keep it, but we can't freely own it and do what we want with it. The PRIVATE keys, just like the VOTING RIGHTS of the companies "we" own but they manage, are in THEIR hands!

It took me THIS LONG to figure it out, but it was @wellington, @JohnnyDoe, @JackAlabama, @cryptofriendly, and a whole lot of you guys who made me painfully break the "Western propaganda programming." Men...it was tons of bouts of cognitive dissonance, frustration, incredulity, false hope, etc. were ganging up on me on a daily basis! But now I got it!

Here is one of my arguments: Do you buy cryptocurrency when it's at a high, like now?

Then another: Do you buy cryptocurrency when it's at a high, like now?

But all in all, it was THIS thread that did it: Do you buy cryptocurrency when it's at a high, like now?

Of course, you have to filter out the good comments from the bad ones. I am 100% sure some of the comments are by our "enemies" disguised as "colleagues." When someone defends his slave master or the thief robbing you...well.... What else do you need to know about them? smi(&% rof/%

This isn't about the price of Bitcoin! This is about ammunition for our proverbial "guns & fuel for our tanks" against our enemies.
This is like the GME stocks. This is about bleeding the institutional investors (I²), driving them out of business or at least eroding their power & influence, and debilitating the banking cartel.
Without I² and others like them owning the bitcoins in their IBITs, they are so f*cked!
The price of Bitcoin hasn't even come close to its peak yet!

I got it now! It took a while, but I f*cking understood it. It took months down the rabbit hole, and all of you still on the "The-West-loves-me bandwagon," you better wake the f*ck up! I can go more into it, but why? If you can't see it up to here, there's not much I can do.

If the following meme doesn't shock you and wake you up...NOTHING will...


Source: Financial Times - Donald Trump lashes out at ‘inside’ enemies in two-hour Elon Musk interview

PS. By the way, FT thinks their article is a win, but the animals on this animal farm aren't buying their BS anymore! We have already identified our enemies! rof/% smi(&%
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Sounds a little like propaganda to me
What I mean is that IMHO, the West, the way it was up to the late 2000s, was the BEST the world has ever seen, but along the road, we lost our way.

Don't get me wrong. If I could buy something from someone like us, a small/medium Western businessman, I would do it immediately! I would pay up to 25% more before buying it from somewhere else, e.g., China, Russia, etc., if the fruits of my labor were going into the pockets and well-being of THAT particular small/medium Western businessman and his family!

Now, buying something from a Multinational company owned by MegaCorps/Institutional Investors who are going to use that money to influence politicians and legislators to write policies that will further infringe on or erode the rights of individuals or the public while advocating for more and more corporate interests is NOT a game I'll play! Much less bringing in "strangers" to destroy our "toys." Like WTF???!!!

Think about how WE would have felt as children if our parents brought in strange kids who did NOT look like us, didn't speak our language, didn't value our toys, and forced us to share our room with these "uncouth" strangers. Like WTF???!!!

I'm all for the Western way of life as it was until the late 2000s. The West of today bears little resemblance to the West I grew up in.

That's what I meant! ;)
What I mean is that IMHO, the West, the way it was up to the late 2000s, was the BEST the world has ever seen, but along the road, we lost our way.

Don't get me wrong. If I could buy something from someone like us, a small/medium Western businessman, I would do it immediately! I would pay up to 25% more before buying it from somewhere else, e.g., China, Russia, etc., if the fruits of my labor were going into the pockets and well-being of THAT particular small/medium Western businessman and his family!

Now, buying something from a Multinational company owned by MegaCorps/Institutional Investors who are going to use that money to influence politicians and legislators to write policies that will further infringe on or erode the rights of individuals or the public while advocating for more and more corporate interests is NOT a game I'll play! Much less bringing in "strangers" to destroy our "toys." Like WTF???!!!

Think about how WE would have felt as children if our parents brought in strange kids who did NOT look like us, didn't speak our language, didn't value our toys, and forced us to share our room with these "uncouth" strangers. Like WTF???!!!

I'm all for the Western way of life as it was until the late 2000s. The West of today bears little resemblance to the West I grew up in.

That's what I meant! ;)
totally. I underwrite that completely.
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