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Reviews on uniqpayments.net

Can confirm that UniqPayments continues to deliver. Communication has improved as well. So although things are still slow and can take weeks sometimes (not always their fault), they have become better at communicating that.

This is not an official OCT endorsement. Just sharing experiences I've heard from their clients.
I’ve purchased one setup in January and did a new order for 2+ months ago, but still waiting for it.

They seem to have problem with HK setup for the companies. But very good communication from Michael as mentioned before.

Last update was a couple of days ago where I was told that I should receive it in end of this month / beginning of August.
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As of our experience, the most stable setup is an HK company + Airwallex, with 63 setups delivered for the past 6 months, only 1 got blocked, recently we had some issues registering the Airwallex banking but resolved it at the end of last week.
How are those numbers compared to the other setups? 1 out of every 63 setup getting blocked sounds risky to me.

Follow @MichaelUniq's instructions instructions. They work.

In addition to that, run a good, clean business that doesn't incur abnormal chargebacks or refunds. Keep fraud and disputes to a minimum through good business practices.
In a thread about Cyprus, which I now can't find, you wrote something how Cyprus does not enforce the local company residence rule. How would such a setup that uniqpayment is offering, with private nominee and UBO, combined with cyprus non-dom be taxation wise?
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How do u sure that a director won’t reset an excess to theaccoutn in payment system and transfer al l the money from it?
It ultimately comes down to trust factor. If you need to affiliate yourself with the company, we can establish specific terms in the contract for company formation. However, we carefully select and interview Ultimate Beneficial Owners to ensure that they won’t cause issues for our clients. On our practice, there’s no motivation for the UBO's to do so, as they get paid accordingly.

Since we prioritize to keep the setups anonymous, that's the primary safeguard. In practice, we haven’t encountered situations where UBOs negatively impacted company operations with hundreds of created setups. They simply don’t have access to or knowledge of how to access the payment processor or affiliated verified services.
How are those numbers compared to the other setups? 1 out of every 63 setup getting blocked sounds risky to me.

In a thread about Cyprus, which I now can't find, you wrote something how Cyprus does not enforce the local company residence rule. How would such a setup that uniqpayment is offering, with private nominee and UBO, combined with cyprus non-dom be taxation wise?

Well, it always depends on the particular project's transactions and chargeback/dispute rate.

UK-based stripe accounts, especially newly registered ones, are the easiest to obtain, but don’t have the best reputation. They are very sensitive to CB rate, and roughly 2 out of 10 accounts may get blocked. EU-based accounts tend to perform better in this regard.

Unique setups such as HK, Singapore based, have highest success rates, but you should always consider the many factors and risks associated with using Stripe. Most merchants who have worked with this payment processor understand these risks. Factors such as the dispute rate, number of failed transactions etc. and not following the warming up period can all contribute to a potential ban.

On our side, we can deliver a solid setup with a reliable cloaking solution in place, currently we have several integration solutions that are in-house or provided by partners. We also provide instructions on the safest approach to warm up and manage the account based on our experience, including suggesting the use of CB alerts. And as I mentioned in the thread, we have a replacement policy : in case of ban we investigate the reason and provide a replacement if the CB did not exceed 0.5% , if situation is different, we still meet out clients halfway. However, you're right—there are risks involved, but we also have good success stories with the setups. Thanks!
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I purchased from them a very long ago, I remember it was last year somewhere around April. I got the bulletproof package which included the website + stripe + EMI set.

The account get delivered in about 2-3 weeks and I started taking payments on it but got hit with the ID verification. I though the account will go down the drain but since they had access to the nominee they help me bypass the verification and it was all good.

Then after a few payments I had the same problem as stripe is really strict with the verification process and then they wanted to review the website and other things, which they did and the account was back to normal and I can take the payments without any issue so far and still going strong till date.

And to mention, I ordered 2 more accounts as needed a backup and ordered 2 accounts off them this year around January 2024 but unfortunately they got banned and the reason was stripe just blocking accounts left and right and even after the verification they still banned the account.

I signed up for one of my web designing business with all real details and they banned it too, so I thought maybe stripe is strict with the new sign ups lately.

I was offered a replacement for the 2 banned accounts and got one last month and took a few payments and it has been okay so far, and the stripe asked for verification and their support team (Denis and Kostia and the other people) helped me through quickly and bypassed the verification. But I will keep you guys posted again just regarding the current account and also plan to get the new one with the HK setup as they said it is stable.

I might order one next month (HK setup) from them and see how it goes and will be posting any updates here.

So far, their support is amazing and quick responses and really helpful and would highly recommend getting in touch with Denis and their team who helped me through the verification.
The first setup you purchased with them, was that the UK setup, and how did it go with your HK setup?
The first setup you purchased with them, was that the UK setup, and how did it go with your HK setup?
Yes, it was a UK setup. Got a little busy and had no time to update here. HK Setups seems pretty good and been running smoothly so far. Michael helped me with the setup and everything and also helped me with changing fiat to crypto option.

They do take time to deliver, but they do deliver it and also have a good support just incase you need some help.

The HK setup seems stable and good option for me and I think i might get a few more HK setups off them in the near future as a backup.