Winglio is perfect when used as part of the solution and not the whole solution.
I have a couple accounts there and while simple, the
KYC is there and their processes look solid. (even if they will do their KYC more strict it won't be more complicated that standard
EMI level KYC - which is easy to obuse anyway...)
However, one strong point about Winglio is how formal the procedure is. You describe the service, it gets approved, you provide the company you want to deal with (invoice in future) a contract is being drafted, then internally approved by Winglio, then sent out to be digitally signed by the other company. Then you can invoice them and again all is automatic.
While it's only natural to be focused on the charges (5% or whatever it is) and on getting money, it easy to skip the fact how well documented everything is from the point of the company that needs to pay the invoice. Should there be an audit there's a communication there that cannot be ignored, signed contracts and clear payment terms, this is very helpful long terms.
Also, notice that there's an option for sending invoices automatically from their setup but also manually... so I leave this for everyone with a bit of imagination to crack themselves how this could be used.