Relocate to Monaco, how money required?

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Rancid? BWAHAHA, you didn't fit in so you're giga-coping trying to talk it down. It is okay to be a simple man and not have an appreciation for the finer things. You've never even heard of the aforementioned clubs even less so the 3 Michelin star restaurant in Provence, which you've likely never been too.

I'm not a fan boy, I am a part time resident, I spend my entire summers there, not in Monaco, but in France. The demographic in Monaco, like the rest of the Riveria, is affluent Europeans mostly with businesses in all sectors, short of the area around the Monaco casino which has mostly day tourists gawking at cars and shallow Ukrainians and Russians with their accompanying escorts in tow.

I didn't mention tax residency in Monaco. However, with that being said, I personally know multiple people that are Italian that spend 3-4 months in Monaco and have multiple homes in Europe and still maintain tax residency in Monaco. They own property in Monaco. It is a farce that Monaco authorities hyper focus on trying to nail people that spend less then 183 days per year in Monaco, unless they're undesirable and they use it as a pretext to revoke residency.

So where do you live now? Eastern Europe? LATM? Clearly not UK as you disliked London apparently after walking around it for 5 minutes

The dude doesn't know what he's talking about. D*ck riding a jurisdiction he knows nothing about. Sad!

Says the guy who moved to Monaco from some s**t hole country only to realize he wasn't affluent enough to maintain any sort of normal quality of life there and now goes around now down talking it with nonsensical statements like "it smells like piss everywhere", "there is no mega cap tech in the Rivera", "those clubs are rancid", "Gucci hat wearing pension payers ruined the vibes", "it's so overrated", "I'm okay with paying my fair share versus being worried about the tax man"...Where do you live again?
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My brother in Christ, why does my opinion of Monaco hurt you so much? Just live and let live. I'm happy you enjoy Monaco so much... although your low IQ antics suggest that you don't have enough brains or class to live in there. You completely missed out Gucci hat joke again despite my clue... proving yet again that you're a low IQ individual (and definitely a brokie) whose mind is consumed by the glitz and glam of such ugly dump.

It doesn't smell like piss in Monaco, it's actually extremely clean. Also, the tongue-in-cheek demographic you failed to pick up on your low IQ hardware – does not frequent Monaco, luckily. I was talking about the Riviera (France) which you seem to glamorize so much... like all prostitutes and bottom feeding grifters and pimps.

Oh, and that the Riviera is not Silicon Valley, is truly a ridiculous statement, but it might hint to you, that I'm personally (personally) looking to live in a place that's more relevant to my profession at this time in my life... But again, you're running on lackluster hardware up there... I.E. You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer (just in case you fail to pick up again).

Anywho... now go take some rest.

P.S. I didn't fit in because I didn't want to... It just didn't fit my worldview at this moment of my life. And to each their own pal... Luckily I did fit in among the locals, made great friends, and had some great pieces of "something" you're clearly lacking (and would never be able to match in quantity and or quality) in your life without paying. I had a great time, but there are greener pastures for me elsewhere, for the aforementioned reasons.

Anyways, if you're so butt-hurt over a stranger on the internet's opinion of a country you've never been to... You've clearly missed your meds. Now go take those and go play with a Rubik's cube... Cause you sound pretty autistic.

God bless
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ROFL, pathetic cope response, filled with childish insults and accusations of being low IQ, and comical boasting of your supposed romantic prowess...You are the one triggered - you came into the Monaco thread spewing word vomit rage hate about Monaco. Your Gucci hat joke, as you so call it, was another baseless rant, just like all the other blather and had no actual meaning or hidden message.

Judging from your past posts, it is highly likely you live in Spain or the Dominican Republic (LOL) again. You also use EMIs, so in actuality you're the "brokie" yourself, EMIs are for plebs that do not have a large enough turn over in their business to bank with a reputable bank. Enjoy your new found paradise, paying your fair share, we all on this forum hope you never visit the god-awful (said no one) French Rivera again as it would be a shame if you got a whiff of the smell of piss, or if you somehow ever stumbled upon a RANCID (ROFL) vineyard, historic beach club, or Michelin star restaurant. Given the sheer ridiculousness of your posts, it is questionable if you ever left Monaco while you supposedly lived there...
EMI? Are you projecting yourself? What's your MC IBAN? Do you even have one? No you don't cause you're a brokie fanboying over Monaco. Oh and I'm still in Monaco BTW. Where are YOU is the question? There are affordable Airbnb's in Beausoleil if you want to hang out and do some Rubik cubes together.
MC IBAN, I don't bank in Monaco, or reside there. I've mentioned that already. You're a lowly commoner; marketing consultant, born in DR - of course you didn't fit into Monaco. You just went off on a rage rant for pages on end and now you're back there and posting at 4am? You just said the world's top rated restaurants and beach clubs were rancid and the Rivera was filthy and smelled like piss? You also mentioned there was no mega cap tech in the Rivera, as if the s**t hole you live in now in LATM is clean and some sort of tech hub? You've made a total clown of yourself in this thread. I won't be responding anymore as it is off-topic and ruining the thread.
Reactions: Alonzo
Oh I see, where are you banking now? Revolut... and your fiscal residence is in... let me guess... your family home basement? You write like a (virgin) 20 something year old who belongs in 4-Chan and/or Reddit.

I hope one day you can save up half a mill and move to Monaco since you like it so much. Although someone with your lack of nuance and level of autism is highly unlikely to.

Cheers, enjoy the soviet republic of Germany (wild guess based on your lack of nuance and stupidity), or whatever dump you live in.

You must have a lot of time in your hands if you could find out where I'm from based on 4 years of posting. That's so sad.

Good luck bud, cheers.

Bro I think you need to head out of your village for a bit if you seriously think this is how it works… I see why you’re glamorizing Monaco and Googled those 3 rancid places you mentioned. Oh and “Michelin-starred” restaurants… that was cringe. Any Central European village-dweller (paleto) will be impressed by the Riviera and the aforementioned. I get it now.
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To come back to topic.
Are there any banks which are particularly advisable? Can I just show up at the Barclays HQ in Monaco and fill out paperwork covering like 500k-1M and off I go?
Or is it de facto required I can get this done only after having networked sufficently?
Reactions: jafo
Is it the same Barclays as on 31 de la Costa???

Well, don't hold me to this, but in the late 90s, it was a Swiss bank with offices in Monaco that wrote me the letter for the Carte de Séjour. Of course, I already had an account in Monaco through that Swiss bank. They opened it up for me and I had more than sufficient money in it for the Carte de Séjour.

Ask your banker. What's the worst he/she can say?

PS. Now, remember...I'm going back almost 30 years here... so don't hold me to anything...even my OWN photos from then and now have changed dramatically over the last 30 years
did it look a bit like this?....
Reactions: jafo
Barclays Monaco requires 6M minimum.

Kid is clearly a 20-something incel from a central-European village. Not running on the best hardware for sure.
As someone who have just been Monaco for a month and left I have to say that I resonate with most of the things you've said.

I came with the intention to relocate, already managed to open account with 1M minimum requirement and decided not to fund the account and leave. The juice isn’t worth the squeeze.
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Reactions: saintjohnny
with what bank?
Reactions: jafo
with what bank?
Here's a complete up-to-date list of MC banks and their minimums, for issuing attestation letter:
Barclays - 6M
UBS - 5M
Pictet - 5M
CMB - 3M
BNP - 3M
Societe Generale - 2M
Andbank - 2M
Julius bar - 1M
EFG - 1M
Safra - 1M
UBP - 1M
Rothschild Co - 1M
Rothschild Edmund - 1M
Indosuez - 1M

The majority of the funds must be invested. Either Mandate (AUM) or on your own (AUC). Expect for a minimum custody of 0.4%. I had not seen anything lower then that.

Good luck
thats helpful. Thanks
Reactions: jafo
The biggest issue I find aren't taxes... but bureaucracy, easy of doing business, weird commies and idiotic laws preventing freedom...
indeed. Optimizing can be expensive in some countries, you need really good people to help you to stay out of troubles.
Reactions: jafo

No chance. I'm guessing the minimum entry for Monaco that would make sense would be $10 million, and you'd probably be living in a studio. Do some online searches for Monaco real estate. It's some of the most expensive in the world.
Reactions: jafo
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