The following might work for people who don't need a business bank account and make most of their money with crypto.
So the idea is you get a Malta tax residency, economic self sufficiency residency but then also suppose CFC applies.
What about using an offshore foundation with zero tax that doesn't have an UBO? You don't own the foundation. You're not the UBO or beneficiary of the foundation. But you control the foundation. The UBO / purpose of the foundation being some abstract goal. Sure, no bank will open an account for that foundation.
Founder of foundation? Use a nominee founder? I think the founder of the foundation doesn't matter much. That's just the person who does the initial setup. Does not need to be involved later one.
Would any crypto currency exchanges open an account for that foundation?
If not, well use decentralized exchanges or stay below KYC threshold as long as that lasts.
Why bother with getting a tax residency in Malta? Because Malta will give you residence documentation card, a tax identification number (TIN) and tax assessment letter. TIN is requested by more and more banks. Revolut blocked my account before and requested to see source of funds by showing a tax assessment letter for a meager 10 K EUR first year total turnover.
Due to AML, I am sure when trying to move more than 10 K EUR at a time banks and fintech are going to bother me "what's your tax residency, TIN, tax assessment letter".
How to get the money out of the foundation? Well, you control the foundation and the crypto wallet. Use a private account at some EMI such as mistertango or better if there are any alternatives. Send the bitcoin there to sell to fiat.
Now what if the EMI asks for AML? You could tell them, that money is from the foundation as a reward because I did xyz for the foundation. You can even create a document for yourself. Does it end there all good?
Or would the EMI try to snoop into the affairs of the foundation? Would the EMI ask "what's your contact in the foundation?" Would the EMI ask "who's on the board of the foundation?"
A) Suppose you're a board member of the foundation. You show the EMI some paper that you are and a
certificate of good standing of the foundation. I guess what could happen next the the EMI wants to snoop more and wants to know where the foundation got the BTC from? Well, trading. How far does the AML go?
B) Suppose it really wouldn't be your foundation, how could you possibly answer? EMI could claim "due to AML you were obligated to KYC your customer and the foundation"? Maybe have a passport copy of a board member and
certificate of good standing from the foundation ready. The EMI could not reasonably demand information of the foundation made the BTC.
Either way, the EMI might find this sketchy and close the account?
Or the EMI might refuse to do business with foundations that are not in some transparency register? And even with transparency register, the EMI might refuse business if the foundation doesn't have a human UBO?
This is based on my previous question
juristic person without owner / beneficiaries - foundation? avoid liability, taxes, protect assets?