Proper Banking for Crypto Cashout Marshall/BVI company. EU Resident

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I prefer Nevada over Delaware. You can incorporate your self without giving up a single name on State website and It's almost instant, you will get incorporation documents in few seconds.

Nevada’s SilverFlume business portal. Payments can be made through Credit Cards / Debit Cards and ACH
Esentially you pay 0% tax if you profit from foreign income that is not remitted to malta.

Several months ago, while doing some research, I contacted a couple of lawyers in Malta specialized in crypto, and after several emails, they were unable to confirm if those profits from cashing out crypto (not trading, just cashing out, just like your case) would be consider capital gains (taxed at 0%) or income generated in Malta (taxed up to 35%). It was disappointing for the "crypto island", perhaps it's more clear now.

Just like PolishCourier said, I would recommend you to consider UAE. First confirm that UAE has double tax treaty with Poland, then move there, after 6+ months get a Tax Domicile Certificate (just in case you need it for the double tax treaty), cash out to a private bank in Europe (personally I would recommend you waiting until the 2nd year) and enjoy.
Yes, it has the tax treaty and it is a shitty one. According to it, you can be tax resident of Emirates only if you meet two conditions: you actually live in UAE + you are a citizen of UAE, there is also antiabusive clause in place. But still I find it the best option if you are going to actually switch residency.
Are these holdings or a stash you made trading?
Are you sure there is no tax due in Poland already?

Then are
You reall ready to life somewhere else? I would then choose Ireland for 184 days, remittance basis so you can cash out anywhere - however

If it is a case of you bought it and didn’t touch it - it’s a capital gains - you can go live in Belgium for example as capital gains is zero(obviously check this)

If it has been an active buy and sell ie trade -
Poland will want their slice if they ever find out that is
No need for company this and that - keep it simple

That's why you dont cash out as private person. I was told multiple times from different sources that it's dangerous to cash out such way.

UAE is an option but expensive to do (general living cost). If you do it on your own you also have to form company to get visa, but you can also use some law firm structure and get visa for employee.

Plus there are better options as well such as cyprus where you can pretty much be tax resident with 60 days under certain rules.
If someone has same issue make sure to contact lawyers and dont rely on open information because with every day of researching and talking to people i realize that details are VERY important when doing such stuff. If you make one simple mistake you will be obligated to pay tax in your home country. If you do everything legally, they will issue inspection on you - but as you were tax resident of another country they wont be able to do anything.
Oh and in case someone is researching EMI's. Be aware that most EMI's wont accept such schema and cryptocurrency transfer. Except of MisterTango which will very likely close your account under some AML rule.
Mailed plenty of emi's and that's the conclusion as of 2018.

Also changing residency and forming company is not a problem in this schema. There are plenty of options and different countries.
Geting banking solution is a problem and i believe this thread should be focused on this ;-))
Plus there are better options as well such as cyprus where you can pretty much be tax resident with 60 days under certain rules.
It's not that easy.

Here comes a contradictory thing. If you aren't a tax resident in any other country you don't need this certificate, but if you are you don't satisfy all these conditions. When applying for this certificate you have to declare that you are not and will not become tax resident in another state. There is also a note that such a certificate is issued only for foreign dividends payment.
All points can be easly satisfied, you want to be cyprus tax resident then of course you want to live some here. It's just better than malta because you can satify these 4 points and have more room for traveling abroad.
On malta you need to be there at least 183 days, while cyprus at least 60 (+ conditions) and make sure you dont stay anywhere else above 183 days. And if you dont want to satisfy these conditions then you have classical 183 days rule.

Much better imo.
All points can be easly satisfied
I am talking only about item b "is not a tax resident in any other country". For example he lives 60 days in Cyprus and has Cyprus ties. In his case if Poland claims him as a tax resident based on centre of vital interests he can't fulfill this condition, otherwise he even doesn't need this certificate as being non resident in Poland. So I would consult a tax advisor several times before using this scheme. May be this item is just nominal, may be not.

Also it's a must to clarify if CryptoExchange -> Belize corp -> Cyprus dividends will be tax free
As long as you have no family/company you won't be marked with this. But yes, you have to consult with advisors on this. Every country is different and other steps have to be taken.
I got list of around 15 steps to take in order to cut the vital interests thing. It's country specific.
The dividends should be free. Cyprus is similar to malta on this. These countries are used in most schemas.
No SSN is required for Private Banks.
So if you have million on the account you don't need a SSN, sounds like the USA - but it sounds wrong to me, I don't believe that any bank in this world can make exceptions like this to unknown people or someone random that comes around with a million in the pockets.

Yes they do. You do not have millions to see what banks do for you, And you definitely don't need SSN in USA even for a small amount. There are many banks in USA that open without SSN but Passport is critical. If you do not have millions, you are simply retail customer.

It's like comparing Toyota and Ferrari lol.

Try to read this one which has some real life examples :

10 Painful Real-World Examples of How Banking’s Legacy Destroys Customer Experience

First Story :

A new employee who had been working for only a few months was serving a client as usual and asking him for a passport. The client instantly got angry and explained that he is never asked to show the ID documents, so he had left them at home. The employee politely explained that every client must be identified. At that moment, one of the experienced colleagues walked by, recognized the client and started apologizing to him. It turned out the standard identification procedure did not apply to “special clients” who have an account balance of at least 6 digits, and it is forbidden to ask them for an ID.

FYI, Special clients means private clients.

Second Story:

A client came to the branch to open another bank account. The employee filled out all the required documents and informed the client that the standard process takes approximately two weeks. The client asked if it’s possible to speed it up because he wanted to receive the next transfer to the newly created account. The employee went to the head of the department who told him that it’s possible to activate the account within one week, but they need to check the client’s profile. As the balance of the current account was only around 600 EUR, the client wasn’t considered “a big fish,” and his request was denied. After a week or so, the client returned to the branch for additional paperwork in connection with the incoming transfer. The head of the department was addressed repeatedly, but this time he got indignant, asking why the employee hadn’t contacted him the first time this client came with his request (even though he did but was declined). The manager declared that the account will be activated the same day. A lot of things went through the mind of the employee at that moment, but one thing was clear: the bank activated the account because the amount of transfer the client was expecting exceeded 1 million EUR.

I do not want to spam here. With Private Banking, you get access to jumbo loans with 1% fixed rate. There are many more things like Segregated accounts. You can assign your own asset manager to account. You also get access to private hedge funds like renaissance and many more. Renaissance has 7-10% performance per year. It's like magic bruh.

You can negotiate bank fees unlike retail banks wheres they put fixed fee for everyone.

BNY really great for FX. You get access to interbank exchange rates unlike Transferwise & IB. You can save thousands of money.

Transferwise has hidden fees.
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Citizen of UAE? Sure? That's almost impossible to become?

Similar. They added: when you're tax resident in Malta and income is from active trading (means multiple/professional trading so not just long time buy and hold) then full income tax applies. Yeah. "crypto island" can mean many things but doesn't mean good location to live tax free from crypto profits of any sort.
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I got list of around 15 steps to take in order to cut the vital interests thing. It's country specific.
The dividends should be free. Cyprus is similar to malta on this. These countries are used in most schemas.
Would you mind sharing this 15-step list? You can PM me if necessary.

Malta seems to be (theoretically) a good place to setup a company dealing with these areas (crypto, gambling, maybe adult...). For personal matters it doesn't seem that good if your source income is "active" and not just dividends.
aha - so far I have not seen a single bank in the whole USA that opens an account for foreigners in the European Union and which is resident in one of the most trusted EU countries. They require your own bank to open the account with one of their branches in the USA or go home. If you contact any of the "smaller" banks in the USA they require you to be a US citizen with a SSN or tell you to ask your own bank to contact the.

So, where are all these banks that just open accounts for foreigners? There are million of threads around the Internet with people that claim they can open US accounts, they either put a middleman in there or they are just a scam. No one has ever posted on any forum a bank name where it is possible and at no time there has ever been backed up posting on such a thread where people confirm this to be possible.

This is taken out of the blue and poor bulls**t.
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I did not use any middle mans or PoA's/Accountants. This words are from my own experience.

For Personal accounts :

Few brokerages like Wells Fargo Advisors, Schwab do open accounts with a checking account remotely when you have 25k-50k in your hand and if you are looking for a semi-private bank in USA. Chase Private client has 100k-200k minimum and they open it remotely And, for millionaires BNY mellon can fly to your house and meet you and open remotely as-well.

Business accounts that open remotely:

I'm not from EU but my bankers said that they have restrictions (Applies only for Retail accounts not for private banks) for following countries starting since last year.

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

If you are from a country in that list, you certainly have to fly New york or San Francisco in order to open a retail checking account but again this does not applies to private banks.

I have dedicated layer 2 MPLS VPN connection to BNY mellon not even NSA can see what I do with them. It's also fast unlike normal VPN's.

@Martin Everson

you guys tend to like EMI's. There is US emi that open remotely with no SSN.

Make the most of your money

" If you don't have a SSN or an ITIN, you can still use other features of the Waleteros' app such as receiving Direct Deposits from your employer, sending money to other Waleteros, shopping in stores or online as well as loading cash through third party locations like GreenDot® or Visa® Ready Link. "

so you can use direct deposits, cards even if you do not have SSN or an ITIN.

I know some of people got ITIN by lying to IRS. ahahah

If you are flying to USA, you can open bank account with municipal ID (Instead utility bill) and passport also some debit card of your foreign bank.

The russians launder money through US Banking system. The mafias hire people from EU and send to US and open bank accounts using passport. No different than Mexican cartels.

For mexicans, They can open online lol. WTF!! (

As a result of this, You have to try different branches around New york or san francisco.

You actually do not need to use your passport at all

municipal ID can be used as primary and secondary identification. BOA and Capital one bank accept this

You can put your regus virtual mailing address in municipal ID.

This is amazing!
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