aha - so far I have not seen a single bank in the whole USA that opens an account for foreigners in the European Union and which is resident in one of the most trusted EU countries. They require your own bank to open the account with one of their branches in the USA or go home. If you contact any of the "smaller" banks in the USA they require you to be a
US citizen with a SSN or tell you to ask your own bank to contact the.
So, where are all these banks that just open accounts for foreigners? There are million of threads around the Internet with people that claim they can open US accounts, they either put a middleman in there or they are just a scam. No one has ever posted on any forum a bank name where it is possible and at no time there has ever been backed up posting on such a thread where people confirm this to be possible.
This is taken out of the blue and poor bulls**t.
I did not use any middle mans or
PoA's/Accountants. This words are from my own experience.
For Personal accounts :
brokerages like
Wells Fargo Advisors,
Schwab do open accounts with a
checking account remotely when you have
25k-50k in your hand and if you are looking for a
semi-private bank in USA.
Chase Private client has
100k-200k minimum and they open it remotely And, for
millionaires BNY mellon can fly to your house and meet you and open remotely as-well.
Business accounts that open remotely:
not from EU but my bankers said that they have restrictions (Applies only for
Retail accounts not for private banks) for following countries starting since last year.
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.
If you are from a country in that list, you certainly have to fly
New york or
San Francisco in order to open a
retail checking account but again
this does not applies to private banks.
I have dedicated layer 2 MPLS
VPN connection to BNY mellon not even NSA can see what I do with them. It's also fast unlike normal VPN's.
@Martin Everson
you guys tend to like
EMI's. There is US
emi that open remotely with no SSN.
Make the most of your money
" If you don't have a SSN or an ITIN, you can still use other features of the Waleteros' app such as receiving Direct Deposits from your employer, sending money to other Waleteros, shopping in stores or online as well as loading
cash through third party locations like GreenDot® or Visa® Ready Link. "
so you can use direct deposits, cards even if you do not have SSN or an ITIN.
I know some of people got ITIN by lying to
IRS. ahahah
If you are flying to USA, you can open
bank account with municipal ID (Instead utility bill) and passport also some
debit card of your foreign bank.
The russians launder money through US Banking system. The mafias hire people from EU and send to US and open bank accounts using passport. No different than Mexican cartels.
For mexicans, They can open online lol. WTF!!

As a result of this, You have to try different branches around New york or san francisco.
You actually do not need to use your passport at all
municipal ID can be used as primary and secondary identification. BOA and Capital one bank accept this
You can put your regus virtual mailing address in municipal ID.
This is amazing!