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Open bank account for Panama entity?

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Generally, this mean, that during sending or receiving transfer, you will send money to the Bank itself, not to the client of this bank.
From the pure SWIFT operation access, this mean that Caye don't have access to the traditional wiring.
And second, majority of the banks will just denied such transfers because it identified as a "transfer to third parties"(it can be simply confirmed by giving caye's wiring instructions to the bank manager who will assist with transfer).
I believe the same situation with sending money from the Caye to the other banks.

Ok firstly you are completely wrong on not only how SWIFT functions but also basic understanding of the USD wire instruction you posted in the link. So let me explain below.

I will begin by saying that anyone who reads the wire instruction and understands wire messaging can determine that the bank is connected to swift at first glance. You started by quoting the wire instruction for an ABA not SWIFT transfer.

Clearly stated:
Beneficiary Customer: Amerbank – Caye International Bank
Not a customer name.

customers info routed in field:
For Further Credit: XXXX

Did you notice that this is the ABA wire instruction for an entity of Caye Bank in America and not the bank in Belize? The address and name of the account is big clue as they are both in America and not in Belize. This is an account held at First Savanna Savings Bank in America. That particular instruction is for US ABA transfers and has nothing to do with international SWIFT wires. If you looked at page 2 on same document you can see the actual SWIFT USD wire instructions for international SWIFT wires where you would enter Caye Banks SWIFT and crown agents banks Correspondence account details on the wire instruction.

How SWIFT works is that their is a huge data file containing all the BIC's. There is also a routing file that banks load into their static data on their IT systems that contains all the routings for BIC's on a per currency basis. So for example if I entered the BIC CAYEBZBZXXX and the currency i.e USD you would immediately be given the appropriate correspondence bank that CAYEBZBZXXX will route that currencies payment to i.e CRASGB2L (which would in turn use a correspondence bank of its own in US). In reality if static data is kept up to date on sending banks systems I would only need to enter CAYEBZBZXXX and my account name and number and the payment will be routed correctly to Caye Banks USD account at Crown Agents correspondence bank. The problem is that not all banks update their static SWIFT data regularly enough. Some do it in real time and others maybe once a month. This means the receiving bank like Caye will always advise you to enter the correspondence bank manually into Field 56 of the MT103 message to make sure this issue is avoided. You do not want to rely on default routing in the sending banks static data being wrong. So if they were not connected to swift then why are they publishing a USD SWIFT wire instruction with CAYEBZBZXXX as the beneficiary SWIFT address?

Ok they are using for correspondence banking for other currencies from Crown Agents bank system. They would typically just be loading outgoing wires from a spreadsheet into the IT system of Crown Agents bank to affect the outbound wires and likewise to receive the inbound wires. There is typically no need for them to have any SWIFT overhead for sending and receiving funds outside USD. I can imagine the bulk of their business is in USD hence why they offer two sets of instructions for USD for redundancy. Again I am just going by the USD wire instructions they publish on their site and assume them to be correct. If they are not up to date and the instructions on page 2 are no longer valid. then I am wrong fair enough :)

Hope this was helpful to someone.
Ok firstly you are completely wrong on not only how SWIFT functions but also basic understanding of the USD wire instruction you posted in the link. So let me explain below.

Hope this was helpful to someone.

Your big explain changes something, but just a bit.
First, I noted that they change wiring instructions.
I found previous version of it here (which I originally checked, when checked their bank some time ago):
http://www.cayebank.bz/sites/default/files/USD Wire Instructions - Amerbank & CAB 2017.pdf
and you can see that nothing mentioned about their bank CAYEBZBZ SWIFT code.
Now they are added SWIFT code in instructions, but in any way they provide single IBAN for wiring that is GB27CRAS60836833223101 which is from Crown Agents.
Didn't you think that having IBAN from one bank and SWIFT code from another bank at least mixup something from their side? :)
Also for other currencies: EUR, etc - they still use IBAN and beneficiary 'own bank account', not the customers accounts and ask for FCC.
So, thank you for big explanation about how SWIFT is working around the world, but I can't agree with you that current situation with wiring and SWIFT payments in Caye is a transparent and 'correct' from side of traditional banks with wiring options.
You can send them USD on their CAYEBZBZ BIC hence they are connected to SWIFT. That is not hard to understand.....lol. As I mentioned they use Crown Agent bank to process the other non-core currencies outside USD. There is no need to use their BIC for this. A BIC is meaningless in real life as it does not reflect where your foreign currency is actually held as a bank.

Now they are added SWIFT code in instructions, but in any way they provide single IBAN for wiring that is GB27CRAS60836833223101 which is from Crown Agents.
Didn't you think that having IBAN from one bank and SWIFT code from another bank at least mixup something from their side?

This is totally normal as that IBAN is their USD Nostro account at Crown Agent Bank. It is same for 100% of all banks that hold foreign currency accounts. They have just decided to show it to you and allow you to send funds directly into it. If you want you can call up your local bank and ask them directly for the IBAN's for their foreign currency correspondence accounts and they will give you the IBAN too. You can then in principle send funds directly into the Nostro in same format as you would to Caye Bank but it is not encouraged to do so due to AML issues ;-). Banks prefer to receive SWIFT wires differently into their Nostro's in a way that they are automatically informed of the transfer and hence can credit you immediately. The method Caye use requires a manual process of Caye having to go into their Nostro account at Crown Agent and check the source and value of a payment before they credit the value to their own system to reflect what you see as a balance in your e-banking - hence why they ask you always:


This just makes clear they are manually matching incoming values into their Nostro (GB27CRAS60836833223101) and crediting their e-banking system with the updates plus run some AML.

So, thank you for big explanation about how SWIFT is working around the world, but I can't agree with you that current situation with wiring and SWIFT payments in Caye is a transparent and 'correct' from side of traditional banks with wiring options.

No problem, you are free to disagree ;) The wire instructions they have given are concise. Unlike other wire instructions that hide all the detail involved in an international wire instruction.

Bottom line for anyone is that if you are not comfortable with entering 'nested' or full detailed wire instructions walk away from the bank. thu&¤#
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You can send them USD on their CAYEBZBZ BIC hence they are connected to SWIFT. That is not hard to understand.....lol. As I mentioned they use Crown Agent bank to process the other non-core currencies outside USD. There is no need to use their BIC for this. A BIC is meaningless in real life as it does not reflect where your foreign currency is actually held as a bank.

All what you said is suitable for... lets say for very specific usage of bank account.
Maybe you are forget, but originally Mr Tony asked if he can use account as a other traditional banks accounts for send and receive wires easy and without problem from and to clients.

With it, if going to Caye, potential clients of this company will have a problems with:
1. Describing to it own bank that sending money exactly to Caye's account at Crown Agent Bank it's a not real UBO of money, but just a transfer to company of this bank.
2. Trying to found bank that allow to send FCC payments instead of use own bank that could not allow to do it.
3. Fighting with internet banking applications, which will not allow to put IBAN from one bank and BIC for another bank during creating wire instruction (and probably going to bank branch for make such payment in 2018)
4. Prove for AML with all of this stuff.

With all this above, at the current times banks just a strict in rules - working in way Caye's is propose will be pain. It's a not a beginning of 2000 when you was able to write jokes in wiring instuctions and wires will be send in any way.
And about you love to lolling with such things, please include your contact details, so clients who will get those problems with wiring to Caye could just call to it's own banks and say that they require BS, because Mr. Martin Everson said that all is correct and transparent, no AML or other banking rules avoiding here. :D
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Bottom line is if you have used other offshore banks or some PSP's that insist on full swift wire details and have understanding of SWIFT you will have no problems at all as I am sure their customers do. If you or your customers are not comfortable doing such wire instructions then its not for you.

Keep it simple. thu&¤#
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And about you love to lolling with such things, please include your contact details, so clients who will get those problems with wiring to Caye could just call to it's own banks and say that they require BS, because Mr. Martin Everson said that all is correct and transparent, no AML or other banking rules avoiding here. :D

Don't get upset and personal....lol. I just happen to know what I am talking about when it comes to wires unlike yourself...lol....lol....lol....lol.
Many thanks for your opinion and clarification!

If I will be lucky to open an account at Caye I will inform you how it works on practice.

Maybe someone had experience with one more bank from Belize - Atlantic International Bank Limited (AIBL)?
What do you mean with "transfer to third parties"?
Cayebank does not accept them?
Does that mean, if I have a bank account in the name of my corporation, I cannot send money to an account in my personal name?
So can someone say if Cayebank is a valid offshore bank for Belize and Seychelles companies please?
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