OnlyFans Banking EU - $300k+ a month

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Wow, this thread is growing really quickly

Some remarks from me...
It depends on how well the front is built.
Some private banks might accept you, provided that you leave a substantial amount of money invested with them.
Exactly. Can't say about UK Ltd. or Carribbean but US LLC in a proper state should work, if set-up professionally. I am aware about one similar case, also OF, a little bit smaller but comparable turnover. More below.

Good ideas.

Yes, very true. CZ/HU can work. Especially CZ was a hub for adult industry for many years.

Very correct.

Impressive numbers, a job well done. Keep it up and retire with an obese bank account, make sure you invest some in Bitcoin.

To answer your question, try:

These EMIs are nice but it will not work for 300k+ monthly turnover (in addition, of a one man show, not of a corporate), I am afraid. A very little number of EMIs can digest that. The referenced Yoursafe perhaps yes.

My personal opinion:
There is nothing wrong to be an adult business star, as well as to be e.g. a pop star; and everything can be arranged. Yet with 300k+ monthly turnover you need a professional assistance – in both industries.

@kissingerfdd, TBMK, you can
a) Go for a US LLC (NV, FL, perhaps NY – nowhere else!). With a proper assistance, you can bank with a reasonable institution and solve all issues seamlessly (I witnessed it).
b) Either move to CZ (well, it can have some cons for you) or establish a CZ (better) subject, it will work similarly as a US LLC; but taxing will probably be remarkably higher.
After arranging ad (I.), you can open a personal account with a reputable bank, my bet would be LI or British Crown Dependencies, and manage your personal wealth.

I do not want to say that there is no other way, perhaps/probably it is; but forget about all solutions like combining various EMIs, banks like Kingdom Bank etc. It might work but it is, IMO, not the right way with your turnover.

I can direct you to some professionals, if you like.
Nevertheless, be aware
– You cannot stay anonymous (I mean in front of the professionals helping you, not here). Expect even some due diligence on you.
– You mentioned that you invest your earnings. This is completely natural; but do not expect an opportunity to invest into any shady activities with the structure described above, in your case.
– Do not expect a $50 or $500 per month solution. Not for a 300k+ turnover in the adult industry.

Good luck!
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With 300K monthly I wouldnt want to be self employed anyways. I also wouldnt keep the money on a bankaccount but would immediately after move it to a brokerage and invest.

Pay yourself dividend a couple of times per year and you follow in the footsteps of the real wealthy on this planet who dont pay income taxes at all.
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Ok. haha. So this got quite a lot of comments and far more useful than any other thread I have found on here about OF before so thanks to everyone that has contributed. I have 20 minutes right now so I will try and respond to as many people as possible not just to be polite but also for anyone in future who maybe has similar questions!
I think with a simple personal us bank account you should be fine.
Plenty of good options for your residence, and better leaving the EU sooner than later.
Yes this is an option but ETBUS poses issues/risks and opening US accounts has gotten dramatically harder in the last. Yes I do have options but getting an LLC account has proved virtually impossible even with reasonable revenue like I have, it seems the risk level has dropped even further and with Project 2025 looming I also suspect it may only get worse.

Please refrain from personal attacks, I just shared my opinion

Sorry I apologise for the personal attach but I did also ask for no opinions...

Try Revolut, the just got a NL licence.
Anti adult and no chance with the amount I am earning. :-(

Impressive numbers, a job well done. Keep it up and retire with an obese bank account, make sure you invest some in Bitcoin.

To answer your question, try:
Thanks Diatessaron. I do intend to vanish and retire and I have a lot in BTC/Crypto, literally because the system has forced us away from it kind of the original point of it! Thanks Satoshi.

Onlyfans really needs to embrace crypto. Content creators should focus on what they are good at rather than wasting time begging banks for an account =)
Couldn't agree more. I can confirm they have no interest in helping either.

Haha. I have a few big name friends but the simple reality is that there is no secure one size fits all answer right now. Different countries, regulations and risk tolerance. This is something that a lot of us are experiencing or at least aware of.

Can a credit institution refuse to open an account when it has been designated by the Banque de France as part of the right to an account procedure?​

NO, except for exceptions.
This is interesting. I will look into this further. Thanks!

What about moving to Monaco and open bank account there?

Not convinced my income would make much impressions there! haha

So you are making 300k per month and asking for a financial/legal advice on the forum? How old are you? This is Madness!

Ask the best professionals you can afford.

If you can find me the person that can assist in this pretty niche and to many unsavoury issue then I am willing to pay. EY and KPMG had no interest in working with me. I was looking for full service consultancy and they said that they would not be able to give any guarantee on a solution and the fees would have been 20k+ which seemed like a cop out considering they too have worked with a lot of legitimately illegal businesses and I have been searching for a permanent solution since. Please also understand that right now I am still able to get my money I am simply looking for a more stable solution. One OF specialist accountant basically advised that no trad banks will be willing to deal with OF openly and the best bet is Paxum (and another 3% tax) or using trad banks until they close you and move to another. I am here looking for inspiration not answers and thankfully a lot of genuinely useful info!

Also what these two said:

It’s not that simple. Most of the “Best professionals” don’t know or can’t tell effective solutions.

I have literally got someone onto looking into central Europe options right now! As for investments, you would think that was the case but I have been actually rejected from a very famous private bank when offering to deposit £1M into the account as they required. Seems their appetite for money isn't a great as their distaste for the work I do!

P.s. made me lol, i know some girls selling their sack for more than 5 eur a piece if you were interested in going by Mrs. bibing?!

For a 50% fee I could move to Australia and accept the tax burden.

very true, hard to believe

Can confirm that OF have not offered any help or assistance. If you have ever worked with them you would not be surprised.

That's because she didn't share her OF profile with the decision maker

You joke but that may help, Leo has form.

I think Paxum in Dominica is already something like a 'pocket bank' to them.

But an OF EMI wouldn't be unreasonable.

OF EMI would be amazing but Paxum is indeed a long time partner of MFC and OF so I suspect there is little appetite for such a venture.

Have you considered Tolomeo Bank in Puerto Rico? If cannot find a way in, then im happy to enquire and let you know the outcome.

I haven't but I will look into it! I appreciate the lead.

I will continue with YourSafe my tax situation is great right now it is just the banking that is a struggle.

I will say again, I wish OF would work with Crypto.

These EMIs are nice but it will not work for 300k+ monthly turnover (in addition, of a one man show, not of a corporate), I am afraid. A very little number of EMIs can digest that. The referenced Yoursafe perhaps yes.

My personal opinion:

Yes. They are nowhere close to being able to cope. I think the limits are under £10k which is not really feasible. YourSafe is indeed ok and many here are giving me more confidence in them moving forward. The fees aren't great for normies but for my industry they aren't so bad!

a) Yes I think I need to reassess the LLC option. I am reaching out again to some adult industry lawyers I know to see if they have any contacts who might be able to help in the process.

b) CZ tax isn't great. I am looking into company options and also Hungary right now.

I agree on multiple EMI's. As I said before Kingdom Bank gives me Nigerian prince vibes...

I would love any contacts you have, I spend a lot of money on delegating but it is hard to find adequate representation in this specific instance. So if you do have any contacts I would genuinely appreciate it!

- I am not anonymous and have no shame or issue with what I do. I just don't really want this post to be linked back to me.
- No shady investments whatsoever. Very safe and secure ones (World ETF's) mixed with Crypto (all done legitimately). The last thing a sex worker needs to do is pick a fight with the government.
- Haha. I spend a lot more than that already. I have no issue with spending to resolve issues.

Self Employment actually has some tax advantages in my case. I have also tried various company options and it is the same issue sadly. Mixed with OF's inability to offer equitable payment solutions for all countries it is harder than it seems to get a safe working company solution.

Anyway I have literally spent 50 minutes of the 20 minutes I had replying here. I genuinely appreciate all of the responses and I will update on the solution and issues I come across as I explore some of the suggestions.

Thanks all x
P.s. I actually started this account the first time an EMI shut me down and occasionally dropped in and lurked or lurked from Google over the last couple of years. Honestly didn't think I would get this much useful info, so thanks to all of you.
Reactions: GPT
P.s. I actually started this account the first time an EMI shut me down and occasionally dropped in and lurked or lurked from Google over the last couple of years. Honestly didn't think I would get this much useful info, so thanks to all of you.
A lot of people, myself included, are here to share our knowledge. For me it's giving back to a community that has given me a lot over the past 4 decades. And this applies "I (may) Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It".
You are over complicating things
you should look into "wealth management".
If you have multiple Millions, Big Street Banks as well as private banks will open bank accounts for you IF you give them 1-2M into wealth management. They will then bend over for you to accommodate your banking needs.
Those banks will then also be more friendly and might open company accounts for you easily (us LLC or any other)
No. You have to beg on your knees. And most of them will reject you anyway. There is no reason to be enslaved by banks today, just use them for your short term needs, feed them with whatever they want to be told, and then be your own bank (btc).
Those banks will then also be more friendly and might open company accounts for you easily (us LLC or any other)
The only “more” they offer are fees.

The more you manage to avoid banks and lawyers, the happier you are.
Reactions: Forester and GPT
Reactions: Forester and GPT
Simple - wire it to a merchant bank in Asia and from there to Europe - you will still have issues with volume in Europe but from the merchant bank in Taiwan/HK you shouldn’t have issues transferring it to multiple end investments direct.

Alternatively look for a Asian bank where you can get a Euro account and they will hold them in their own account with the ECB but you can convert or transact utilize using SWIFT as you need

Merchant bank is the best way because they usually have access to SEPA
Oh and the issue isn’t you per se the issue is only fans

It’s used for trafficking and drug utilizing girls as fronts to cleanse money

On top of that it’s violating various laws

Eventually they will go for the owners
After checking with a friend of mine, that is now working in a High Risk Payment Institution, he confirmed that they can open accounts, for OF clients. If you need further information, please, send me PM. They cannot open for US companies and other black listed countries.
You are speaking very wisely, @kissingerfdd. I am travelling a lot until Sunday but I will send you at least a first DM re: contacts I have mentioned.
For your volume it makes sense to wrap it into a tax optimized company structure anyway, as you said only fans will only pay to a bank in your name or your wholly owned company in a country of your residence.

I know that in terms of personal accounts many local banks, such as Germany's Sparkasse and Volksbanken, are not that strict on compliance and won't know about OF. But you will raise suspicion there due to volume of you don't distribute it among multiple banks.

Personally I have great experience running setups for similar models like you in Romania, where we maintained accounts with banks processing mid 5 figure volumes monthly with Raiffeisen, intesa and brd for years. Generally try to stick to banks that are known for a higher risk appetite.

The notion that banks, especially big banks, don't know what is Fenix international is quite frankly absurd. Whoever thinks compliance departs are that lazy and bad really shouldn't be surprised about their accounts being gone all the time.
b) CZ tax isn't great. I am looking into company options and also Hungary right now.
If you have EU/UK passport you can easily open bank accounts with the top 3 in Hungary and withdraw from OF up to 0.5m € without any problem, if you can stay digital nomad you can do this with 0% tax.

After 7-8 figures banks will want you to become a tax resident in Hungary, you will have to pay 15% max income tax however if you convert to crypto and you will have losses you can decrease your tax, but I wouldn't go below 5-9% else they will start asking questions.

I know models in Hungary doing very large amounts without any problem, the worst case the bank wants to see your tax forms submitted the previous year, if it looks fine they won't bother you in the next years.
300K out of OF.. holy cow! what kind of content you do ? teaching linear algebra? just asking for a friend...