Wow, this thread is growing really quickly 
Some remarks from me...
These EMIs are nice but it will not work for 300k+ monthly turnover (in addition, of a one man show, not of a corporate), I am afraid. A very little number of EMIs can digest that. The referenced Yoursafe perhaps yes.
My personal opinion:
There is nothing wrong to be an adult business star, as well as to be e.g. a pop star; and everything can be arranged. Yet with 300k+ monthly turnover you need a professional assistance – in both industries.
@kissingerfdd, TBMK, you can
a) Go for a US LLC (NV, FL, perhaps NY – nowhere else!). With a proper assistance, you can bank with a reasonable institution and solve all issues seamlessly (I witnessed it).
b) Either move to CZ (well, it can have some cons for you) or establish a CZ (better) subject, it will work similarly as a US LLC; but taxing will probably be remarkably higher.
After arranging ad (I.), you can open a personal account with a reputable bank, my bet would be LI or British Crown Dependencies, and manage your personal wealth.
I do not want to say that there is no other way, perhaps/probably it is; but forget about all solutions like combining various EMIs, banks like Kingdom Bank etc. It might work but it is, IMO, not the right way with your turnover.
I can direct you to some professionals, if you like.
Nevertheless, be aware
– You cannot stay anonymous (I mean in front of the professionals helping you, not here). Expect even some due diligence on you.
– You mentioned that you invest your earnings. This is completely natural; but do not expect an opportunity to invest into any shady activities with the structure described above, in your case.
– Do not expect a $50 or $500 per month solution. Not for a 300k+ turnover in the adult industry.
Good luck!

Some remarks from me...
Front's don't work as the payment comes from a known source. Billion dollar company, no hiding really.
I have tried several versions of fronts including UK Ltd (problems with banking), US LLC (banking) and looked into offshore Caribbean options but my investigation ended with that OF won't have any options for payouts to them either.
Exactly. Can't say about UK Ltd. or Carribbean but US LLC in a proper state should work, if set-up professionally. I am aware about one similar case, also OF, a little bit smaller but comparable turnover. More below.It depends on how well the front is built.
Some private banks might accept you, provided that you leave a substantial amount of money invested with them.
At the end of last year, the monetary authority of the Netherlands (DNB) adjusted the risk classification for sex workers, making it possible for them to open and maintain a business account, as they were having problems to do so. Banks comply with this classification. The tax burden is high in the Netherlands but it is therefore and nevertheless an option that you could consider.
If a bank refuses, you can legally challenge it and you will most likely win.
That applies especially to a personal account if you register as a self-employed person (but that comes with a higher tax rate). Because you are not a legal entity in that way It is a constitutional right to have an account in your name. At least 1 bank is obliged to provide this.
In case you do: don't go with SNS, Regiobank but with bigger banks such as ING which are known to be more lenient towards foreigners.
Considering you like investing, the Netherlands doesn't charge a capital gains tax on stocks (however there is a wealth tax), a small advantage
Please don't take my thoughts as financial or legal advice, I'm just thinking out loud
Good luck in your search, I hope you find a possibility
Good ideas.In France, you can exercise your right to a bank account.
The conditions for benefiting from the right to an account
You must:
- be domiciled in France, without any nationality condition, or be French and reside abroad, or be of foreign nationality and legally reside in a country of the European Union other than France;
- not have any individual account opened in your own name (or account in the process of being closed);
- you have been refused the opening of an account by a bank. to a basic bank account,-You may want&text=If you are legally resident,where the bank is established.
Yes, very true. CZ/HU can work. Especially CZ was a hub for adult industry for many years.I am not sure where you are based but in central Europe there are several options as an EU citizen and resident (basic LLC setup and local bank account) that will be very cost effective and will not have issues processing this. I don't have experience exactly in this space but in something close and CZ/HU with top banks will work ok.
Very correct.If I were you, I would start with banks in adult business friendly countries (Netherlands, Czech Republic, probably Germany). Just be honest, say you work on OF as a performer. Show your income if they ask, show you are paying taxes, tell the reason why you can't bank in your country (not adult friendly jurisdiction).
If you want to improve your chances to get approved by a million times more, ask the bank if they have investments account as well because you want of course to deposit but you want also to invest some of your money with them as well. They will open their eyes.
Banks don't like to open "transitions" accounts. They want you to stay and make them money too. BA ks are not there to get and keep money for you. They are there to make money with your money.
Impressive numbers, a job well done. Keep it up and retire with an obese bank account, make sure you invest some in Bitcoin.
To answer your question, try:
These EMIs are nice but it will not work for 300k+ monthly turnover (in addition, of a one man show, not of a corporate), I am afraid. A very little number of EMIs can digest that. The referenced Yoursafe perhaps yes.
My personal opinion:
There is nothing wrong to be an adult business star, as well as to be e.g. a pop star; and everything can be arranged. Yet with 300k+ monthly turnover you need a professional assistance – in both industries.
@kissingerfdd, TBMK, you can
a) Go for a US LLC (NV, FL, perhaps NY – nowhere else!). With a proper assistance, you can bank with a reasonable institution and solve all issues seamlessly (I witnessed it).
b) Either move to CZ (well, it can have some cons for you) or establish a CZ (better) subject, it will work similarly as a US LLC; but taxing will probably be remarkably higher.
After arranging ad (I.), you can open a personal account with a reputable bank, my bet would be LI or British Crown Dependencies, and manage your personal wealth.
I do not want to say that there is no other way, perhaps/probably it is; but forget about all solutions like combining various EMIs, banks like Kingdom Bank etc. It might work but it is, IMO, not the right way with your turnover.
I can direct you to some professionals, if you like.
Nevertheless, be aware
– You cannot stay anonymous (I mean in front of the professionals helping you, not here). Expect even some due diligence on you.
– You mentioned that you invest your earnings. This is completely natural; but do not expect an opportunity to invest into any shady activities with the structure described above, in your case.
– Do not expect a $50 or $500 per month solution. Not for a 300k+ turnover in the adult industry.
Good luck!
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