Funny how you interpret our desire for justice and fairness as "anti-West"?

Reveals too much about your character, frankly!
I reckon the following is really going to hurt your insula and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), but here we go:
- The fact that I want to see a glorified pedophile vermin like Jimmy Savile and his sycophants brought back from death and punished (read "Abu Ghraibed") doesn't make me "anti-West" any more than
- me wanting to see Viktor Lishavsky of Amursk (Russia), another despicable pedophile, put on the rack, make me "pro-West".
Is this "juxtapositioning" getting through to you? Notice it is NOT mutually exclusive?
View attachment 6243
View attachment 6244
Your statements give NEW meaning to hoisted on his own petard...
The ONLY reason I did NOT move to
China earlier is because
- My "correct" Chinese was sufficient to negotiate prices, order food, get Didi, check into a hotel, etc., but it was NOT sufficient to be accepted to a top-tier Chinese engineering University

- Also, to the Chinese I've ALWAYS been considered a Western "Gweilo" and it took decades for them to "trust" me

In the following discussion, you can see that about a week ago I told another OCT member that I was heading to China (for at least 10 years?), so I could pursue a huge project I have...
View attachment 6246
Look at the date!

Before you tell me about freedoms, democracy etc etc, just bear in mind that my value system "may" be different than yours.
- I value manufacturing (I am an engineer and that was my major since almost ~4 decades ago)
- I value peace. I'm NOT interested in spewing hatred against others, protesting, complaining, or "fake" freedom of speech, and if I can't be peacefully around my own people (the EU) because "they" keep sabotaging & voting to bring in "thieves, rapists, color revolutionists, and proselytizers" whom I have to pay for then I would rather be around people that are the EXACT opposite...even if they do NOT look like me (but at least like hard-working Western men with discipline)

- I value economic freedom. I've written about this before. China doesn't care when €500 million hits your Chinese bank account. Assuming that is profit, they take their 25% and leave you alone. How can you argue with that?

- In essence, I want what this lady has:
In summary, I have to get my OWN hands dirty and simultaneously push the Chinese engineers (and Koreans and Japanese and Russians etc) to work harder and faster so we can have Doctor Robots (and nurse robots) that can assist us in daily life chores because the types of good men that are on OCT are a dying breed. There will be a point that even if we have the best intentions and live near one another...we won't be physically able to help one another. We need a solution to this and we need it fast.
Are you serious?
Holy moly!
No wonder 2 of my cousins who tried to open their own business in Italy went bankrupt

I feel horrible now because I thought (obviously I was wrong as H3LL) that they only went bankrupt due to poor financial discipline

. I'm grateful that I kept my comments and opinions to myself.

Like WTF???!!!
I feel so bad now...