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Navalny is no more ;)

That's not something one can choose, while you can definitely move to Russia if you so wish.

P.S. Not all countries are still buying resources from Russia, or at least not in same quantities.

Bullsh*t, first and foremost Ukraine wanted to join the EU (NATO was out of the question at the time), the people voted for it and the process then got stopped by Putin himself as it would've affected their economy due to the free trade agreement they had with Ukraine as part of CIS. He even mentoned this in his interview with Carlson. That's the root cause of the conflict.

The Soviets were in Afghanistan as well, Russia is supporting Hamas/Hezbollah along with Iran, cba to pull details for Syria and Iraq but they are/were involved there as well one way or another. So all in all this is a totally invalid argument.
What's wrong with Hamas, Hesbollah and Iran??
When I see answers like this, I ask myself: If the West is so good, what are you doing here? Surely, the overlords and slave masters are NOT taking almost or more than 50% of the fruits of your labor, right? :rolleyes:

Where you scream about dozen of killed in bad West, in russia the count goes to thousands.
rof/% rof/% rof/% rof/% Just statistically, the numbers the West works with are far larger than Russia's. It's basic math. Also,

Confirm for yourself: Most prisoners per capita by country 2024 | Statista

Go count how many were killed in russia prisons
Never been in a Russian prison! Never ever. But I have been in a US one while fighting my case. You have NO idea what you are talking about. I have firsthand knowledge! If you say you have been in a Russian prison, let's compare notes then. ;)

Ever heard of "diesel therapy"? dev56"""
The Ukrainian parliament voted in favour of the EU accession agreement, which Putin decided to block through his puppet Yanukovych. That is the root cause of the coup and the conflict.

No, it happened and it was the pro-European protesters/neo-n**i parties who did it. I'm not denying it, but if it weren't for Putin's blockade of Ukrainian accession to the EU, it would've never happened.
If you think the cause of the Maidan Coup was the EU accession agreement, then I've got a Palauan passport to sell you.
Surely, the overlords and slave masters are NOT taking almost or more than 50% of the fruits of your labor, right? :rolleyes:
here is an example of Italian taxation on corporate gross profits of €150k (2 shareholders). It can be worse than that in many cases depending on various factors.

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You can look forever at how these 'anti-West' people blame the West for all problems
Funny how you interpret our desire for justice and fairness as "anti-West"? :p
Reveals too much about your character, frankly! ;)

I reckon the following is really going to hurt your insula and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), but here we go:
  1. The fact that I want to see a glorified pedophile vermin like Jimmy Savile and his sycophants brought back from death and punished (read "Abu Ghraibed") doesn't make me "anti-West" any more than
  2. me wanting to see Viktor Lishavsky of Amursk (Russia), another despicable pedophile, put on the rack, make me "pro-West".
Is this "juxtapositioning" getting through to you? Notice it is NOT mutually exclusive? :rolleyes:




But at the same time they continue to sit in their Switzerland, Germany, Monaco and other West countries and do not follow their words by moving to russia or at least China.
rof/% rof/% rof/% rof/% rof/%

Your statements give NEW meaning to hoisted on his own petard... ;)

The ONLY reason I did NOT move to China earlier is because
  1. My "correct" Chinese was sufficient to negotiate prices, order food, get Didi, check into a hotel, etc., but it was NOT sufficient to be accepted to a top-tier Chinese engineering University ;)
  2. Also, to the Chinese I've ALWAYS been considered a Western "Gweilo" and it took decades for them to "trust" me ;)
In the following discussion, you can see that about a week ago I told another OCT member that I was heading to China (for at least 10 years?), so I could pursue a huge project I have...
Moving to China.webp

Look at the date! ;)
Before you tell me about freedoms, democracy etc etc, just bear in mind that my value system "may" be different than yours.

  1. I value manufacturing (I am an engineer and that was my major since almost ~4 decades ago)
  2. I value peace. I'm NOT interested in spewing hatred against others, protesting, complaining, or "fake" freedom of speech, and if I can't be peacefully around my own people (the EU) because "they" keep sabotaging & voting to bring in "thieves, rapists, color revolutionists, and proselytizers" whom I have to pay for then I would rather be around people that are the EXACT opposite...even if they do NOT look like me (but at least like hard-working Western men with discipline) ;)
  3. I value economic freedom. I've written about this before. China doesn't care when €500 million hits your Chinese bank account. Assuming that is profit, they take their 25% and leave you alone. How can you argue with that? :rolleyes:
  4. In essence, I want what this lady has:
In summary, I have to get my OWN hands dirty and simultaneously push the Chinese engineers (and Koreans and Japanese and Russians etc) to work harder and faster so we can have Doctor Robots (and nurse robots) that can assist us in daily life chores because the types of good men that are on OCT are a dying breed. There will be a point that even if we have the best intentions and live near one another...we won't be physically able to help one another. We need a solution to this and we need it fast. :cool:

here is an example of Italian taxation on corporate gross profits of €150k (2 shareholders). It can be worse than that in many cases depending on various factors.

View attachment 6245
Are you serious?
Holy moly!
No wonder 2 of my cousins who tried to open their own business in Italy went bankrupt cry&¤
I feel horrible now because I thought (obviously I was wrong as H3LL) that they only went bankrupt due to poor financial discipline stupi#21 . I'm grateful that I kept my comments and opinions to myself. damn_(
Like WTF???!!!

I feel so bad now...
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Funny how you interpret our desire for justice and fairness as "anti-West"? :p
Reveals too much about your character, frankly! ;)

I reckon the following is really going to hurt your insula and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), but here we go:
  1. The fact that I want to see a glorified pedophile vermin like Jimmy Savile and his sycophants brought back from death and punished (read "Abu Ghraibed") doesn't make me "anti-West" any more than
  2. me wanting to see Viktor Lishavsky of Amursk (Russia), another despicable pedophile, put on the rack, make me "pro-West".
Is this "juxtapositioning" getting through to you? Notice it is NOT mutually exclusive? :rolleyes:


View attachment 6243

View attachment 6244

rof/% rof/% rof/% rof/% rof/%

Your statements give NEW meaning to hoisted on his own petard... ;)

The ONLY reason I did NOT move to China earlier is because
  1. My "correct" Chinese was sufficient to negotiate prices, order food, get Didi, check into a hotel, etc., but it was NOT sufficient to be accepted to a top-tier Chinese engineering University ;)
  2. Also, to the Chinese I've ALWAYS been considered a Western "Gweilo" and it took decades for them to "trust" me ;)
In the following discussion, you can see that about a week ago I told another OCT member that I was heading to China (for at least 10 years?), so I could pursue a huge project I have...
View attachment 6246

Look at the date! ;)
Before you tell me about freedoms, democracy etc etc, just bear in mind that my value system "may" be different than yours.

  1. I value manufacturing (I am an engineer and that was my major since almost ~4 decades ago)
  2. I value peace. I'm NOT interested in spewing hatred against others, protesting, complaining, or "fake" freedom of speech, and if I can't be peacefully around my own people (the EU) because "they" keep sabotaging & voting to bring in "thieves, rapists, color revolutionists, and proselytizers" whom I have to pay for then I would rather be around people that are the EXACT opposite...even if they do NOT look like me (but at least like hard-working Western men with discipline) ;)
  3. I value economic freedom. I've written about this before. China doesn't care when €500 million hits your Chinese bank account. Assuming that is profit, they take their 25% and leave you alone. How can you argue with that? :rolleyes:
  4. In essence, I want what this lady has:
In summary, I have to get my OWN hands dirty and simultaneously push the Chinese engineers (and Koreans and Japanese and Russians etc) to work harder and faster so we can have Doctor Robots (and nurse robots) that can assist us in daily life chores because the types of good men that are on OCT are a dying breed. There will be a point that even if we have the best intentions and live near one another...we won't be physically able to help one another. We need a solution to this and we need it fast. :cool:

Are you serious?
Holy moly!
No wonder 2 of my cousins who tried to open their own business in Italy went bankrupt cry&¤
I feel horrible now because I thought (obviously I was wrong as H3LL) that they only went bankrupt due to poor financial discipline stupi#21 . I'm grateful that I kept my comments and opinions to myself. damn_(
Like WTF???!!!

I feel so bad now...
One more heartbreaking story is how another anti western *really really* wants to move to russia or China, but for *some reason* can't move there. Oh yes, yes, and prefer Switzerland instead. Poor suffering soul...

You could put another 100500 words here, but your actions tell everything, despite your mouth on the opposite side.
My discussion with you, jafo, is over in this thread.
Sorry, what is your proof for this? Do you have any documents proving any of his organizations were financed by the West?

Even if this were true (I'm not saying it is or isn't) he raised some good points about corruption in Russia which were never addressed, and we all know why. Besides, there are plenty of other people in the opposition who are for sure not financed by the West but are against the current regime, for a good reason.

Btw the charges against him had nothing to do with him potentially being a CIA asset.

P.S. If the CIA were to
I'm NOT surprised AT ALL! If I had to bet, I would have bet that they would have "whacked" him years ago! cry&¤

Putin learned from the BEST! Same as the Nazis, What America Taught the Nazis In the 1930s. The Germans were fascinated by the global leader in codified racism—the United States. :rolleyes:

It happens to everyone who tries to be a whistleblower *and* doxxes themselves. Identified whistleblowers die prematurely...or are tortured indefinitely... The Lancet: The ongoing torture and medical neglect of Julian Assange.

Par for the course!

PS. Just Google "The fate of whistleblowers
You forgot about Osho guy?
NGL, never heard of this :rolleyes:

One more heartbreaking story is how another anti western *really really* wants to move to russia or China, but for *some reason* can't move there. Oh yes, yes, and prefer Switzerland instead. Poor suffering soul...

You could put another 100500 words here, but your actions tell everything, despite your mouth on the opposite side.
My discussion with you, jafo, is over in this thread.
rof/% rof/% rof/%
I spend more time OUT of Monaco and Switzerland (only "Western countries" I spend any significant time in) than in them. My IP can easily reveal this :p

The girls in "other" places are less "selective" rof/% ;)

PS. I haven't visited the US since 2009 and I'm NOT planning to do it either ;)
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When I see answers like this, I ask myself: If the West is so good, what are you doing here? Surely, the overlords and slave masters are NOT taking almost or more than 50% of the fruits of your labor, right? :rolleyes:
The West is not _so_ good, but it is decent and better by almost metrics than the earlier mentioned sh*tholes like Russia, China or similar.

There are plenty of tax planning opportunities in the UK, Switzerland, Monaco, Cyprus, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Bulgaria, hell even Serbia. There is a reason why Russians with half a brain move there as soon as they get their hands on a little bit of money.

Regarding the "more than 50%" part, Russia has 20% VAT, 20% corporate tax, CFC rules and whatnot. So cut the bullsh*t...
Are you serious?
Holy moly!
No wonder 2 of my cousins who tried to open their own business in Italy went bankrupt cry&¤
I feel horrible now because I thought (obviously I was wrong as H3LL) that they only went bankrupt due to poor financial discipline stupi#21 . I'm grateful that I kept my comments and opinions to myself. damn_(
Like WTF???!!!

I feel so bad now...
obviously you have to evade taxes in Italy one way or another if you want to survive. Everybody does that. Unless you fall in one of those categories that benefit from exemptions etc. That’sthe democratic West: Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges
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Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges
I haven't heard this since my dad passed away in 1984.
It's only gotten worse :rolleyes:

Russia has 20% VAT
Same as in Monaco then! ;)
20% corporate tax
rof/% Thank you for reminding us why you are here on OCT since in the West we pay much "lower" than 20% /s :p

How did you forget the horrible PIT in Russia? :p

Are we witnessing the side-effects of the Stockholm Syndrome through you? :oops:

Why do you care to defend your torturer, abuser, and financial rapist so much? :rolleyes:


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How did you forget the horrible PIT in Russia? :p
And California has the highest PIT in the US but also the highest salaries. It's not all about tax.
Are we witnessing the side-effects of the Stockholm Syndrome through you? :oops:

Why do you care to defend your torturer, abuser, and financial rapist so much? :rolleyes:
I'm not paying any personal income taxes in my EU home country. Yes, zero. I'm exempted in full until a certain age, and then I'll relocate to Cyprus which is an EU country and also a country to which Russians are moving to.
rof/% Thank you for reminding us why you are here on OCT since in the West we pay much "lower" than 20% /s :p
It's better to pay, say, 25% instead of 20% than having to give a percentage of your company to an oligarch.
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And California has the highest PIT in the US but also the highest salaries. It's not all about tax.
This type of thinking is what is wrong with the world! It's absolutely mind-boggling to me how a person can think this way. Hey, but to each their own. ;)

EU country and also a country to which Russians are moving to *IN THE PAST*.
There! I fixed it for you! ;)

Any wealthy Russian who moves to a Western country now deserves more mistreatment than ANY punishment he can endure. The writing is on the wall! dev56"""
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This type of thinking is what is wrong with the world! It's absolutely mind-boggling to me how a person can think this way. Hey, but to each their own. ;)
So much about the high tax West: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/08/bez...berg-icahn-and-soros-pay-little-in-taxes.html

Please find me the same info regarding Russia. Oh wait, turns out there are no billionaires there except for Putin's oligarchs aka his nominee UBOs. Everyone else already moved out to the UK, Cyprus, Monaco or some other decent country.

Any wealthy Russian who moves to a Western country
I have no problem with that as long as one admits Russia is a sh*thole
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I'm not paying any personal income taxes in my EU home country
You should be useful to OCT then and explain how you are doing this so others can take advantage of it. That's what the forum is form. When can we expect a how-to-do-it step-by-step from you?
rof/% rof/% rof/% rof/% Quotes CNBC :p

OK. Whatever. Who knows why you are so concerned with others trying to leave the EU? I don't get it. Maybe you have a stake in some of us hanging around to finance your "zero-income tax and that of Soros"????

I don't care if you move to North Korea or some African country tomorrow. I'm NOT going to try to stop you! Why should I? I got NO dog in that fight. Just weird control-freak behavior. Good luck!
I have no problem with that as long as one admits Russia is a sh*thole
Ahhhhh.... finally! The mask comes off! rof/% :p rof/% rof/% rof/%

You should be useful to OCT then and explain how you are doing this so others can take advantage of it. That's what the forum is form. When can we expect a how-to-do-it step-by-step from you?
There's not much to it - you need to be a resident of a Croatia, younger than 25 and employed by a local company. You get the PIT you've paid during the previous year in June and the company is exempt from paying healthcare insurance until you're 30 years old.

Ahhhhh.... finally! The mask comes off! rof/% :p rof/% rof/% rof/%
Very funny - if Russia is not a shithole, why are people moving out of there instead of vice versa? For the record Croatia is somewhat of a shithole as well; I don't actually live there anymore.

OK. Whatever. Who knows why you are so concerned with others trying to leave the EU? I don't get it. Maybe you have a stake in some of us hanging around to finance your "zero-income tax and that of Soros"????
You've mixed something up, I don't have anything against people moving out of the EU.
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When I see answers like this, I ask myself: If the West is so good, what are you doing here? Surely, the overlords and slave masters are NOT taking almost or more than 50% of the fruits of your labor, right? :rolleyes:

rof/% rof/% rof/% rof/% Just statistically, the numbers the West works with are far larger than Russia's. It's basic math. Also,

Confirm for yourself: Most prisoners per capita by country 2024 | Statista

Never been in a Russian prison! Never ever. But I have been in a US one while fighting my case. You have NO idea what you are talking about. I have firsthand knowledge! If you say you have been in a Russian prison, let's compare notes then. ;)

Ever heard of "diesel therapy"? dev56"""
And? 50%-70% cut is better than get all your wealth stolen and put to the jail forever, eventually get killed, right?

Sure, KGB (FSS now) will let you officially know how many they've killed in their prisons. Don't make me laugh. They still hide tons of docs about USSR crimes in archives.

Renounce all your passports, get russian citizenship, do a business and just wait a bit. Enjoy russian prison. Why you're not raising kids in russia btw?

It's also strange how your bad US experience make russia great & everybody else bad even though I'm not protecting any of the bad West & simply stressing that russia is much more worse that any bad experience you can get in developed countries.