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Meeting Between Trump and Zelensky

Now it's time for Europe to step up, but I simply don't believe that Europe or the EU has any chance if the U.S. withdraws.

France only has enough nuclear weapons to protect itself with a shield, they can't cover much beyond their own borders. Germany is bound to fail, and the rest of Southern Europe has spent their money on the mafia, casinos, and prostitutes. Moreover, they have no real understanding of economics, so where are they supposed to find the funds for military buildup?!

It's a farce, at this rate, we'll all be speaking Russian in the near future, just like we would have been speaking German if Hitler had won.
How can you talk about nuclear weapons so brazenly? You do realise that nuclear war would be the end of the planet. "Protect itself with a shield" what garbage.

The only thing you are right about is Europe's non existent military capability. But the idea that we will be speaking Russian is complete nonsense.

I've posted this so many times yet nobody seems to be able to counter it. Why would Putin be interested in Europe? He has the largest land mass in the world, with such a diverse population that is not easy to keep together. What benefits would he get from taking on Europe? Absorbing several islamic republics with failing economies doesn't seem very sensible, just one big headache.

All I have ever seen is Russians looking to work with the West, supplying cheap energy and going about their business. Where is this expansionist talk stemming from? It's primary school type propaganda.

Russia and the USA should reconcile, the USA should leave NATO, push Germany into two separate states, and see the end of the EU. That would be a net benefit for the world IMO.
after watching all available footage from the meeting and some interviews (interesting was with Rubio for example) it seems that Zelensky doesn't know how to (at least temporarily) regulate his own ego and ambitions when dealing with an egoistic psychopath (and surprisingly there is nobody in his team to tell him)
How can you talk about nuclear weapons so brazenly? You do realise that nuclear war would be the end of the planet. "Protect itself with a shield" what garbage.
No garbage, It's about the threat, not an actual nuclear war! Do your research before you comment and try to dictate what I should think!
Ah yes because threatening nuclear war can in no way lead to escalation. I am unsure what warmongering people like yourself do on a forum focused on individual liberties, but I am guessing that's just me.
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mmm, and these people are just crazy fanatics about putin and they have 0 questions when he poses a real threat and starts threatening with nuclear weapons. But when ordinary people on the forum said about nuclear weapons as a defense mechanism, they start whining about escalation and the desire for a nuclear war. Well, hypocrisy of the highest degree
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I would recommend that we maintain a respectful tone in this thread. Even though it’s a sensitive topic, everyone has the right to express their opinion without being criticized or subjected to verbal attacks.
Now it's time for Europe to step up, but I simply don't believe that Europe or the EU has any chance if the U.S. withdraws.

France only has enough nuclear weapons to protect itself with a shield, they can't cover much beyond their own borders. Germany is bound to fail, and the rest of Southern Europe has spent their money on the mafia, casinos, and prostitutes. Moreover, they have no real understanding of economics, so where are they supposed to find the funds for military buildup?!

It's a farce, at this rate, we'll all be speaking Russian in the near future, just like we would have been speaking German if Hitler had won.
no, thats largely overblown fear as dont have that many people, Russia only has the population size of Japan and above Germany, half of it are also women.
Only China could occupy Europe thru a standing army they have more than enough men, or the thing which is happening currently is doing its job pretty well too, but Russia simply doesnt have the manpower to keep europe occupied thru a standing army.
mmm, and these people are just crazy fanatics about putin and they have 0 questions when he poses a real threat and starts threatening with nuclear weapons. But when ordinary people on the forum said about nuclear weapons as a defense mechanism, they start whining about escalation and the desire for a nuclear war. Well, hypocrisy of the highest degree
Can you post a full speech transcript or video where Putin has explicitly threatened the use of nuclear weapons? I have only ever seen Putin’s statements about nuclear weapons to be reactive, in response to Western escalations.

After all, Russia's nuclear doctrine states that nuclear weapons are only to be used if Russia’s sovereignty or existence is at stake. When ordinary people on forums talk about using nukes for defense, they are usually dumb and advocate for first-strike scenarios, which is a guaranteed way to turn a local war into WW3. Putin’s nuclear rhetoric is intended as a deterrent...
So many Trump and Putin fans :D
"Winners recognize winners; the rest are just noise."
"Strength attracts strength; weakness fades into the background."
"Alphas don’t waste time on betas—they build empires."
"The pack follows the Alpha; the rest are forgotten."
"Greatness doesn’t negotiate with mediocrity."
"The top of the food chain doesn’t look down—it looks ahead."
"Alphas align, betas fall in line."
"The strong thrive together; the weak get left behind."
"Dominance isn’t given—it’s earned and recognized."
"The rule of the jungle: only the strong survive together."
"Alphas don’t compete—they conquer and collaborate."
"The hierarchy is clear: lead, follow, or get out of the way."
"Winners don’t play with losers—they rewrite the rules."
"The Alpha’s circle is exclusive for a reason."
"In the game of life, Alphas don’t settle for less."
"Winners recognize winners; the rest are just noise."
"Strength attracts strength; weakness fades into the background."
"Alphas don’t waste time on betas—they build empires."
"The pack follows the Alpha; the rest are forgotten."
"Greatness doesn’t negotiate with mediocrity."
"The top of the food chain doesn’t look down—it looks ahead."
"Alphas align, betas fall in line."
"The strong thrive together; the weak get left behind."
"Dominance isn’t given—it’s earned and recognized."
"The rule of the jungle: only the strong survive together."
"Alphas don’t compete—they conquer and collaborate."
"The hierarchy is clear: lead, follow, or get out of the way."
"Winners don’t play with losers—they rewrite the rules."
"The Alpha’s circle is exclusive for a reason."
"In the game of life, Alphas don’t settle for less."
you forgot the main quote: "you can be an Alpha fan, but still remain a loser". this quote fits better ;)
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If he wasn't going to sign he shouldn't have come, he could just have done an open letter in the NYT about how he'd like to have more cooperation, but this didn't suit Ukraine in its current form.

If he was going to sign, he should have been prepared to suck up a bit. Open with gratitude. And ffs if English is your third language and it might be contentious use an interpreter, if only to give you thinking time. I think getting the hero treatment (despite setting the Istanbul deal on fire) in Western news media gave him the impression he could "do politics" in the Anglosphere.

They took a few pokes at Stamer, and he just brushed them off.
If Europe tries to pick up the US slack for Ukraine, the US will Suez Crisis Europe. Trump wants the peace deal and he's going to get it. Europe need to stop playing tough, they're not.
lol what is he going to do? Tariffs?
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