Yeah I hear you on Malta and trust :/"Malta" and "trust" don't go together period. The Satabank, Pilatus Bank and Nemea Bank saga and Myney and other EMI's that vanished overnight with no warning plus my rant on Malta's handling of Satabank should be enough to tell you my
Yes they know its an EMI based on IBAN. I have not seen any issues sending to other EMI's. Not sure what would happen if you send to one that is known for gambling or crypto etc. Would not want to try.
Do you think Wise would consider Finductive as related to crypto or gambling?
My lawyer in Malta said he knows Finductive founders so that's a bit of assurance on that at least.
I'm also thinking to open IBKR for the Ltd or other brokers and just send it all there but not sure which ones Wise supports :/