hello guys, whats the best thing to do in this scenario.
Let`s say there is a person with 6 figures in crypto and want to
cash it out (get it legal in a bankaccount) with the lowest tax possible without moving out of europe (worst case is dubai lol ). There is no hestitation to go and live there for a year or some aslong everything is legal and i dont pay 40-50% tax but the "person" would maybe move back after 1 year or something.
In Malta when im not mistaken you can cash it out for free (privat)if you hold if for a longer period (how long is the period?) would it be possible to just go there wait till u have non dom status and then cashout 6 figures in few batches? since it not via a company i wouldnt need to
pay income tax or would it be better to open a company pay these 5% tax and have my peace from law enforcment.
In Hungary there is a 15% flat tax and thats it still at little bit high imo. No sea/sun and less "expats" or "nomads".
cyprus tax would be 12.5 % + you could do some "shady" stuff with north cyprus to setup a company there and basically pay 0 tax cause there is no "enforcment" there. but prefer legal way and inncer peace good things: sun/ sea / nomads
dubai: 0% tax - big playground but far away from friends family etc.
What would you do? is there some better options? i heard if you get nondom in malta and you have income out of malta there is
no tax. could setup a
bank account outside of europe (swiss/cayman/bahams etc) and receive funds there?
Share your knowledge with me, thanks for your time,
stay wealthy.