Ranking countries for this is more like a scale, the lower you go the less you have to pay but harder to cashout crypto.
- Switzerland, Liechtenstein: Are the bests if you are willing to pay their price
- Hungary: The best in the EU imo, very stable banks, for 15% you can cash out even 9 figures € without difficult questions
- Bulgaria: Cheaper than Hungary, for 10% you can cashout maybe 7-8 figures but the banks are more risky
- Cyprus
- Germany: Only capital gains free if you purchased all your crypto, if you made it in trading or something forget it
- Portugal
- Malta: Kinda cheap but good luck finding banks
- SEA: Can be almost free, kinda grey zone, easy to withdraw 1000 $ but other than that forget it
- Dubai: Free but be happy if you can cashout 6 figures
Yes you can do sh1t like P2P and other things but if you want to do it properly with banks this is it.
Of course this list is for EU citizens, if you are from the US just do it in the US, for Asians maybe Singapore or Caribbean is an option.
But some people are crazy, they are okay going to Dubai and SEA to cashout 6 figures and paying 20% in service and conversion fees,
while they refuse to pay 10-15% in the EU with max 100 € on banking fees.W