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I think that the former is true – but I have not checked with him, as I do not need to know, currently (and the situation is changing constantly, of course). I possess just some indicia what bank it is / can be – I can tell you in DM if you are interested.

In general, anyone is encouraged to ask James Baker, what it is currently about. He is not a scammer, AFAIK.
If you could tell me, I would appreciate it :)

I have not worked with James Baker before but seen a few of his videos. I think they are useful especially for anybody starting with US LLCs. If the banking option would be worthwhile, maybe I'd purchase it as well
As I see, this product used to be named No Travel VIP Chase Bank Account, and the name Chase has now disappeared from the package title.

This leads me to believe that James Baker experiences the same issue as @yngmind but may have started a partnership with a different bank for remote opening - or, worse, charges $2.5K for an online FinTech account opening.
JB is no longer doing remote chase banking. he Can do intro if wanting to travel to usa. He's got a few other banks he is working with instead for remote intros.
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