How Secure is Switzerland When it Comes to Protecting Wealth and Assets?

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Why would Swiss or cantonal governmenta be concerned with wealth appearing?
This isn't about the Swiss, this is about the other nations (EU, UK, etc which the UBO will be a citizen of).

I'm done, perhaps i speak privately with bankers/wealth manager friends/friends of friends and know more on what is happening behind the scenes in the UK, Swiss, EU.

Like i said, good luck with it.
Reactions: JackAlabama
Thats in your head honey.

I don't know for honey... We are discussing other matters...

They did it to 2 million people in the UK between 2022-2023

A lot of them are still in the dark, anyone from non residents to people on benefits, or people associated to countries that are currently in a state of 'political gray-ness' with the UK

That may be a regular and routine procedure for clearing the sheets from non prospective clients - the same is happening with neobanks but we associate that debanking with compliance issues.
Reactions: koohl

Okay. The UBO may be a citizen of other country/ies, but not necessarily a resident nor tax resident.

Thank you for discussion. Will be happy to hear a feedback from your friends - will help mine.
Reactions: koohl
Its relevant if you count on man made laws and nothing else for protection. And if a place changes laws at its will for a crisis (which you seem to be ok with), it can be changed for your instance as well one day.
Its relevant if you count on man made laws and nothing else for protection. And if a place changes laws at its will for a crisis (which you seem to be ok with), it can be changed for your instance as well one day.
*someone gets it*.
Now I have a question: which country has never done this and can guarantee it never will?
Its relevant if you count on man made laws and nothing else for protection.
*someone gets it*.
Some of us get it, too, but we have NOTHING "politically correct" to add to the discussion except maybe pointing out that Friedrich Leibacher certainly got it and got it probably before ANY of us "got it" and ........
I'm reminded about this almost daily because I run some of the "vanilla" companies out of Zug.
Saying anything more than that could land us in some serious trouble nowadays.
I don't want to "pay alimony and child support" to lawyers licensed by the same State that prosecutes me.

Of course, if I were in Russia or China now, I would let it rip - What the F*** will anyone do? There are billions of Friedrich Leibachers in Russia and China, so there is not much the gender-confused chopped-off thieves under the ruse of Western governments can do except bite their elbows.

Source: Google Zug Massacre 2001

PS. I got a real-life joke about "man-made laws." I'll do another thread!
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Some of us get it
I realised after that the other parties were in the industry of selling solutions, as at the time it didn't make sense on the mention of "Thailand this or Thailand that" and the personal 'attacks ref Thailand', obviously completely unaware though Thailand has a connection to me, as abundantly made clear on my time on here, so do other nations including specifically Switzerland.

In addition one of my late friends (as mentioned on here a couple of times) was the 'actual' owner (part) of one of the older private banks in Europe, and one of my close friends (and prior neighbour) is still one of the sizeable shareholders from his grandparents time in a top EU bank.

Then to top it off, i am involved in Finance (forced), and have close friends from Hedge Fund managers to Private Bankers, to Credit Managers to Geopolitical thinking heads.

So the discussions i have are rather broad, and the input i put in is based on my own need to research, verify, deduce, and hedge or exploit the markets.

Not to sell a product/service or advertise a product/service, and especially one i believe to be firmly flawed from multiple vectors.

As someone that managed a sizeable war-chest this in the current climate, and in light of the actions taken, and the potential actions unfolding would have the risk bar singing like a canary in the coal-mine as its gasping for air.

Like i said, i recognised, and then my default was "Good Luck With That" -> as it sure as hell is gonna be interesting observing.

please put some names on it.. this is a mentor group thread.. I will clean it if we can't get some serious discussion here.
What specifically are you asking for?

Corp services offering a solution to privacy/ownership indirectly via a Swiss vehicle.

Completely ignoring the economic (US) ties - fiscally, and the Political (EU) ties in a time where Swiss is neither neutral and privacy is eroded and its open season on these states on Switzerland, and its banking/wealthy system.

Its rather simple IMO, its a nice shiny brochure selling the dream, and you end up in Margate instead.

I.e Before 2019 yes, the World changed, Switzerland changed, the sales point is irrelevant post 2021 as the things that made Swiss Unique are gone, or watered down or being torn apart.


No professional should sell a product based on it's brochure description if the fundamentals no longer exist, and the Fundamentals of that offering are Geopolitical, Monetary, Political and Rule of Law.

All Four have changed.

Geopolitical = No longer Neutral
Monetary = Subservient to the US under swap lines to bail out Swiss Central Bank to in return Bail out US companies affected by Banking Collapse
Political = Subservient to the EU, gradual process that is now done.
Rule of Law = Direct Democracy vote(s) / Decisions overridden.

Ergo its not a safe country financially for investment or holding assets -> find me a country you'd invest in that did all that under the guise/sales slogan of of 'privacy' and 'wealth preservation' protected by 'rule of law' and 'neutrality' with a mere 'trust me bro'.
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please put some names on it.. this is a mentor group thread.. I will clean it if we can't get some serious discussion here.
Most Caribbean countries, some in South America, about the whole of Africa, part of Asia, Oceania except Australia and NZ.
I can totally agree to this. Plus it comes with an outrageous high price for the trust me bro offering which in fact is an iron fist inside a white soft-looking glove.

A small insight into how free speech is being actively policed. (ocr can translate the german or french court docs posted in there into english).
Im sorry for this being slightly off topic, but I like to state the importance of this as it serves as further proof about the country pretty much is doing what is generally expected to be done in the usa/eu complex.

Another one confirming what can happen if one is overly vocal about pointing out stuff.

One day it might not be a joke about lgbt or smth else which brings one into devils kitchen, but about holding xyz asset or vehicle, passport or residency permit (or having held such some random time in the past).

Given some historic examples of how such trends unfold, this must be taken into account when planning for wealth protection.
UK now openly discussing exit taxes - important as the UK as the creator of the Trust system (British Trust system) is well aware of how the systems function and at the same time - you have Bolsheviks in power that won’t care about you owning something but not owning it - they will simply seize, freeze or imprison on the whiff of a connection to an asset - what’s more they don’t get this information from you but data sharing relationships

And that data sharing may only be a communication referencing it with your lawyer and someone else as part of the process of establishing it etc

Imagine if you will all the trusts being seized world wide - now you have to fight under presumed guilt and then be found guilty of some violation somewhere.

That will start to occur next but mainly focusing on the plebs that have appeared to have gotten above their station.

And if you want to see how dirty they are look at the UK where a tweet that is anti establishment will now land you in prison for years.

Or how our PM to avoid AML and taxes but be persuaded to vote one way or the other accepted donations of 75,000 in the form of French knickers for his wife
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Im sorry for this being slightly off topic
This is NOT off-topic AT ALL!
In fact, this led to EXACTLY the truth-based evidence that both @wellington and @JohnnyDoe were trying to articulate. It also, made me discover a sinister side of Switzerland I was UNAWARE of - Remember, my last "chit-chat" insider bought the farm in 2012. Since then, I have avoided the leeches like the plague!

When @JohnnyDoe wrote this:
even I, who has NO trust in ANY legal system in the world (due to almost 2 decades of "insider['s" knowledge & perspective) thought ... "Well, this can't be a fact, right?".
***BUT*** I've taught myself to IMMEDIATELY DEEPLY question EVERYTHING that "triggers" my cognitive dissonance because, continuous learning and looking back from my diary, it is at THIS moment that I could have Bull-LEAPED ***EVERY FVCK1NG*** adversity in my life by taking the "irrefutable truth based on evidence" provided by the OUTLIER!
Love it or hate it, OUTLIERS built this world and this society! I would say that 99.99% of people are ALWAYS wrong!

What is the point of my post?
(1) Congratulations on this mistake. The Observer selects the sloppiest penal order of the year. The first negative award “Wrong Order of the Year” goes to the Limmattal/Albis public prosecutor’s office.

and then this:
(2) Penalty orders make up a large proportion of the judgments. Prosecutors are increasingly imposing prison sentences on their own initiative. Public prosecutors have a lot of power and are increasingly relying on penal orders for which no court is required. Critical questions are not welcome. According to Observer research, the Zurich Justice Commission is now taking action.

Quote: "
"Imagine if the captain of the opposing football team was also the referee. No matter how hard you try to be neutral, it will never work completely," says Marc Thommen, professor of criminal law at the University of Zurich.

What is immediately obvious in football apparently does not apply in the justice system. A good ten years ago, practically the entire criminal justice system was outsourced to the public prosecutor's office for reasons of economy and time pressure. The aim was to relieve the courts of so-called mass crime. The result: public prosecutors, who are actually supposed to conduct investigations and bring charges, often also determine the punishment. Without the court getting in the way. This is made possible by the penal order."

Like WTF???!!!

PS. This thread, and especially your post @JackAlabama has helped me TREMENDOUSLY, and I've already, in sailing parlance: "Reef the sails, to later do some jibing (turning the stern), and finally tacking (turning the boat) to avoid an imminent capsizing event. "
I think maybe one day, we should open a Sewitzerland forum here. I know that there are many people here from EUSSR admiring the country like we admire cows and milk. But how many here grew up in this country? How many went through all the schools, courts and prisons? I once had a conversation with a head of canton (as usual in Switzerland, there is more than one president on most levels) and told him directly into his face that I believe that a good half of all penalty orders are erroneous and the prosecuted would have serious arguments to oppose when I would call them. Of course, he did not believe me, but the longer I investigate, the more serious the matter becomes. Of course, you can oppose the conviction issued by the prosecutors. But who would oppose a 250 CHF fine if the minimum court fees are about four times as much?
To make things worse, do you know that any conviction here in Switzerland stays on your criminal record for years if not decades? Have you checked the situation in France or Germany? No criminal record unless you are convicted for like 90 days (in salary or prison time). And what about the behated Denmark? The government must pay you a defendant and your first opposition is free of charge.

And then we have those amazing tax discussions like this one: tax in Switzerland. I really do not know where this number should be coming from. Maybe his whole income was from capital gains? Or he bought an ancient castle for 1M and invested 2.5M in renovation (which is tax deductible). Yes, you then only pay a bit more than 10% for social security contributions.

I am not denying that there were loopholes, but they have been closed to a great extent under pressure from EUSSR. And yes, the income tax rates are relatively low until about 100k per year, which is not the case for Germany where it starts much sooner. But the living costs are also accordingly higher.

Just that much to be said here.
Well said! I couldn't agree more!
Reactions: daniels27
I'm sure if you Google you can find a forum where you can leave all your frustration about the country and OCT.

Your behavior on the forum is becoming a farce! It’s clear that you’re not happy with anything, including how OCT works, so why not go somewhere better where you can express your frustrations?

Thank goodness it's easy to click 'IGNORE MEMBER' – done
Reactions: clemens
Well said! I couldn't agree more!
Your behavior on the forum is becoming a farce!
Some agree, some not. Sorry if you do not like to hear the facts.

This is what we call freedom of speech in Switzerland. And if you went to school there, you certainly know that the status quo is called thesis. At some point this will be challenged by an opposing point of view called antithesis. And it is only the open discourse that will eventually lead to the synthesis of the differing theses and thus to end development of mankind. It is called the Hegel dialectic and definitely worth a read
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