When asking about which communication and collaboration platform to use, a use case and threat model are defining factors.
Rocket.chat for the broad audience, Matrix for some, XMPP/Jabber for command line lovers, Tox for criminals, Briar for schizos
We should not advise any particular end user profile - especially the ones with criminal behavior - to use any communication platform that may facilitate their illicit business

Seriously, there are
bad guys reading these forums and I really pay attention what and how I write anything - no need for aiding and abetting indictment.
Of the humor, ToX and Briar are beside being decentralized solutions - hence, there may be (are) performance penalties - simply another jar with honey. Also, TOR may be implied with those solutions, so I would keep any content above private from them.
XMPP is a stable protocol. As an overlay, can utilize encrypted content - OTR, OMEMO, openPGP & S/MIME and other closed cryptographic solutions. By architecture is centralized - which is decent - but can be federated - which is optimal and clustered - which is perfect.
Rocket.chat is a not mature and is an quasi-integrated derivative.
Never use something that is created just for the purpose of defeating the surveillance.

is a British blue pill

Do not use it
Sometimes, a properly implemented TLS - as a transit encryption - offers more confidentiality then any content encryption designed by youngsters can
I've read controversial opinions about
Simplex, also it is not mature yet and could contain various bugs and vulnerabilities.
so I haven't tried it myself yet, but possibly will in the future.
We tested plethora of competitors' applications, including Simplex. They all failed, even SecuSmart and Silent Circle products and some from
never heard of any of them.
Would be nice to get some input from
@mraleph and others with tech background.
I already wrote about Simplex in
I don't want to go too far off-topic, but your quote about free doesn't apply to this type of application. I'm just suggesting an actual secure E2E app. In terms of features, it's garbage compared to Telegram, but if security is what you want, its best of the bunch.
Well, this thread is interesting and nothing we discussed is by even the most relaxed definiton off-topic.
Majority of
secure communication applications for any platform is either not secure because of the design errors or is intentionaly honeypot. Sometimes they have secondary benefit, beside being COMINT...
and generally about secure communication in
This may be off-topic.
So, no specifics, then. I am all for hearing criticism of SimpleX because, as it stands, in my opinion, it's the best solution if you want an E2E messaging app with no real identifiable info. Open source, audited. I'd like to know why I might be wrong on that...
I respect your opinion despite that you have a wrong one. Time will prove that to you. And, I wish you without detrimental consequences.
Auditing and standards' certification doesn't mean anything

It's as accounting - can be quite creative
But I've read similar versions of...
I will always share publicly what I can - as I believe in certain transparency posture. But, I will not publicly comment specifics nor go against competition.
Without secure environment, no application and cryptographic system can protect the content.