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Highest cost of living worldwide rank


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Dec 5, 2022
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Ranking looks accurate but numbers should be higher like double the amount.


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Nice list, I checked the source of the data and found the below website which is very interesting when you consider to relocate anywhere

I don't know how accurate the information is.
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There always is one very big problem with those rankings: They just compare one typ of consumer. Very often, Moscow was at the very top of the list. Yes, indeed, if you want to live the same life as in Italy, it will be expensive. But the majority is living there on a very tight budget and it works. Same as the middle east, you can eat in a restaurant with service for very affordable prizes there (while at the same time, you can spend thousands at a high class one). Have you been in Switzerland? You will soon notice that this simply isn't possible. Likewise, you can buy meat for less than the price of rotten bread in Germany and China (the quality still costs a lot), while in Japan they simply don't sell the trash.

It would hence be really good to see some sort of list where you can see the band of living costs rather than having just one for comparison, which by definition won't correspond to your own profile.
Ranking looks accurate but numbers should be higher like double the amount.
Crap. And they forgot Bermuda.

It would hence be really good to see some sort of list where you can see the band of living costs rather than having just one for comparison, which by definition won't correspond to your own profile.
There are interconnections between income, I.Q. and spending. I’ve just seen people buying mangoes in the shop for $5 when they could get juicier ones for free directly from the tree at the side of the road.
But that’s too much of a thinking, it’s easier to order from Tesco.
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It would hence be really good to see some sort of list where you can see the band of living costs rather than having just one for comparison, which by definition won't correspond to your own profile.

I agree. It needs to be more granular. The list does not make sense to me at all the way its done.
As a very rough guide, charts like this are OK.
But as one intelligent contributor noted, with some effort and shopping around you can live in the most expensive place as cheaply as in the cheapest places listed. Conversely you can spend as much "living high" in a cheap place like India as spending like a Billionaire in high priced Switzerland. I personally had lunch once in the best hotel in India for $200- I also had a lunch (though it was only a bowl of Ramen) in Monaco for $3-. Bottom Line is: Your cost of living depends more on your lifestyle than where you live.