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Free residence permit on the table: Mother Russia welcomes you

Okay, I will DM you links to his messages what was ancestors of message you quoted and moderation team was not in place of make any actions against jafo.
DM received. We will have a look at it.
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And that “Sanctions” are never a solutions to conflicts. This applies at any level, from parents-kids to inter-states relations.
yeah... you're right. Let's have Putin down for a nice friendly chat with some tea and biscuits and try some Montessori-inspired "positive discipline" with him. "One less human rights violation today? Gold star!". Or maybe have a productive session of "gentle redirection" next time he invades a country.
yeah... you're right. Let's have Putin down for a nice friendly chat with some tea and biscuits and try some Montessori-inspired "positive discipline" with him. "One less human rights violation today? Gold star!". Or maybe have a productive session of "gentle redirection" next time he invades a country.
Here we go again. @Forester
yeah... you're right. Let's have Putin down for a nice friendly chat with some tea and biscuits and try some Montessori-inspired "positive discipline" with him. "One less human rights violation today? Gold star!". Or maybe have a productive session of "gentle redirection" next time he invades a country.
I don't think Putin has time to meet OCT members for tea and biscuits. He seems to have quite a lot going on in his life, including somewhat demanding job, family, social clubs, etc.
And when it comes to invading countries I guess more important would be to direct those who finance the wars, and benefit from them.

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yeah... you're right. Let's have Putin down for a nice friendly chat with some tea and biscuits and try some Montessori-inspired "positive discipline" with him. "One less human rights violation today? Gold star!". Or maybe have a productive session of "gentle redirection" next time he invades a country.
@pomegranate, please, do not divert the thread to a heated political discussion. Although pointing at the broader context is well possible here, this is still a debate about a particular way to get a residency in Russia in Second Citizenship, Golden Visa & Immigration. If you want to discuss world politics (pretty possible), please, open a new thread in Let's talk... Thanks.
@Don, I appreciate your reaction; yet in general, the same as above is valid.
The married part doesn’t play too well, but your friend should still be able to find good ladies willing to be sponsored.
If nothing changed in the last years, I can confirm.
Damn you are breaking my... I mean, his... heart. Ah well, I still want to visit sometime.
:) :)

OTOH, it's good to know that Russia is not completely overrun with 304s.
Perhaps not overrun but it is (was) easily possible to meet such, especially in cities like Moscow or St.Petersburg.

Is this topic really decisive wrt asking for a Russian residence? ;)
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Perhaps not overrun but it is (was) easily possible to meet such, especially in cities like Moscow or St.Petersburg.

Is this topic really decisive wrt asking for a Russian residence?
As to a reason WHY I would ask for Russian residence? Yes. My brain is conservative. My penis is liberal. So I have to look at all the pros and cons. Just like "getting arrested for looking at porn" is one huge negative why I won't move to Dubai. Do I look at porn daily? No. Do I look at porn sometimes? Yes. Do I want to go to jail for looking at porn? No.

Lifestyle is really important for where I live, especially if I am paying taxes there. I guess I just need to visit.
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@John Spectre , @jafo :

Any posts like the quoted below are not welcome here. Please, re-read it.

While it is well possible to understand that the debate on a topic that is natively political can be heated, any personal attacks are against forum rules and not allowed.
Take this as an informal warning. If you continue, a brute force will be used.
(1) I reported his ad hominem three weeks ago! You will see my report.
My plea to keep the thread decent was ignored.

I waited patiently for 3 weeks. THREE WEEKS! Nothing!

(2) Even @daniels27 reacted to his post here: https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/th...-mother-russia-welcomes-you.45815/post-322808

(3) You all gave the "poor" @John Spectre an implicit approval to attack...knowing FULL well I would come back like a hypersonic missile. I waited again...nothing.

(4) The moment I blast him OUT of the water...everyone is "offended." Like WTF???!!!

Make it make sense.... :rolleyes:

DM received. We will have a look at it.
Go through the thread YOURSELF! Do NOT rely on the links others send you! Do your OWN due diligence!

Start from the top, go down the thread one comment after another, and realize WHO drew first blood!

Also, look at your log to see if "a particular" someone "accidentally deleted" their comments because we all know they would NEVER do it "deliberately." ;)

Trust NO one! Verify everything yourself!

PS. Also, I blocked that "person" a LONG time ago, but he just will NOT quit! Look at my log and confirm since when I blocked that "person." ;)
Ever considered just calling it a day?
I am seriously considering it now
I haven't had a chance to answer this! I will make a Mentor Gold of it to answer you because this is a fundamental question, and we need ALL brains on deck to calculate "quasi-retirement to the point of no return, no debasement, and 'controlled'' inflation." I don't know how to do it. At least, I am NOT confident I am NOT overlooking major "holes" in my forecast.

The Christmas season is approaching, and I have so many orders to fulfill, and it's mind-blowing. Yesterday, Sunday, I filled 119 containers for my clients! Like, WTF???? I haven't slept yet! hi%#
  • Wow
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(1) I reported his ad hominem three weeks ago! You will see my report.
My plea to keep the thread decent was ignored.

I waited patiently for 3 weeks. THREE WEEKS! Nothing!

(2) Even @daniels27 reacted to his post here: https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/th...-mother-russia-welcomes-you.45815/post-322808

(3) You all gave the "poor" @John Spectre an implicit approval to attack...knowing FULL well I would come back like a hypersonic missile. I waited again...nothing.

(4) The moment I blast him OUT of the water...everyone is "offended." Like WTF???!!!

Make it make sense.... :rolleyes:

Go through the thread YOURSELF! Do NOT rely on the links others send you! Do your OWN due diligence!

Start from the top, go down the thread one comment after another, and realize WHO drew first blood!

Also, look at your log to see if "a particular" someone "accidentally deleted" their comments because we all know they would NEVER do it "deliberately." ;)

Trust NO one! Verify everything yourself!

PS. Also, I blocked that "person" a LONG time ago, but he just will NOT quit! Look at my log and confirm since when I blocked that "person." ;)
@jafo, please, keep calm. Be advised that I am verifying issues by myself. I admit that this thread should have been supervised earlier. Well, we (moderators) are neither omnipresent not omnipotent. Sorry for that. We have some private conversation with @John Spectre ; I will DM you, too – probably tomorrow (=on Tuesday).
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@jafo, please, keep calm. Be advised that I am verifying issues by myself. I admit that this thread should have been supervised earlier. Well, we (moderators) are neither omnipresent not omnipotent. Sorry for that. We have some private conversation with @John Spectre ; I will DM you, too – probably tomorrow (=on Tuesday).
I just want to make it VERY CLEAR that I even went to the extent of ignoring this person for a while, but he keeps hurling insults and insinuations... See for yourself:

Then, unbeknownst to me, this person decides to start the low-effort and ineffective insults (and factually incorrect statements) WITHOUT me even directing the conversation at him or tagging him. How could I? I chose to ignore him completely a while back! ;)
See for yourself:

Someone brought it to my attention because the OCT site didn't alert me since I chose to ignore him long ago.

Like WTF???!!!:rolleyes:
He needs to let off some steam in a weightlifting, boxing, or martial arts gym—or whatever rocks his boat.

How is it my fault he had to stick his tail between his steatopygia and flee Ukraine to Europe? smi(&%

PS. It would be so nice if the site prevented blocked people from seeing the content of the people who blocked them. ;)