it doesn't just look shady, it is shady. Novo bank not releasing the funds was the problem for a long time. But now there are other problems. It's all out of my control. The receiver controls the whole process, and makes more money the longer it drags out. You will read when I post my lawsuit that I offered to liquidate the bank myself, without a receiver. I offered to put move money into the bank to further protect customers. But the OCIF Commissioner rejected my offer. She insisted that the bank go into receivership under the control of a inexperience and conflicted trustee. Had I been in control I would have completed the process as quickly as possible. The faster the liquidation, the more money left over for me. I was not gong to charge the bank for my services. I was going to provide them for free. So my incentive would have been a quick liquidation. The receiver's incentive is to drag the process out for as long as he can get away with it to maximize his monthly fees. So far he's done a great job. I warned the OCIF Commissioner about this risk. But making the bank look bad was more important to her than the quick return of customer funds. Before the IRS got involved, the Commissioner assured me that if I could not find a buyer for the bank, that she would let me liquidate it myself. That under no circumstances would she appoint a receiver. Some how the IRS got her to change her mind.