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EU Asset Registry

Perhaps another way to look at it, they are all talking about war within 3-5 yrs with China, Russia, Iran, North Korea (etc) and they are doing a pre-accounting for asset confiscation for liquidation for the war effort.

Note, i am not entirely sure what they will do with most of these assets, as you'd need a buyer, and i've remarked on here (previously) that over the past two decades the West has bought plastic jewellery (designer) opposed to commodity based, so there's very little to melt down, and most family heirlooms (jewellery) are liquidated the moment they are received or hardship appears, which with the debasement that's been occurring predominantly from 2013 onwards most are broke continuously.

So that leaves things like Boats, Cars, Homes, well boats usually get stripped for a war effort and parts cannibalised (makes sense), cars likewise to a certain degree but don't really have a secondary value in a war time as there's no real buyers as market supply and lack of economic growth is sufficient (see a recession and secondary cars bankrupting re-sellers, and new cars sitting on port sides), so art... well most people in Europe don't really have art of value, i.e sentimental value or low end value but not high end value (i shipped my art out of UK Tax free storage a year or so ago for this concern).

Property prices crash during war periods (see Ukraine) so there's no leverage play the state can take against assets here.. besides the end person not paying any rent/mortgage will result (en-mass) in a cascade through various markets wiping out swathes of the economies and you'd have 5/1 claims on the underlying.

Watches only make sense for say 50,000$ upwards in value, the 5,000$ watch most people that have watches have probably is worth 500$ in value in a time of economic stress-cum-war.

So that leaves banks etc, which is already covered under CRS, and Basel 1,2,3,4 etc ensures thats only claims on the balance for the end user which is layered behind numerous other claims, same as stocks, bonds etc.

SO there's not really much to claim by the EU.

When it comes to money laundering, 715 billion Annually is Money Laundered in the EU, a rounding error on daily transactions, as for terror financing there's no real tangible data to show any terror financing using Euro's.
war within 3-5 yrs with China, Russia, Iran, North Korea
It will be the end of the West!
The amount of strong and capable men (i.e., REAL MEN) willing to fight to death in the West for a West that hates them is next to nothing!

Well, I guess I have to relocate then. ;)

Self-custody is now key...more than ever!
The writing is on the wall! coo-:!y
That registry, in case they implement it, must be a wet dream that has become reality for criminals. No searches in residential areas any longer, but direct online insight into someone's assets. Even if it is not public, there will always be corrupt officials who will provide access. I was already considering my departure from the EU, but now I really have to hurry doing so.
That registry, in case they implement it, must be a wet dream that has become reality for criminals. No searches in residential areas any longer, but direct online insight into someone's assets. Even if it is not public, there will always be corrupt officials who will provide access. I was already considering my departure from the EU, but now I really have to hurry doing so.
btw any bank clerk sitting in branch office has this power already
willing to fight to death in the West for a West
I've pointed out a few times, there's no point dying for a country in the West, for they are essentially corporations, and you are merely a barcode number, to be used and abused and then discarded, a better approach is to wear rain-coats (passports/residency) and move around based on your own interests.

You only need to look at Ukraine to see how a 'corporation' discards humans at the behest and interest of larger 'corporations' that have their claws in, for 'interests' in said land mass.

I routinely mock the arguments online ref Ukraine suing for peace for this reason, we all know 5-10m are dead, but they keep saying only 250k, so let them eat those words by saying and plying public pressure on social media to continue the fight for its only 250k dead and can send waves of millions of Ukrainians into Russia, sure they'll be slaughtered but they'll cause damage - basically mocking their lies till they reveal the emperor has no clothes.

So no, only a fucking moron will die for a corporation (country).
there's no point dying for a country in the West, for they are essentially corporations, and you are merely a barcode number
there's no point in dying for any country in the world, for they are essentially corporations, and you are merely a barcode number

There I fixed it for you. :)

Another potential consideration is to not be just a barcode number, connect and befriend influential people in politics.
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I've pointed out a few times, there's no point dying for a country in the West, for they are essentially corporations, and you are merely a barcode number, to be used and abused and then discarded, a better approach is to wear rain-coats (passports/residency) and move around based on your own interests.
Truer words have NEVER been spoken. ange¤%&
Believe it or not, Wall Street Bets and its spin-offs and this forum made this abundantly clearer for me.
The book "War Is a Racket" by Major General Smedley D. Butler was the beginning for me. Shoutout to the University president in the mid-80s, who lent me this book. I was just so brainwashed & indoctrinated then that it took lots of "debugging" decades to undo the programming damage done by other ignorant people while I was growing up and along the way. stupi#21 stupi#21 stupi#21

Also, NGL, I had heard the term debasement a lot of times. I know this definition by heart, but for some reason, it NEVER really "registered" in my brain until YOU explained it in a series of comments that were "Greek" to me. Then, I had to do a deep dive into what you meant. That was the "aha" moment of debasement for me. It finally "clicked." ;) - Thanks!

Thanks to all who helped along the way, too. There are too many of you here to list, but if you insist, I will dig you up from my diary! I have you all in a special section in my diary! You are all faceless heroes to me! coo-:!y

An amazing video I found during my deep dive is a 4-hour video vis-à-vis
essentially corporations, and you are merely a barcode number, to be used and abused and then discarded,
The video is super interesting, and I promise you all you won't be disappointed. It will explain why banks, EMIs, exchanges, and many other FIs are NOT allowing us, whether by design or by unintended consequences, to thrive doing even LEGAL business using their platforms. ;)

MEGA-CORP- Who really owns the world? And how big money bought the world and made you pay for it.

Good morning, and cheers to everyone!

there's no point in dying for any country in the world, for they are essentially corporations, and you are merely a barcode number
True! This is just to prove that a scumbag politician in North America, Europe, etc is as bad as one in a Soviet country, a Latin American country, Africa or Asia...
I would argue that the dictator is BETTER! As there is only so much damage ONLY one guy can inflict.

Another potential consideration is to not be just a barcode number, connect and befriend influential people in politics.
Really, really BAD idea! I have witnessed numerous "acquaintances and business associates" end up in prison or dead because of this folly!
This is the SURE way to end up Epsteined! Even if one has low morals, such a creature would NEVER have low morals enough to become part of that "cabal." hi%#
This POS war criminal made that abundantly clear:

PS. I witnessed this during the Noriega trials. Can't say much more about this because I'll doxx myself! hi%#
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Also, NGL, I had heard the term debasement a lot of times. I know this definition by heart, but for some reason, it NEVER really "registered" in my brain until YOU explained it in a series of comments that were "Greek" to me. Then, I had to do a deep dive into what you meant. That was the "aha" moment of debasement for me. It finally "clicked." ;) - Thanks!
Great to hear, i was always curious why we left meat on the table, and then it clicked i wasn't accounting for currency debasement over time, and went down that rabbit hole, was reinforced with others input overtime who'd also formulated how it occurred (currently its ATS driven, but will be re-driven by BS in the near term).
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That registry, in case they implement it, must be a wet dream that has become reality for criminals.

I can only imagine the damage a hack or dataleak from such a registry could do to peoples lives. Aint no fun when your neighbours know you got i.e precious metals in your house - enjoy your vacation and don't forget to turn on the alarm ;)
Truer words have NEVER been spoken. ange¤%&
Believe it or not, Wall Street Bets and its spin-offs and this forum made this abundantly clearer for me.
The book "War Is a Racket" by Major General Smedley D. Butler was the beginning for me. Shoutout to the University president in the mid-80s, who lent me this book. I was just so brainwashed & indoctrinated then that it took lots of "debugging" decades to undo the programming damage done by other ignorant people while I was growing up and along the way. stupi#21 stupi#21 stupi#21

Also, NGL, I had heard the term debasement a lot of times. I know this definition by heart, but for some reason, it NEVER really "registered" in my brain until YOU explained it in a series of comments that were "Greek" to me. Then, I had to do a deep dive into what you meant. That was the "aha" moment of debasement for me. It finally "clicked." ;) - Thanks!

Thanks to all who helped along the way, too. There are too many of you here to list, but if you insist, I will dig you up from my diary! I have you all in a special section in my diary! You are all faceless heroes to me! coo-:!y

An amazing video I found during my deep dive is a 4-hour video vis-à-vis

The video is super interesting, and I promise you all you won't be disappointed. It will explain why banks, EMIs, exchanges, and many other FIs are NOT allowing us, whether by design or by unintended consequences, to thrive doing even LEGAL business using their platforms. ;)

MEGA-CORP- Who really owns the world? And how big money bought the world and made you pay for it.

Good morning, and cheers to everyone!

True! This is just to prove that a scumbag politician in North America, Europe, etc is as bad as one in a Soviet country, a Latin American country, Africa or Asia...
I would argue that the dictator is BETTER! As there is only so much damage ONLY one guy can inflict.

Really, really BAD idea! I have witnessed numerous "acquaintances and business associates" end up in prison or dead because of this folly!
This is the SURE way to end up Epsteined! Even if one has low morals, such a creature would NEVER have low morals enough to become part of that "cabal." hi%#
This POS war criminal made that abundantly clear:
View attachment 7343

PS. I witnessed this during the Noriega trials. Can't say much more about this because I'll doxx myself! hi%#
They are all "elected" but in rougher countries these dictators can end up being executed if they are caught cheating their people; In Eu we are stuck with bloodlines of useless kings and queens and corrupt governments.
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Perhaps another way to look at it, they are all talking about war within 3-5 yrs with China, Russia, Iran, North Korea (etc) and they are doing a pre-accounting for asset confiscation for liquidation for the war effort.
What makes you think there is going to be a war?

Property prices crash during war periods (see Ukraine)
Where do you get your info from?
Land prices in west ukraine doubled thanks to the war based on a random ukranian farmer i talked to who sold his land
Look around you and follow some geopolitical experts with ear(s) in the room(s) of Governance.
Why would they want a war? Please tell me how this benefits them because I don't understand. They have been optimizing their own farm for 120+ years to maximize exploitation of their cattle.

Moody summarizes his findings, adding up the capitalizations of all the Trusts he references in his book; a total of 445 Trusts that cover pretty much everything one can imagine as “productive” in our society. The total capitalization comes to $20,879,162,551. He shows that a great deal of it is ultimately controlled by the Rockefeller’s and Morgan’s, but The Trust includes several of the other “old money” family names as well. There’s du Pont, Vanderbilt, Harriman, Carnegie, and Rothschild, to name but a few. I only stop there because the list is kinda long, and each of those families plays large connecting parts in the “history you were never taught in school”

To gain an appreciation for how much of American Industry The Trust controlled at the time (according to Moody), the nominal GDP in 1904 when this was put out was $25,928,000,000.... This puts the Rockefeller-Morgan control/ownership/influence as high as 80% of GDP by 1904


For just the 39 trustees of the National Bank of Commerce, they had Board of Directorships controlling $18.1B of assets; 52% of GDP. And that’s just looking at the top level industry. That’s not complete. That’s just one bank’s BoD.

Source: welcometothemachine dot co