If Austrians were pushing back they would not have a top rate of personal income tax of 55%. If you work and the state earns more than you then that is theft at best and exploitation at worse. Your basically working for the government but without government employee benefits. Yes you have to earn over 1m to get that tax rate [55%] but even if you earn between 99k-1m you pay 50% tax rate. Naturally this unfairness goes unnoticed as most people don't earn that much there but one day they might.
In general when it comes to EU if your poor, struggling or a migrant its a paradise. If your rich and can make use of slowly fading tax schemes available it can also be a paradise for now until they close those schemes down. Long term the region is doomed if it does not change course and slow down ever closer integration of countries. They need to give people time to adjust to the rapid changes and pause on endlessly increasing EU directives.
But yes the EU will start confiscating assets via exit taxes including assets of those that decide in the future to try to escape the EU sadly. It will also freeze assets of those who oppose the system i.e by labeling them as spreading disinformation or a Russian, Chinese or Iranian agent etc... Wait and see.....

Appears they are going forward with it.
- wellington
- Replies: 38
- Forum: Let's talk body