Yep.alright, so any chances to get the money back? e.g. to transfer to personal/corporate bank account or so? any references/similar cases in the past?
I don't think you see your money again but I also thought this about Mister Tango when they had big problems but after a while I got my money back.
I don't want to defend yet another EMI with Russian ties... however this is really evil from the side of FCA. Basically what they want it for ePayments to lose any useful functionality and become a dumb account that cannot do anything.
You must file a complaint here:
Ombudsman Services: Here to Help You Resolve Your Complaint
Expect to get your money in 6 months. I did it for the same kind of EMI 'viabuy'. They transferred my money at some point.
Sad point is they are allowed to return client money but they are simply choosing not too...why?
How about another perspective? FCA has the power to force epayments not to refuse withdrawal of client funds... why are they choosing not to?
who is? auditors?