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BTC is also closely correlated with the S&P 500 which further proves the point that in practice it's not even remotely close to "digital gold" as the "experts" like to call it.
With that one statement you discounted anything you stated

S&P has been flat against currency debasement but risen nominally Since 2013.

Nasdaq has out performed currency debasement by 6% per annum on average.

Bitcoin much more.
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Perhaps you need to do research not grab articles from the internet

You earnestly believe we in the macro space are involved in Bitcoin if it’s correlated to the S&P which doesn’t offer the returns we can get sitting in the Nasdaq 100?

97% (I have at 96.6%) SPX movements can be explained by G5 Balance Sheets (96.6% is based on Leading Economies Balance Sheets).

ReFinance Cycles are every 3.5-5yr periods

When the Re-Fi cycles are running through the debasement (print the difference -> add it to the CB Balance Sheet) to service the interest and shortfall -> prices of US Assets (and G7 in general) rise in line (as its coordinated debasement).

Only one Central Bank doesn't hold US Debt as its main instrument (i.e the UK holds and the Treasury underwrites any losses for the UK) -> that's Switzerland which holds Nasdaq100 positions.

Debasement makes optically scarcer assets rise, US for example went through a buyback frenzy in 2016 and IPO's are predominantly near zero.

Variable supply assets such as Commodities don't rise with this process, they follow the current existing business cycle

Earnings don't rise in line with assets as they are variable, they rise in line with M2 Growth, which in line rises with CB Balance Sheets... (see US Money Supply M2 Index v S&P500 Earnings Indexed).

P/E's no longer do 'priced-earnings', but represent monetary indicators - see G4 CB Sheets vs. US M2 -> lined up against S&P500 12 Month Forward P/E

See G4 CB Sheets vs US M2 -18- Month x DXY forward

then run G4 Balance Sheet vs US M2 - 3 month lead x Bitcoin.

Then as you have forward run against India (new - emerging) credit impulse, and China Credit Impulse against ISM, ISM inverted with 22 month lead, 22month lead against G7 Balance Sheets and you then have a 3 year outlook to follow the trend off.

Only Nasdaq 100, Bitcoin outperforms both historically, and into the future.

You can tip me a coffee when @JohnLocke gets round to adding that functionality, if however you don't understand whats composed above, and not able to put it together, it's probably not wise trying to tell people this or that about x will do this or y is just speculation, as it's "basic math" (FTX meme) but reality (complex) but indisputable.

It's 7 am here so off for that coffee and walk the cat
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This discussion went in a totally different direction. The website is back up now, has anyone tried it yet? The website is onlyfake.org for those who don't know, they have bought some new domains aswell.