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End of KYC?

Yes, now that Elon Musk has received permission to implant the first chip into a human, one can only dread what the future holds for our children.

If we're very lucky, as the oldest generation, we'll get to experience the glory of being brain-dead monkeys controlled by governments and state powers worldwide. Oh, I'm just incredibly excited - Terminator 4 2030 real life!
the whole AI wave, despite being undisputably impressive, smells a bit ".com bubblish".... nevertheless it will nicely expose all this bulls**t dysfunctional regulations and speed up the end of obsolete professions like teachers, translators, content creators and graphic designers

I fear more the regulation it will trigger then the AI itself
Website is under maintenance. Creators say it's not AI but an advanced image editor and that they do not want malicious app usage. For that reason they will implement some measures to prevent bad actors, meaning that they will ask for information such as phone numbers etc. This looks and smells like a honeypot and I hope it is a honeypot, this is, as some would say, overpowered.

I'm sure now that AI is around something like this will show up but apparently, this one isn't it. And most platforms ask for a live video.
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the whole AI wave, despite being undisputably impressive, smells a bit ".com bubblish".... nevertheless it will nicely expose all this bulls**t dysfunctional regulations and speed up the end of obsolete professions like teachers, translators, content creators and graphic designers

I fear more the regulation it will trigger then the AI itself
dunno about you but I'm using chat gpt for a lot of daily tasks.

it helps with even sorting products when I'm shopping online, just dump all data and tell chat gpt to sort products by their size. no need to clean data or arrange it in a proper format, everything is automatic. bam I see all results instantly and save a lot of time choosing.

furthermore it helps a lot in engineering tasks when I need it to quickly summarize documentation and get the relevant information.

so from my perspective its pretty useful technology and worth all the hype it gets.

People said for years that KYC doesn't work as intended, because those who want to bypass will do it anyway.
I have a feeling governments will use these examples to setup some new controlled service where they can approve one by one which financial service a citizen will gain access to.

...and here we go....:rolleyes:

PS. Somebody got the call rof/%
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Website is under maintenance. Creators say it's not AI but an advanced image editor and that they do not want malicious app usage. For that reason they will implement some measures to prevent bad actors, meaning that they will ask for information such as phone numbers etc. This looks and smells like a honeypot and I hope it is a honeypot, this is, as some would say, overpowered.

I'm sure now that AI is around something like this will show up but apparently, this one isn't it. And most platforms ask for a live video.
Won't it be a matter of time until someone recreates it and just publishes it on GitHub? :D
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Prepare for a world of going off-grid... find a holdout where digital is being controlled on its infiltration in to the state...

In 2016 when it came out about Cambridge Analytica and the US election, I started to come to the realisation on the technologies we'd created internally (similar to say the least but purposed for other uses) in 2019 i had a crisis of concience / breakdown knowing the technologies i'd created from 2013 onwards in the wrong hands could be dangerous, and there were other people out there with similar technologies and the damage they were causing.

In 2021 I accepted there was no turning back and started looking for redundancies on top of redundancies and a means of flight from what will be the dystopian end to Western Civilisation.

Ultimately hard assets, and attachments to places with land-bridges across continents, and finally a means to the South Pacific for when the worst rears its head.

Just my view - been in 'AI' officially since 2001 and recognised for AI on the top political world stage (UN) advocating for AI for good... that same good is now being pushed for dystopian use cases (surveillance, control etc).
from the same groups
Which ones? Years ago it was the Bilderberg, then the Trilateral Comission or whatever, today it is the WEF (which funnily enough has been around all this time).

I'm not saying it's not happening, because it is, but I would like to find out the exact specific groups and names. Don't forget some people claim even Klaus Schwab is a puppet and a frontman.

Research on AI has been going on for the past 30-40 years, there is nothing new about it. Same for crypto/digital money.

Of course AI will be exploited by the governments, just like you can use a gun to hunt but also to kill civillians/suppress protests or whatever. But that is just human nature, there is nothing conspiratorial about it.
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Which ones? Years ago it was the Bilderberg, then the Trilateral Comission or whatever, today it is the WEF (which funnily enough has been around all this time).

I'm not saying it's not happening, because it is, but I would like to find out the exact specific groups and names. Don't forget some people claim even Klaus Schwab is a puppet and a frontman.

Research on AI has been going on for the past 30-40 years, there is nothing new about it. Same for crypto/digital money.

Of course AI will be exploited by the governments, just like you can use a gun to hunt but also to kill civillians/suppress protests or whatever. But that is just human nature, there is nothing conspiratorial about it.
If a group puts crypto into the world with the narrative its an anti establishment monetary system where in reality its a testnet and a marketing so the acceptance will raise in the public for virtual money than this is conspirartorial because the endgoal is to implement CBDC's which was not long ago like 20 years ago a know fact that this would be a bankers wet dream and nearly noone would ever accept virtual money.Have a look today.How powerfull greed is that people are going to enslave themself for a few midterm profits.
I remember at the beginning of BTC when i got the information who stands behind BTC and its the preparation for CBDC's NOONE would accept that BTC will lead to CBDC's but that BTC is an anti establishment monetary system to kill the FED which is total nonsense if you know what they can do to stop BTC and yes BTC can be stopped its not a big deal but people just don't get it.BTC was never really blocked by governments other than verbal.Try to open a slithest alternative monetary system with only 500 participants and you will see how quickly you will have secret service in front of your door.

Groups have diffrent kind of goals but they also cowork like in crypto.Crypto is a product of the CIA which is being supported by big banks like JPM who are in crypto since 2010.
Groups like Schwab are nothing else like a frontend telling their slaves how to execute it.People in Davos have no real power.They only hold high positions for a limited time.

CBDC's will be in two categories.
One for the citizens
and one for a specific entity which will receive CBDC's which won't have the BS like the ones for citizens
  • Wow
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Jerry you can laugh as much as you want.Thats basicly what i do when i see how naive some people here are who still belive in the fairy tail history from school of real democracy and free markets or the articles from news which are not educating but creating a specific desired mind set.
Do i know who satoshi is ?Not personly just that he is a worker for a service.

No one claimed BTC being anti FED ?Yeah you must have been sleeping the last decade.

I worked with the top programers in this industry and project leaders.All know BTC is a trojan horse but still prefer to keep with it for their personal gain.
I remember at the beginning of BTC when i got the information who stands behind BTC and its the preparation for CBDC's NOONE would accept that BTC will lead to CBDC's but that BTC is an anti establishment monetary system to kill the FED which is total nonsense if you know what they can do to stop BTC and yes BTC can be stopped its not a big deal but people just don't get it.BTC was never really blocked by governments other than verbal.Try to open a slithest alternative monetary system with only 500 participants and you will see how quickly you will have secret service in front of your door.
Gonna have to call BS on this.

Been in Bitcoin both as a user and as a Developer in the space, stemming back to the very early days...

First used Bitcoin for transactional use was early 2010, to put into perspective, it's core use case back then was transactional use, i.e buying something from a merchant, either on Surface Web (semi - legitimate to legitimate services) or Dark Web (semi-legitimate to illegitimate services).

For myself (or rather company) it was for exploit kits for testing clients systems (white hat).

The method into which one bought it back then was archaic, and a nuisance and full of centralized data archival points that provided mapping, i.e One would top money up on Paypal (this was the period before instant or near instant transactions, i.e could take 3 days, then go to virwox (Hungarian exchange around the time) deposit funds (time to deposit again UP-TO 3 days) then buy what is arguably the first stablecoin but non-blockchain - linden dollars/ linden-bucks which is today equivalent to wallet on a centralised server, then one could exchange LD to BTC and withdraw, all said and done it was over a week or under a week averaged.

That was the Bitcoin payment offering, it solved purchases which could not be open account (i.e on the clear net -> and via traditional banking means as parties operating in the black-hat world couldn't openly sell their exploit kits behind digital backdoors on the clear net to the public).

Now of-course there was other purposes but that was the way Bitcoin operated then, as a failed payment vehicle that makes chokepoint 2.0 look like childs play.

It was never sold or even discussed by the market as a Investment, a Hedge, a Payment System, but purely for the grey/black marketplace.

There was never any CIA/NSA/etc involvement in the development space either, just script kiddies, excited or intrigued cyper-phunks, and a lot of the narratives that have since sprung was around the fact that Bitcoin has ourpaced debasement in its own cycles which are aligned with re-fi cycles, a lot of what you see today stemmed from 2016/17 refi cycle and then the covid mass debasement cycle, a similar cycle occurs this year and another one 2028 onwards - Bitcoin / crypto follows that and the narrative coincides with it.

Everything else is just technologies created off the innovation occurring in the space - namely the Web3 side.

A CBDC for example wasn’t achievable until ETH and even then there were constraints that have gradually been ironed out but are not completely resolved - ironically it’s the XRP ledger clone the government would be best utilizing for a CBDC but need aspects of the smart contract EVM system so they don’t have to recreate the wheel constantly and ETH has been allowed to continue to develop because of the innovation occurring onchain and on secondary etc chains.

Ironically it’s Tron that has become the chain of commerce/transactions and that is not controlled by the US (Ripple/Consensus and other companies) hence not surprising it was targeted.

Bitcoin on the other hand is unsuited to the activities required for a CBDC unless it’s a settlement later (final settlement for states) secondary protocols sitting on top of would be ideal but then you’d have issues of not being able to control funds / flow -and competing with it, whereas Ethereum via consensus and other western based protocols for the protocol can be leaned upon.

Solana as a American company that could be a real solution to the US needs both domestic (civilian, commercial, state) and international (same as above) that can be co-opted to the US interests likewise has been given breathing room.
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Do i know who satoshi is ?Not personly just that he is a worker for a service.
So first it was a "group", then it's was the CIA, and now it's an individual working for a "service". Mate you're just spewing out nonsense.

No one claimed BTC being anti FED ?Yeah you must have been sleeping the last decade.
Yes, exactly. As per the whitepaper the purpose of Bitcoin is digital cash. The exact quote is "peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution". It's literally the first sentence in the pdf.

The fact that some conspiracy autists on 4chan claim it was designed to "circumvent" the Fed doesn't mean anything. Even if it was (and it wasn't, as the project would be totally different in that case), it has been taken over by Blockstream and has been going in the wrong direction for quite some time now.

The goals of Bitcoin were fast and cheap transactions at a time when banks, PayPals, Western Unions were charging crazy high fees for international transfers, which were to make things worse also extremely slow. Traditional finance has since caught up and now you have SEPA and FedNow which is near instant and costs significantly less than a Bitcoin transaction, with zero volatility.

In fact Bitcoin has been obsolete for a while now and nowadays it's just about price speculation. Even as a technology it has been made obsolete by various other coins which are cheaper, faster, more secure and more private.
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Gonna have to call BS on this.

Been in Bitcoin both as a user and as a Developer in the space, stemming back to the very early days...

First used Bitcoin for transactional use was early 2010, to put into perspective, it's core use case back then was transactional use, i.e buying something from a merchant, either on Surface Web (semi - legitimate to legitimate services) or Dark Web (semi-legitimate to illegitimate services).

For myself (or rather company) it was for exploit kits for testing clients systems (white hat).

The method into which one bought it back then was archaic, and a nuisance and full of centralized data archival points that provided mapping, i.e One would top money up on Paypal (this was the period before instant or near instant transactions, i.e could take 3 days, then go to virwox (Hungarian exchange around the time) deposit funds (time to deposit again UP-TO 3 days) then buy what is arguably the first stablecoin but non-blockchain - linden dollars/ linden-bucks which is today equivalent to wallet on a centralised server, then one could exchange LD to BTC and withdraw, all said and done it was over a week or under a week averaged.

That was the Bitcoin payment offering, it solved purchases which could not be open account (i.e on the clear net -> and via traditional banking means as parties operating in the black-hat world couldn't openly sell their exploit kits behind digital backdoors on the clear net to the public).

Now of-course there was other purposes but that was the way Bitcoin operated then, as a failed payment vehicle that makes chokepoint 2.0 look like childs play.

It was never sold or even discussed by the market as a Investment, a Hedge, a Payment System, but purely for the grey/black marketplace.

There was never any CIA/NSA/etc involvement in the development space either, just script kiddies, excited or intrigued cyper-phunks, and a lot of the narratives that have since sprung was around the fact that Bitcoin has ourpaced debasement in its own cycles which are aligned with re-fi cycles, a lot of what you see today stemmed from 2016/17 refi cycle and then the covid mass debasement cycle, a similar cycle occurs this year and another one 2028 onwards - Bitcoin / crypto follows that and the narrative coincides with it.

Everything else is just technologies created off the innovation occurring in the space - namely the Web3 side.

A CBDC for example wasn’t achievable until ETH and even then there were constraints that have gradually been ironed out but are not completely resolved - ironically it’s the XRP ledger clone the government would be best utilizing for a CBDC but need aspects of the smart contract EVM system so they don’t have to recreate the wheel constantly and ETH has been allowed to continue to develop because of the innovation occurring onchain and on secondary etc chains.

Ironically it’s Tron that has become the chain of commerce/transactions and that is not controlled by the US (Ripple/Consensus and other companies) hence not surprising it was targeted.

Bitcoin on the other hand is unsuited to the activities required for a CBDC unless it’s a settlement later (final settlement for states) secondary protocols sitting on top of would be ideal but then you’d have issues of not being able to control funds / flow -and competing with it, whereas Ethereum via consensus and other western based protocols for the protocol can be leaned upon.

Solana as a American company that could be a real solution to the US needs both domestic (civilian, commercial, state) and international (same as above) that can be co-opted to the US interests likewise has been given breathing room.
I'll also add to this.

I previously had a very good friend and partner (parted in different directions) which worked for CSIS and as far as I am aware still works with them via his company, as off 2016/2017 his company, himself was 'very new' to Crypto and Bitcoin had been dismissed around 2014/15 for security reasons... (though had heard of Bitcoin) and it was only during the ICO era did he take an interest via his company doing security audits.

Up until 2018 they were still meeting people in person to collect exploit kits, i had lunch after he was discharged in Singapore after a exchange went wrong and he ended up stabbed, but getting out otherwise ok, minus a kit, the reason these hands-offs were in-person was because of the following.

1) Millions in funds transactions (i.e commercial/state paying via external commercial entities).
2) Bitcoin was no longer trusted in the black market due to is traceability (semi autonomous).

It was only with the scaling out of stablecoins, the growth in the exchanges and the smart-contract side of the industry exploding allowing atomic/bridges etc that crypto has survived, and this has enabled a grey/black market to scale around the development of the space, rife speculation and multitudes of scams.

In the middle of that is some real infrastructure developments which enables the Government to get greater surveillance/control mechanisms.

Yes, exactly. As per the whitepaper the purpose of Bitcoin is digital cash. The exact quote is "peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution". It's literally the first sentence in the pdf.
As i highlighted above, it took about a week to onboard into the bitcoin protocol, so as cash its early days was a failure, it's success was adoption through payments that couldn't go through the clear-net due to the idea for privacy (which was semi-autonomous), but as not policed as heavily (smaller fish) allowed it to grow in awareness (falsely) as such.

The goals of Bitcoin were fast and cheap transactions at a time when banks, PayPals, Western Unions were charging crazy high fees for international transfers, which were to make things worse also extremely slow. Traditional finance has since caught up and now you have SEPA and FedNow which is near instant and costs significantly less than a Bitcoin transaction, with zero volatility.
But again you had to move funds from bank to Paypal (or equivalent) then Paypal to exchange (or equivalent) and then exchange to Linden Dollars or Native BTC if there was an exchange, and then Linden Dollars (if not Native BTC) to Bitcoin then withdraw.

to put into perspective you lost around 3-7% doing that lol

In fact Bitcoin has been obsolete for a while now and nowadays it's just about price speculation. Even as a technology it has been made obsolete by various other coins which are cheaper, faster, more secure and more private.
This is categorically wrong from a math position, its cycles are re-fi cycles, which are on the leading side (liquidity cycles) hence it front runs, in addition, it's volatility is driven by it's low supply and demand during those cycles (wealth begets wealth, until it doesn't).

It's basically the fastest horse in the race and recognised as that by the 08 fund managers drop-outs who trade their own book these days (stallions are routinely killed on the shop floor) so the few millions they earned they need to keep tapping onto so play the markets, and well there was one asset class that outperformed all else but also outperformed currency debasement (socialised losses protecting the baby boomers so they can have a good retirement, and also pass something down - even if it's value is just nominal / optical wealth).
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and well there was one asset class that outperformed all else but also outperformed currency debasement
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
This is categorically wrong from a math position, its cycles are re-fi cycles, which are on the leading side (liquidity cycles) hence it front runs, in addition, it's volatility is driven by it's low supply and demand during those cycles (wealth begets wealth, until it doesn't).
It's speculation and a pump and dump. There is hardly any utility behind it anymore. Normies buy in when they see the price going up and then the whales do a rugpull on them.

BTC is also closely correlated with the S&P 500 which further proves the point that in practice it's not even remotely close to "digital gold" as the "experts" like to call it.
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